What finally made you quit?

Congrats, go there if you want. I am seeing things from other people’s perspectives to gauge against my own.

I even grinded MR comp. Just to grab that moon knight skin. I haven’t played comp Overwatch all of ow2. I thought I was sick of comp. But yesterday I grinded bronze to gold and am sitting with an around 70% winrate and now I want to just keep grinding comp. I genuinely thought I hated competition in games until yesterday.

Go where?

Who really knows anymore, I just responded that you should go to reddit if this thread bothers you at all.

i can see that but there are people who linger to try and bring everyone down or convince them to quit as well. i mean then that is kind of sad… if i hated a game i wouldnt be on its community or social space to tell everyone that they should not have fun heh


Seems like you are the one bothered here. So I will leave you to it.

Just like if devs cared about overwatch they’d stop the conversations in here. :joy:

Sadly, my two main heroes get banned a lot in comp. So I am having to learn a lot of other heroes to fall back on.

Hawkeye and Mantis getting both banned is always wild to me.

Not my intention, people can play what they want. I just want to see why other people who quit, quit for.


I’ve been mostly playing groot and mantis. A little Loki if someone picks mantis first. And namor if I’m graced with a dps game or if we need turrets to deal with dive/flanks.

I don’t think I’ll ever quit overwatch completely. I’ve been playing the open beta for OW1 and I still love the game despite all of the flaws. I don’t play it as much as I used to, especially after Rivals came out but I still play it from time to time.

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My gaming mouse failed. Not gonna wear out my primary mouse playing overwatch.

If matchmaker worked worth a damn, I’d get a new one, but it doesn’t, so I won’t.

8 years loyal to Overwatch. I think I can talk about MR here. Also if it was a “Overwatch killed MR” situation Y’all would all talk about it and how funny its death was. So bummer.

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Mantis is so fun, haven’t played tanks much yet. I just either support with Mantis, Luna, or Cloak and Dagger, or play Hawkeye.

I started with the beta of OW1 as well, but I can’t anymore. The entire game feels like running into an elementary school full of nothing but mountain dew hopped up gremlins who can’t handle something being slightly unfair to them.

I would laugh at it, but I spent a lot in OW1, and it’d just hurt me, and they brought it on themselves.

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I haven’t quit recently, but way back in the day, Moth Meta made me quit until it ended.

Took season 13 off. Too many friends I played with had quit and with the shortened season the battle pass felt like a chore.

Came back for season 14 and really didn’t care for the meta and the overall balance. Played a few games and stopped playing.

Came back again for 6v6 and have been enjoying it. Will probably drop out again when 6v6 leaves.

Just not enjoying how things are going for the main game right now.


Damn you jumped ship early.

It’s just a sad situation, and fall. From GOTY to… This.


Reworks killed it for me.

I haven’t quit fully because I’m trying to get limited rewards, but like

I’m bored. I get about 2 minutes into a match and regret starting a game. The event missions are GRINDY (30,000 damage using skills when half the cast don’t have damaging skills at all). We’ve had the same Winter event for 7 years in a row.


I prefer MR’s event over OW2’s Winter Wonderland for that exact reason. It’s something different.

Nah insulting people here is like one of my favorite hobbies cuz they 100% deserve it lol. I have nothing important to lose.