What exactly does MMR mean?

the title says it all.

its a vaccine for immunization to some diseases caused by viruses

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Matchmaker Rating. The hidden number the game uses to match you with specific other players with a certain MMR

Some ppl like me believe they intentionally fix your matches so you steamroll a few games, and suddenly you see the matchmaker take your team’s best players and put on enemy team and enemy team gives you their worst players and then its your turn to get steamrolled

Some ppl like me believe the matchmaker forces 50% winrate for as many people as possible like this

/tinfoil hat


Match Making Rating.

It’s a number that is assigned to you based on your past performance to try to find other players that have performed similarly in order to get matches that are as fair as possible.

(Personal rant inc)

In Overwatch, it’s complete garbage because they let people group up in any number across a massive 1000 SR (ex. gold to diamond) and then the match making system somehow tries to compensate for this and it’s usually a steam roll one way or the other.

Why do people consider this forced losses? If you play with the same people it’s supposed to mix up the teams to see which players continue to win and climb and which players were carried.

As others stated, it stands for MatchMaker Rating.

Also, ignore as others have said, there is no forced wins or enforced 50% winrate. The matchmaker doesn’t always do the best job - every piece of software based on heuristics will inevitably have issues, but the conspiracies that suggest they force you into losses is baseless and quite honestly a really stupid concept since it literally benefits nobody.

Its not forced loses per say. More like if you start performing outside of where the system thinks you are supposed to be it will challenge you far more than it should. Resulting in you not getting fairly rewarded for a win and severely punished for a loss in attempt to keep you where it thinks you belong. Whether or not you have actually improved seems to play a major part in how the system treats you.

It doesn’t not attempt to keep you anywhere. You’re placed in matches that it believes you have a 50% chance of winning (which is not to be confused with forcing you to a 50% winrate).

As you win matches you will be placed against more skilled opponents, and of course the opposite as you lose. Win and loss streaks are just a combination of that algorithm along with some luck and huge diversity in the players you get who are not always skilled at the same things.

Once you’ve settled into an elo on your account any deviation away from the 50% win rate is viewed as a deviation by the system which then attempts to correct that deviation with shenanigans instead of letting you naturally settle into a new elo with a new 50% ratio.

I think that essentially the process through which this happens is faulty and therefore results in what appears to be forced wins and losses and an abritrary looking 50% winrate.

You’d expect that, as you keep winning, you face slightly better opponents gradually. But it doesn’t seem to do this, otherwise long streaks would be much less common than they are. It looks like instead the matchmaker keeps matchmaking you with and against similar players until you get out of a certain bracket and then it suddenly jumps to the next bracket (or the previous in case of losses).

Like, never noticed how you can go on win streaks where you barely have to do anything to win and suddenly it switches over to loss streaks where you get utterly destroyed?

And then there’s the other matter that the matchmaking might actually be adjusting your MMR too strongly with each game, which consequently also makes streaks more likely. You can even see it in QP or the arcade sometimes (for a moment ignoring those wack games that have silvers and masters in the same match). You’re playing against golds and plats for the first 5 or so games, okay nothing special. You happen to win those 5 games, maybe some due to random chance and, boom, next game already has diamond and master in the mix. Conversely you happen to lose those games instead and boom, you’re fighting silvers. That’s way too big of a difference for only 5 games.

This will happen if they make it so that wins and losses have a smaller impact over time. Any decent matchmaker is going to be designed to find and adjust MMR on a new account quickly to reduce the problem with things such as smurfing. However afterwards it would be foolish to constantly make large adjustments cause it will drastically amplify the problem people already complain about where they are put into highly unfair matches and stomp or get stomped.

This is why new accounts may tend to place higher because they can more quickly get to where they were, whereas you may have to work harder to get there on your existing account. But you’d be able to if you put in the time.

These are just symptoms of the matchmaker not being as ideal as people would like, and not in any way indicative of purposely keeping you somewhere. The idea that they lock you in somewhere and then view deviations of 50% as bad is just silly and makes no sense from a design perspective. As a software developer I would be laughed at for proposing something as detrimental as this. It would be like if NVIDIA’s GPUs detected your average framerate was 100fps and you’ve been at 120fps for too long so they’re gonna throttle you down to 90fps for a while.

Mixed Martial Rats!!!

Side effects are rage and self loathing.