What even are placement matches?

Knowing enough…is knowing you don’t know enough… Neil degrasse.

If you’re going to quote a scientist, let’s make it one that isn’t know to be so far up his own backside that he can see his tonsils

Yeah…let’s get a flat earthers instead…

They’d be funnier and probably less egotistical. I’m all for it if you can find one that isn’t braindead

Sarcasm is lost on you.

Should we quote feynmann…oh let me guess you don’t like scientist that appear in the media…

No mate, it’s just your attempt at sarcasm was both uninspired and just not worth acknowledging so I called you out on it. But you’re boring me now. I gave evidence to support mmr not affecting placements and you refused to acknowledge it while offering no evidence in return. Good luck with your games.

Yeah…the moment you wrote…

I saw you as close minded…which to me means you don’t rely on facts to make a case…just emotion.

You can argue that the facts are biased and present an alternate fact…but as related to context of thread we still don’t know the underlying algorithms. Until we do… everything is just speculation.

Interesting considering that was after you’re initial close minded comment but sure.
And sure, it’s nothing but speculation but you were making false statements and claiming they were facts. I offering my evidence that went against you’re baseless argument. Should be bring up the fact that you failed to notice decay was removed? How can the evidence-less argument of someone who failed to notice a change that happened when a massive overhaul of the ranked system came it? You dated your own understanding with one simple statement.

Ahh I see they removed Sr decay in July 2019 for upper ranks my bad. Could have just posted an article ez pz.


This person states:
"You are matched based on your MMR or match making rankings not your SR/level.

MMR is a combination of personal skill + win/loss + win loss streaks.

MMR affects how much SR you gain/lose at the end of a match. If your MMR is lower than the MMR for that SR tier should be. you will lose more points. The system is trying to drop you down to a MMR range closer to yours so you will lose more SR per loss. If your MMR is higher than the MMR for that SR tier should be. you will gain more points. The system is trying to push you up to a MMR range closer to yours so you will gain more SR per win. Winning and losing games IN A ROW also affects MMR. It essentially adds like a bonus for every additional game you win/loss in a row allowing your MMR to climb/drop faster.

The SR averages between 2 teams also impacts a small portion of how much SR is gained/loss at the end of a game.

Essentially the determining factors to SR gain/loss are: Your MMR + your win/loss + win/loss streak + SR averages."

Is that the answer you were looking for?

Not at all. Not only am i not looking for an answer, nothing that you quoted in that article supports your argument. All it does it state that mmr affects sr gained, things that have been near common knowledge for years at this point. Nowhere does it mention placements.

You don’t see that affecting placements? Please, explain the thought process?

Placements are pointless once you have ranked. Can I magically get out of bronze thru placements. NO! So why do them?

My thought process is based on the evidence I’ve given. If mmr affected the sr change during placements then I would not have gotten 10sr per win. Why? Because my mmr should be that of a masters level support, that is only made stronger by the fact that I won 87% of my games to get there. The reason I bring up my winrate is to show that mmr is either inaccurate or it has no effect on placements.

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Or that their are other factors for which you cannot account.

Such as?
Unless you have any other counter arguments I can only suggest you stop arguing for a point with nothing supporting it.
I’m sure there is more than we know that goes into it but until we know how it works the best we can do is go off what we have. That’s what I did. Unfortunately, you did not.

Other players sr’s…the differences in your team’s Sr vs enemy teams Sr…your performance to those of your peers at your rank in your role… Length of games, types of game modes, times you spent on fire…medals, xp recieved per game…your career averages and your performance comparison.

Your kdr, elim to dmg ratio, elim average comparative to ending season., Dmg average to “”, etc

During placements players don’t have sr.

Performance based on a peer in the same rank is performance based sr. I was in an applicable rank for one game when the account initially placed last season. It would have no impact.

Length of the game shouldn’t matter. Some game modes are faster than other.

Being on fire is a false measurement of impact. If that had an impact they need to rethink how the system works.

Kdr means nothing in this game. I could trade myself as support for their main tank and arguably get value from that despite the fact I went 1:1.

Damage to elim ratio? As in the percentage of damage dealt when someone is killed? As a support player how does that affect me? What about tanks? Does that take healing the target received into account? How long is the window of damage dealt being considered a contributing factor to the kill?

As it has been said MULTIPLE TIMES ACROSS THE FORUMS, YOUTUBE AND OTHER MEDIA, Ur mmr decides what rank u placed, and the mmr takes into acount ur last 100 or so games. If u played like dog sh… For the Last 90 of 100 games and in the last 10 u played well do u think the system will classify that as getting better or a statistical anomaly?

As it has been said MULTIPLE TIMES ACROSS THE FORUMS, YOUTUBE AND OTHER MEDIA, Ur mmr decides what rank u placed, and the mmr takes into acount ur last 100 or so games.

Why you write in caps? Do you think it makes you smarter?
Blizzard said nothing.
Read this How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 20)
and especially the part: “But I just read this post from a developer, and it said matchmaking is based on SR, not MMR”

Officially Blizzard posted bits and you are not in the position to be all high and mighty.

Just hate people knowing it all and using caps.

They need to reset every season. I’m stuck in silver no matter what I do because I play solo. The leavers and trolls in the placement matches are ridiculous, not to mention the smurfs. It’s a mess.