What does Sym even do?

Widow is suppose to be able to kill from a distance, Tracer and Sombra are suppose to flank and take out the backline, Mei is suppose to create space and block off enemies. The question remains, what is Sym good at? She’s barely area denial because she has less turrets and cant shield gen or tp from spawn, she cant flank, she cant stay in frontlines, so…what is her niche? Does she even have one anymore? She seems like a messy mix of random abilities.


Being a spam hero like junkrat


Her spam isnt on Junks level though


who knows at this point


She kinda just is there. You know doing things that generally are not threatening.


good point


Well, her turrets are good for finding out when the other team is trying to flank when they start killing them. When played right, her teleporter can sneak other characters behind the other team to surprise them. And when she finally gets her shield it can be useful.

Ummm… give me a while to think of some others. :wink:

She is definitely a spam hero like Junkrat, although with a slightly different kit. She can do alot of things, like her right-click is spam thru the choke or tight sightlines. Her turrets are a huge annoyance for enemy squishies, and can be placed either in the choke or to help defend your Ana/Zenyatta backline.

She has a varied kit. It seems to me to get best results actually attacking on 2cp, and not quite as good at defending. But overall its meant to be a varied package that is hopefully versatile in a wide range of circumstances.

A great tester to see if the report button works


Well if she’s got a good rein to help her get close enough to the enemy rein/orisa shields, she’s a pretty good barrier/tank melter.


To annoy the forums.


“Boom, headshot” :rofl:

1st point attack,TP on the point,then switch.

woW tHe REwoRk DoNE sO muCh

Oh you also get free avoid slots


Symm’s niche is a teleport bot your owl team into high ground.


Oh ok so by the looks of it, she doesnt do anything. Seems legit


lol her playstyle just makes no sense.


She can do something,everyone else can do it better though

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She’s a worse Zarya, a worse Reaper, and a worse Sombra.

If you want to slowly peel for your team while kind-of tankbusting if left alone while also slightly slowing down the enemy if they don’t shoot your turrets, Symmetra is the hero for you.

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She’s very wishy washy. Her kit on paper should close the gap, but she herself can’t close the gap. She’s not good for ranged dmg, and while she can deal good melee dmg once charged, she has to somehow survive while having abysmal survivability.

And she herself counters no one, but is hard countered by a lot of heroes…

She randomly has a support ult, which is a very good ult don’t get me wrong, it’s just weird in her already wishy washy kit.

I think she is underrated, as well as underpowered. If you can aim and have good game sense, her primary fire is what makes her a threat.

Her niche is teleporting high ground bunker starts. (Second point of Hanamurra)
As well as suprise teleporting strats. Symmetra herself is a glass cannon, and her new ptr buffs are solidating this as she will be able to deal her 195 dps faster, while still being very easy to kill.

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More like S76 spam level

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