What does Ramattra mean for Maximilien?

Do you think Blizzard adding an evil omnic makes it less likely we get Max as a support?

Or do you think this is just the beginning of the omnic vs human lore and Max could be the next hero, being that they obviously know each other based on the storm rising mission.

Interested to hear your thoughts.

I don’t think maximillien should be a hero. Lorewise it makes no sense.

He’s literally just a guy with greek statues and money.


Max was never particularly likely as a hero anyway. But I don’t think Ramattra makes him any less likely.


I’d prefer Max stay as an NPC that we occasionally pass by his house and beat him up for informations


Maximillien as OW’hero…
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

min 0:03: escape skill
min 0:05: typing codes to open doors is its supporting
min 0:08 countered by genji
min 0:17 passive: convincing others to rethink their choices
min 0:29 ultimate, MONEY! :money_mouth_face: (Blizzard’s favorite)

Seriously … it makes more sense to think Efi oladele as hero rather than this “Bobby Kotick” omnic ver.


Nah he should be a hero it would be a waste of a design


maximillion i think originally gonna be a announcer in overwatch 2 but they seemed to scrap that idea and kept Athena

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That voice was actually Mondatta interestingly

Quoted for emphasis.

This is an omnic that’s not meant for combat but for scheming. Like Batman’s Lucius Fox.

I don’t think that Max will ever be a hero or even fits as a hero- similarly to someone like Sanjay of Vishkar (a known Talon head from Moira’s Origin Story), I think they’ll just be prominent villains in lore and story. I can’t really imagine they’d find a way to make an accountant work as either of the 3 class archetypes we have lol, but if they do find a way that’s cool too

Don’t see why we can’t have more then 1 evil Omnic

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I would’ve preferred Max. I think there’s a really interesting character and concept to be made here.


He just throws money in the air and everyone gets distracted. Even characters that shouldn’t like Sombra or Mei.

I don’t think Ramattra affects Max’s hero potential at all.

My current guess is that we will do a Null Sector pve story and face Ramattra and then Doomfist will seize some form of power from that struggle, leading to a Talon PVE campaign. Mauga/Maximilien would be great heroes to drop in that period.


I still wouldn’t rule max out as a hero but it isn’t going to happen for a while

I believe this setting alone makes him potentially more interesting than Bap…

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Sanjay could easily be a hero. Hell, he’d be perfect - like Symmetra, he could be any of the roles and have a kit that makes sense.

Well, at least I hope they’d give him a kit that made sense, unlike Symmetra over there, sat in the corner twiddling her thumbs. Her and Brig are becoming great friends, I’d imagine, locked in their little side room, gathering dust.

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There is a longstanding tradition of them doing heroes nobody asked for instead of heroes people have asked for.

And then heroes people asked for not having particularly well designed, fun or effective kits. Almost like it’s out of spite. Almost.

Baptiste has combat training.

Max doesn’t. He is literally just a rich guy.

Not EVERY character that has appeared in Overwatch lore has to be playable…