What do you think of pharah in ow2?

I have yet to play pharah in ow2, but would like to see what you think of her.

reason is, i have a friend who got 17,000 damage in one game, he said he could never pull this off in ow1.

what has changed that makes her have that much damage potential in ow2?

One less tank.

Twenty chars.

Hitscan is the best it’s been in a long time, so…

Was your friend just focusing the tank? lol. I’m jk.

I’ve only played one game with pharah, but it felt a lot more difficult to get kills. With the DPS speed buff, it’s harder to land shots. And with 2 healers not having as many targets to focus, after one rocket, your opponents are healed before your second rocket hits. I think most of my kills were from barrages, which I will say, charged very quickly compared to OW1.

But, hitscans seem like the much better option for DPS.

Point being, I shoot a character, they are healed, I shoot them again, they are healed, repeat, repeat, 17k damage.

I think the biggest issue is I hear there’s no ranking or even MMR so if your friend is above average then you can easily end up in a mismatched game. Otherwise I don’t think she’s gotten any stronger and it looks like there’s a new counter in Soujourn. I hear Soldier is meta too and I dont think I see anyone playing the stuff that Pharah is strong against like Mei or Junk?

TLDR it’s probably a skill mismatch because of beta.

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Bad players on the enemy team.

I spawn camped a team with mostly a mercy pocket.

The enemy dps were straight trash. The enemy supports were dumb with positioning. And the tank player stuck to doomfist the whole time.

I have been thoroughly enjoying Pharah. The extra movement speed is very nice, especially for side-movements in the air. I have had to adjust my aim some though because predicting enemy movement has become more difficult due to the same movement speed change.

On the new maps there are fewer spots where I can go up and over walls than I like, there are a lot of blocked-in corridors. However, there are a lot of corners and cubbies/ledges to land on and duck behind for cover.

I haven’t felt very afraid of any hitscan just by virtue of them being on the field. Most of the time I can hold my own and they have to use ults to kill me with any kind of reliability, unless I am in a game against a very good player, and the stats will reflect that and I’ll swap. But I’ve mostly been able to one-trick Pharah with very little difficulty. About half of my games have been without a Mercy.

One less shield means I have one less obstacle in my way, and people still tend to clump on corners.

Also, I booped Ana off the map and Pharah said “Where’s YOUR jetpack?” and I about died laughing.

She’s alright, but hitscan is very strong. I’ve seen a lot of Sojourns, lots of Soldiers, many Cassidy players and even a good chunk of Widowmakers.

A decent Sombra can deal with Pharah, too, as long as she can aim. Many Sombras tend to chain hack from what I’ve seen. The cooldown is very forgiving in that regard.

With that being said, yeah, I do think Pharah is pretty good and I’ve had lots of fun playing as her. Should also be noted that skill levels are all over the place.

It’s not though, lol.

As someone with hundreds of hours on pharah, it’s easy to tell when it’s a rank mismatch or a bigger problem.

The meta is bad for pharah. Her biggest strength is bypassing tanks which is a lot less relevant. If she has constant mercy I’m sure she’s solid

She gives me something to practice Doomfist’s new slam+punch combos on. Even if it may not kill, it is just funny to just fly right up effortlessly and give her a slap.

Pharmercy without a barrier.

Bruh I rained on the other team.

It was no light drizzle either.

I actually think that the movement speed buff has positively affected her the most out of all the dps characters