What do you think Hero 29 will be

no more at this point fix what you have already


Please anything but another CC hero…

I want another Main Tank that won’t have hard problems with cc trash. But I really don’t want another healer. They’re often the most unbalanced things in the game.

they’ll be better then reaper

Pretty sure it will next Junkertown Queen.

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I can’t be the only one that wants Athena

hopefully nothing, we got enough broken characters in the game

There’s far too little heroes in Overwatch… I’m bored. Haven’t played in a couple weeks

Hopefully NOT the junkertown queen. There’s no reason to make every single character we find out about a new hero.

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We’re still waiting on the last member of the original Overwatch strike team, Liao. That is, assuming we ever learn literally anything about them ever.

Junker quenn won’t be released on Blizzcon. We were asked if she should be a tank or a dps only a month ago. Which means they hadn’t even started her back then. No way will they make her in less then half a year.

I’d like another off healer that has a special ability, unlike Brigitte who was just a copy paste of other abilities. Like:

Lucio = Speed
Zen = Discord
Brigitte = Mccree’s stun, Lucio’s speed, Torbjorn’s armour. /shrug

a MAIN tank that feels nice playing

Evil omnic plz.

Hoping for Max. Sanjay would be okay too, could always use more villains

I’m hoping for a good sniper counter hero. Maybe someone with a mechanic that’s strong against single high-damage attacks but weak against fast-firing attacks.

I would love Junkertown Queen or Maximilien

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Most likely not a black woman. Maybe a dog. That seems more like something Blizzard would do

Imagine they made a DPS character that is made up of two different characters like twins with two different ability kits that you switch using their ultimate.