What do you think each hero smells like?

I learned from a documentary called Futurama that robots sweat oil.


McCree probably smells like beer


Pharah - kerosene

Doomfist - cigars

McCree - like a man who never changes clothes or washes himself

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Soldier: Pulse munitions in the morning :100:
Not gonna lie I really like that ammonium smokey smell of just-fired bullet shells

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I’m gonna choose to believe Junkrat smells like smoke and caramel. Caramel because that’s why nitroglycerin, an explosive liquid, smells like


she would wear no.5, because its the most hated fragrance ever, and hanzo would wear calvin klein’s eternity, because that one is OLD and iconic. Mercy would definitely have coffee breath

yo i wanna dip some crucnhy toast into some poached eggs with garlic yoghurt and a chili butter sauce with my grandma miss ana amari, and say ahlan to her, wow, have a quick egyptian dialect lesson, I also wanna eat mutton with pharah and talk about thunderbirds and like. …

Anyone else think about what heroes would like to eat like. I wanna eat some aloo with onions fried in chilli oil and cumin, coriander and garam masala on some roti, with like a lamb vindaloo with mint yoghurt and chutney con my homeslice soymeustra, she’d show me bharatnatyam basic ragas and gush with me about anoushka shankar and we could watch devdas and she could correct my hindi pronunciation because screw tonal languages they r too hard for real seriously, girl take it easy, does sym even speak hindi idk or would it be telugu or tamil since I think shes from south india but idk

sry im rly hungry and have been back into tryna learn arabic and hindi and the struggle is MF real

UM sombra would smell very quietly of alcohol breath::: her voiceline " I need a drink" got me headcanonning that she be hacking healthpacks away from the fight and also quietly taking a swig of idk tequiila, lmao that is also how she manages to do so little damage in close range with a literal smg , its because she’s drunk and cant aim and cares more about the other LBT wamen in the room who might be looking her way, dont @ me

also anyone notice how almost all of hanzos skins have a gourd or bottle on them, and they probably contain sake? What if hanzo was a heavy drinker u ever think about that sadge

imagine moira and hanzo accidentally having a drinking contest when its 1pm and theres a mission but he brings sake everywhere and naturally she cant get out of bed without as someone above said some brandy

only hero who would smell like BO would be cree imo but also stale cigar smoke and probs whiskey or something, maybe hed take dust baths tho?

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Have you seen the McCree short animation?

Widowmaker smells like sweaty 12 year old boys.


Gave me a good chuckle.

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Road Hog smells like fresh baked cinnamon rolls. That is why Junk Rat loves hanging out with him. It’s in the lore.

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So… basically like a typical alcoholic…


Mercy smells like Dettol.


Chanel #5

Stuff your twenty characters.

And a faint smell of horse.


Creepy kind of topic, but ok? D.va - Gamer Smells? Korean Perfume? Orisa - She’s a Omnic. What do you expect? Reinhardt - Beer. Roadhog - Whatever the Breather smells like. Sigma - Idk. Gravity, if it has a smell? Winston - Peanut Butter. WB - Bananas. Zarya - Sweat from lifting weights.

Ashe - Dust? Bastion - Nature. Doomfist - Either sweat or champaign. Echo - Pobably smells whatever her creator smells like. Either that or, again, omnic, what do you expect? Genji - He’s a cyborg. What do you expect? Hanzo - Sake. Junkrat - Burnt. Mccree - Coffee? Mei - Hot Cocoa? Pharah - Rocket Fuel from her Launcher. Reaper - Death. Soldier 76 - Age, if that is a smell? Sombra - Technology? Symmetra - I have Autism myself, and not even I know what Symmetra smells like. Some perfect-smelling perfume? Technology? Torbjorn - Grease from being an Engineer. Tracer - Brittish Tea? Widowmaker - Wine? (forgive me if I missed some1 from the DPSes. I’m tired, and might not have gotten them all)

Ana - Tea. Bap - Tropical? Brigitte - Cat. Lucio - DJ smell? Mercy - Probably smells like an Angel. Moira - Death. Zenyatta - He’s an omnic. What do you expect?

That should be them all. Enjoy my responses, wierd or correct!

me blood eyes! brain function don’t! think…not… can!

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Cree probably smells like leather? Idk if you get what I mean but like a nice leather smell…?

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why would Sombra smell like fruit salad lmao

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Pharah,mercy - :poop:

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did you forget B.O.B in “Reunion”

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