What do you define as toxicity?

yeah, you couldn’t tell the difference, here is proof.

This is pretty easy to point out you gave us the answer. You’re not focusing on playing well. You were toxically low key stalking your genji all game watching the kill feed instead of focusing on playing well.

You “allowed” it. <-- Idk how you read this but I read it as pretty condescending and toxic tbh, makes me think you were throwing from the beginning which provides a pretty solid base for my comment explaining that if you dwell the picks of your teammates you’re throwing on the inside.
Furthermore, I’ve never endorsed winning. That’s a huge problem with this game, Its in your best interest to lose if you want to climb your rank. That’s why they’re banning us, so they don’t have to fix their disgustingly bad matchmaking that they’ve invested probably millions of dollars on.

Even more information you probably have been misinformed about is that, winning does NOT climb your rank. Having gold medals and dealing damage, irrelevant. Team composition? Doesn’t mean anything. If you play well you will climb. End of story. If you play well enough you can literally go 3-10 and gain SR. Winning means absolutely nothing. Except that you feel worse when you lose than you feel good when you win. That’s something I think the community just needs to accept, 6 players lose every match. Sometimes more than 6 people lose in one match.

Stalking is apparently checking the kill feed every minute or so.

How am I throwing? Did I charge into the enemy team 1v6? No. Did I purposely earthshatter behind a Rein shield? No. Did I emote in spawn the whole time? The thing is your version from throwing is a lot different than mine.

You said you played D.va and whenever you look at the kill feed you don’t see any genji. You’re obviously looking for genji in the kill feed. Brooding, harboring malicious intent and hoping genji is a problem the whole time(seems toxic af) just so you can spring this bs complaint about a genji playing poorly = throw?

You’re honestly all over the place, you’re trying to say you were not throwing breathing over the shoulder of genji all game waiting til the end so you can be like, “haha I outdamage you genji, I have a D.Va bomb that can deal over 3000 dmg in one shot, I don’t care if genji is a high skill cap hero that relies on doing just barely enough damage to secure his kills”. Honestly, I see a lot of genji carry games and still can’t gold dmg over the other dps

I think you’re still being toxic right now to be honest. You’re trying to push the blame on some unknown genji and we’re all suppose to just believe, yeah your genji was uncarryable.

Those are just examples of obvious throws that people get banned for. Throwing still goes far beyond that and not limited to those examples. Everything you wrote thusfar says you were more interested in seeing genji fail than you were to play well yourself. Which implies malicious intent, then translates to being toxic.

Climbing rank has nothing to do with winning, just playing well. If your teammates are slacking, there more rope for you pull and if you can manage it you will gain more SR as a result.

Another pretty loud and clear point is that you came to forums to complain about a loss. 6 or more people lose every match. You complain about it every time and blame someone other than yourself? If the answer is yes in anyway shape or form (and it is proven by your post) Then your behavior is toxic, throwing a tantrum each time you lose and blaming someone else, yeah I do think that’s toxic behavior.

ok sorry I meant I played rein and the other tank played DVA I guess I guess I swapped who played what tank.

This is totally 100% true I would TOTALLY prefer losing just to pin a Genji rather than winning (the reason I play competitive) But no its not being toxic if when I look at the kill feed that Genji doesn’t pop up its not toxic if I make an observation. It’s not breathing down his shoulder.

And I have to make those observations incase we lose I need to think alright what made us lose? So I will talk to the team asking why they think we lost. However when I was asking the team what their damage was at and Genji says he has 6k damage then that points out to the team that he was the reason we lost.

And just because Genji is a high skill hero doesn’t mean people get a pass if they can’t contribute to the team as a high skill hero. They choose to play a high skill hero and if they can’t succeed at them then thats on them, It’s not toxic to think they did bad when in reality they did do bad.

No those are the games that aren’t my fault I complain about. I come here to complain about them to blow some steam off because maybe I could get a laugh from a comment by some likeminded people. There are many games I have played where the blame was on me but why would I make a post on talking about me failing the team?

I usually consider toxicity to be insults, harassing other players over what they are playing when the match hasn’t even started yet, complaining the whole match etc.

The worst toxic person i ran into was way back in my first few seasons of comp. I was playing Symm on defense in volskaya and I was confident in my ability to hold the objective down. The Toxic person on my team would not stop talking about how “Symm was a close range hero and how was I gonna fight against the enemy team” and he was telling me this in a really condescending tone.

I told him I have 60 hours on Symm and can handle her just fine. He proceeded to spend the rest of the round trying to tell me how to play my main. I got so agitated by him. I still did well but that annoyed the crap out of me.

If you advice thats fine but he literally treated me like I didn’t know how to play her. He was so rude.

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What? an argument that isn’t made out of pure BS and trolling made by someone who isn’t damaged in his brain I can’t believe I have found this on my post

Oh my god he is one of the people who gets toxic when someone asks him y
To switch… i knew my post offended him a little to much


Nuggets: “ugh you asked me to swap off attack torb!!! you are INCOMPETENT AND YOU ARE THROWING. STOP BREATHING DOWN MY NECK!!!”


Omg he commented on one of my posts about lvl shaming idk how to link it because im a fourm noob but he said something about me needed to be ashamed of my self because i mute people who scream in my ear hole about my lvl but yet ask people to switch

Blockquote I usually consider toxicity to be insults, harassing other players over what they are playing when the match hasn’t even started yet, complaining the whole match etc.

Complaining isn’t toxic. If you are not doing your job on the “team game,” then complaining is allowed. Don’t like it, mute them. But it’s not toxic.

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It can be when the complaining is assuming that a teammate is not doing anything. For example when i play symm (pre rework and after)even if I am doing my job and getting kills I will sometimes get people that complain about me playing her…even if i am holding golds in eliminations and i can tell that i saved the point by what i have done in that push.

I get the same complaints sometimes when i am playing mercy. regardless complaining does not solve any issues. yes i can mute them and have. It doesn’t bother me but my teammates who haven’t still have to deal with listening to that person be a baby and that can affect them hearing call outs.

So the complaining can be toxic

Yeah, what he said…

welcome to Overwatch. Everything you say is considered “Toxic”. The two most used words in the entire population of this game are toxic and c9. It’s like the little kids get super excited and feel really cool just to type it.