What do you define as toxicity?

Often I will surf the forums and I keep coming across people complaining that EVERY single competitive game is filled with toxicity but this all feels fabricated to me because when ever I join team chat in overwatch people are generally happy and kind when I walk in, sure blame gets thrown around sometimes but at the end of the game me and the randoms usually say “gg guys hope you all win in your next games”

But despite 2/100 of my games having people screaming at each other I will come across hardly any toxicity. So thats why I want to ask what do YOU define as toxicity please comment below and tell me what you would consider toxic.
Is someone asking you to swap off widow considered toxic? do you get triggered if someone asks what your damage is at? Or do you get frustrated if someone gives you criticism on how to use your transcendence better?

Those reasons and more are the only way I can see people seeing so much toxic people because they happen a lot. Also while I don’t have any links to these forums I have heard people say they have received death threats for poorly performing which I have never seen, heard of, or watched on toxic player videos on youtube

Also if you have any stories of really toxic games to prove me wrong please comment below so I can respond


Depends on how they say it. If they ask nicely then no, if they are like “god you suck switch now” then yeah.

Not really, I ask sometimes because if I have silver damage sometimes I am curious as to how far I am from gold, and vice versa. Some people can say it in a pretty toxic way, but for the most part I don’t care. And constructive criticism are fine if they are respectful, however most of the time they aren’t.

Yeah they exist, I’ve had many people tell me to kill myself which I just laugh at, getting that mad at a video game is childish and pathetic.

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Would you consider it toxic if it was said this way? “Junkrat do you mind swapping to healer? I feel like your not getting many picks.”

What I meant by the statement you quoted was asking what its at because you think its low.

Ok well I have about 250+ hours on comp and I have never received a death threat

If I was actually doing badly, then no I wouldn’t have a problem with it because I know I’m not performing. However if they say that when you’re the only one in the kill feed, 3 gold medals, potg ect. I would get mad because their awareness is so bad they can’t recognize the carry of the team.

Yeah if they are like “I bet you don’t even have 2k damage” when the game has been going on for awhile that would be toxic. I guess it mainly depends on how they say it.

I haven’t actually gotten someone to say “I’m gonna murder you in your sleep” blah blah blah or whatever, just people telling me to off myself. I’ve also seen other people on my team get targeted for this too.

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ok these are some good points thanks for responding

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Go an off-meta hero and you will quickly discover how disgusting this community is.

There is the obvious stuff. Racism/sexism is obviously toxic behavior. Next is purposefully throwing a game like going torb and building turrets in spawn. Then there is the debatable ones like smurfing, one-tricking and not communicating.

Asking someone to switch is not toxic. It’s what you do to try and counter. I do think that refusing to switch when you are obviously being countered and dying all the time is toxic. Many one-tricks fall in this category. If you have no choice and just cannot play another hero I don’t think it is toxic, but if you can only play one hero then I doubt you heart is in the right place when you enter comp and I’d recommend sticking to qp.

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I see people go off meta heroes all the time (Sombra,Doomfist,Widow) the only time I see people get mad is if
A: they are a low level and have little play time
B: If we already have 2 DPS and need another tank/healer
C: If they are performing poorly at said off meta hero


A scientific study on the subject.
Look on Google scholar or google: Toxic Behavior in Online Games - Jultika

Here is a definition from Urban Dictionary on the social meaning of toxic:
Adjective used to describe usually very negative person, that bch about everything, spread unnecessary hate or just talk s* about others. You can meet these people in any online game comunity and they are the main coin of online gaming.
"Yo mike is so toxic when he is loosing. "
“Why you gotta be so toxic Tyler ? please calm down.”
Toxic is a group of people who are rude and can’t be nice. They are not true to people around them. They need an attitude check. Their personalities are so unappealing its make the people around them suffer and turn rude as well.

What is considered toxic in overwatch in particular? Asking a guy to swap is a bit toxic but in chemistry toxicity become problematic in a specific dosage. So asking one time is fine asking multiple times until a player is forced to pick somthing he doesn’t consider good in competitive, means being toxic. It is an harrassement.
People should consider their picks in relation to all the variants related to the game and to his skill. Even not feeling to swap a role and being forced to it from a team member is toxic.
Instead trying to work together in a hard to coordinate and have a synergy team could lead to unexpected new way to play the game.

Toxicity is defined around a social interaction. There is no toxic behaviour in the same game if you play with bots but it become toxic a person who trust his opinion on what you should pick more then your opinion on your personal capability. Tho, asking for a change is good for the game in little dosage. People could get offended for that after a persistent demand they cannot provide.

In the end if you really need a 222 comp or a specific meta, a team that is able to flex in needs etc… i’d advice you to look for a group in the LFG system.
If instead you are totally able to flex and to take roles as solo tank or solo healer, SoloQ is fine for you because you can’t produce any harm to other people.

The wrong way to consider toxicity:
People who complain about toxicity in the game aren’t really complaining about that. Sometime they use toxicity as another way to say: They troll.
Trolling could be: picking a “bad picks” in their view or a general “Gameplay sabotage” kind of behaviour.
This behaviour makes those people angry and toxic as the way it is defined. Insulting and harrassing the people he consider toxic in his opinion because they picked a dps over a main healer for example.
Sometimes toxicity to those who actually are toxic is portraying a team mate as the scapegoat to the problem in a team and the reason for a loss.
This strategy is used to avoid responsability for a loss, augmenting the ego, and a method for not going full committement on a game that as some difficulty. A perfectionist thinking that deny responsability for average game.

About statistics:
In theory to have 100% chance to find in every match a toxic guy is having 1/6 of the playerbas labelled as toxic people.
The problem is that essentialising a guy for being toxic a game isn’t helpful. People become toxic for frustration even if they seemed not to be labelled as a toxic one in general.

So yes we find a lot of toxic behaviour because of people expectations. Generally i think analysing the career could be a good way to say if a person is throwing but it could happen to be his first game as a redeemed new torbjorn only main.

Generally if you act aggressive, intrusive/invasive and offends in chat or voice, you are toxic even if it’s (in your opinion) best for the match. Toxicity isn’t an huge deal, but when it happens it’s really oppressive.

people consider anything less than a sugar coated 5 paragraph essay on why they should swap or how they aren’t doing well toxic.

If I say “widow you need to switch, you haven’t hit a shot all game” people will instantly cry toxic, when im simply stating in the fastest way that you need to swap, and giving you a reason why.

“moira you need to heal, people are dying because you are dps moira” people consider toxic

“genji stop going in alone you are feeding” people consider toxic

“hanzo youre not doing anything please pick something else” people consider toxic.

the overwatch community in general is too sensitive, and labels anything they don’t like as toxic because blizzard lets them get away with it.


Depends on the level. No one below gold cares what you play as long as you do well with it. Everyone knows that heroes aren’t so easily countered at these levels and that skill in the hero your playing is way more important.

Asking a guy to swap is not toxic. If he is pulling the team down then he needs to swap. Your just proving Cheddar1k’s point that the community is too sensitive

And you are proving my point that people fabricate toxic games that aren’t actually toxic.
Someone one could come over to the forums and complain that he was being screamed at the whole game by every one to play a healer when in reality, 2 people asked him to go Moira

If you think someone is pulling the team down and playing poorly. Deal with it? Telling someone they have to switch, is probably among the worst possible choices you can make and adds a high degree of certainty that you are now throwing the match if you pursue telling someone to switch. If I’m in a match where someone’s playing horrible, I just play better to make up for it. You all complain about smurfs kicking too much butt and turn right back around complaining that you’re teammates aren’t carrying you hard enough. Telling someone specifically, targeting one person and telling them to switch is certainly toxic no matter how poorly they play. That player’s punishment is losing SR, yeah you have to take your lumps along with him but statistically speaking, if you’re playing better than they are, you won’t have to play with them much longer.

Asking someone to switch is different than TELLING someone to switch and I don’t think the majority of the community can even discern the difference. I think this causes a lot of the hero switch toxicity drama.

I have played a lot games and I see it all the time, Player A makes a huge mistake and looks at player B… Player B looks back and shrugs, Player A looks to player C,D,E and F and points his finger at Player B, “Player B is throwing” Thus the match becomes a toxic environment here on out.

someone who is just playing to cause garbage, and goes above and beyond in insulting other people over plays.

its a fine line though, its perfectly fine to say X play was complete trash, but dont keep on it for the rest of the game until you eventually throw your teams comms out the window

Pulling the team down is decided by a coach not a player. It is decided after the whole game analyzing what the problem actually was.

Our widow is not doing damage at all! SWAP!

Analyzing gameplay the coach found out it was my error as a tank. Widow was always contested by a flank by winston and tracer. As a tank it was my job to contest their push on our widow to let her shoot. While i was on their healer with our genji and our d.va, widow was alone getting killed. Because of our poor and aggressive tanking.
The next game the same widow poped off. It wasn’t her. It was me the reason she was not doing much.

You have no right to say what other people should pick. You should advice it once or twice if you really think it’s necessary but if you persist it’s harrassement. If you throw because of that, you are a thrower. Yes asking to swap is toxic if done in a toxic way.

Look at this conversation:
Reaper could you swap?
Reaper pick healer!
We need a healer reaper.
Reaper swap please!

This is toxic. And destroys our comms.

While in another example:
Reaper Could you heal for us?


If reaper answers you a sounded NO, you have some way to respond to that.
-Insist makes he trigger and is toxic. Makes you focus less on the game.
-Swapping yourself.
-Thinking to yourself “It’s lost” make you throw and not focus on the game.
-Thinking to youself: Well less healing but more damage could be good. Actually makes you learn from the experience if you keep an eye on the match and record it.

As i said, it is toxic, but it’s natural to think that what we think is the problem it’s actually the problem the team has. Unfortunately it is not. Asking to swap is a bit toxic but in little dosage is FINE! Just don’t persist.

This kind of toxicity could maybe decrease with REPLAY FEATURES.


I loved everything about your post. Thank you for being one of the very few people here who admits that you can be responsible for your teammates low performance.
Most people complaining here put the blame squarely on teammates. They decided that they are so much better than everyone playing in the same rank that they ruin their team’s chances of doing anything.
“Nobody was staying behind my shield so I had to charge in and 1v6 the whole team” NO!
“Nobody was dying so I just had to take over and battle mercy the enemy team instead of healing” NO!
That’s not “carrying”; that’s forgetting your job and feeding the enemy team.

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Ok well I actually tried this today and heres what happened: I loaded up a map on Hollywood and our Moira main said “OH! let me play Genji on this map.” So I allowed it, but the whenever I checked the kill feed I only saw me (D.va),Rein,Zen,and Junkrat (we were running a mercy too.)

But I thought I should follow your advice to “victory” by not asking to swap and just deal with it, and you want to know what happened at the end of the game? (heres a hint: we lost.) How ever I had silver damage at the end of the game which was about 9.5k damage, So I asked Genji what his damage was and he said 6.1k. So yes I should never ask someone to swap because we could win in the end.

How? I have never heard this from anyone and it’s not backed up by anything. This goes against basic logic its self.

Ok you can try to make up for someone underperforming but you can only do so much by your self to pick up on someones slack and if you can’t then its still on them because they need to pull their weight like the rest of the team.

Honestly this is the only thing with your post I agree with. A lot of people can’t tell the difference

Yes this is true a few examples of this are: A mercy not healing pharah, Tanks not pushing in so DPS can get their job done, or DPS not getting enough picks so the healers can stay alive and heal.

I’m so sorry for asking our attack Torbjorn to switch to an off tank :sob::sob: I’m so mean

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You don’t have to be sorry. Asking is fine. Little dosage. You understand basic toxicology right? Water is good 2L a day but taking over 10L will kill you. Dosage is important because it can change a medicine to a poison.

If he wants to attack torb ok then.
I actually think it’s great with an orisa/roadhog. In 2CP attack is the best because they have to contest and if we as tank allow and survive a good push he can set up and freely put a load of damage all the fight.

I don’t judge other people picks, i ask myself what can I do to make it work. I’m in competitive to win not to complain about strange unused strats that generally people don’t make it work. I’m here to learn and to improve.
I’m in competitive to win most of the times, not every time.

Care that this doesn’t mean overperforming to make up for others. To climb you just need to constantly perform well.

Damn. We’ve got a Zen Master over here and I’m not referring to either the hero or the rank.


Ok I thought when you said “you have no right to say what other people should pick” you meant "you have no right to even ask someone to swap.

Well If he wants to attack torb then he probably wants to lose (I say this because attack torb has never worked for me.)

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