What do Symmetra need?

I don’t play Symmetra, I can’t really give good changes, but I think everyone agrees that she needs a new ult, cause the current one is a joke.

Her current one is really powerful it just needs a longer duration

what do Symmetra need?

grammar lessons and a rework of her teleporter cooldown

An idea I’ve taken for Sombra could be that the cooldown for Teleporter begins as soon as you deploy it. This keeps it in line with how the original TP worked before it was changed to the current dull infinite TP, and allows for more flexibility in placement. So maybe keeping a 12 sec cooldown wouldn’t be too bad in this iteration?

This would be good in terms of Sym showcasing some actual strength at the beginning of the fight, and the increased range would put her in line with Zarya;s range for 15 meters.

Maybe the direction that should be taken is instead for a stronger shield at a smaller duration? Like 10,000 hp with a 7 second duration, so that it doesn’t get annoying and actually protects in the fight?

What’s wrong with my grammar nerd?

I really like her and she most likely needs to go full dps, or another rework.
I’m leaning towards another rework into a support, though I know this is a pipe dream and I’ll only disappoint myself.

Also to all people saying her turrets or teleporter should be fully removed: no.
Just remove turret bombing. if either part gets buffed, it’ll make the cheese annoying; so, remove the cheesy part and not the two iconic parts of her kit.

Has anyone ever seen her wall breaking?

Everyone ignores it, because breaking it for a long time is almost impossible.

i’m not nerd, nerd DID just comment tho

She has self-sustain, that’s why she has shield health.

Wouldn’t hurt, but I don’t see the reasoning for it, since she can only have a maximum a three sentries and the newest deployment discards the first deployment.

Too many players think this is the correct way to play Symmetra, and don’t understand that Symmetra is a builder and more than half of her damage is going to come from Sentries.

If you want a situation where more of her damage is coming from her beam, you have to get rid of her Sentries, her teleporter, and everything unique about her kit. And that’s not something Blizzard is going to do.

Remove infinite part of her TP and we should be all set with her TP.

Also like someone suggested, being able to collect her turrets to reposition them sounds like a nice idea. Idk if it will be ideal in practice but I think they should at least give it a go.

Back to support. That would be so cool if her secondary fire gave 25 shield when fully charged that lasts 10 seconds or until given to the next person + didn’t stack bc that’d be unfair and then her main fire ramped up healing from like 30 to 50 to 70 hps. Kinda nasty tho tbh. But if they did do that they’d have to keep her current gun and get rid of lock-on.
I miss support symmetra so much.

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A focused design philosophy.

Starting with:

Is she a ranged character or close range? Pick one and adjust from there.


Ammo size should be increased heavily

Level one beam dps should be increased

Tp startup time should be decreased, as well as the noise

Done and done

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you rang?

20 characters

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Nah. She just needs something useful to replace her turrets. Useless in high ranked play, too much value in the bottom ranks.

Yes, Roadhog ult does it easily, even at 5k. That’s not really an issue generally though, and I don’t think her ult is the problem.

Everything on the first tier is necessary, and none of it is OP. Even with the tier-1 buffs, she’d have less DPS, mobility, burst, and range than most of the rest of the DPS roster, which excels in at least one of those categories, if not two.

And the range buff was the tier-3 suggestion, meaning that if nothing else in nine months pushed Sym up into mediocrity (as opposed to the trash heap where she resides), then that would be the step taken. I doubt it would take that much though, the tier-1 buffs should be adequate.

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she can’t really utilise that without an escape…which is now on a guaranteed 12s down time. Not to mention it doesn’t actually help let her live longer in her effective range for her TTK (yes this includes orbs).

should be orbs if you want more healthy game balancing.

i disagree that her turrets need replacing.
i think they need added utility, though.
if they acted as recon arrows, low tier players can still stack them around a door and won’t get much use out of the infra-sight because the carwash will kill the foe. but in higher ranks, they can be used to know precisely where enemies are.
or give em a range buff. the fragility could at least come with range.

One of the things I saw someone mentioned that might be interesting is have her turrets prioritize the target she’s targeting. I’m not sure how much of a difference it would make overall, but I think it’d be interesting to see implemented.


Hitbox adjustment. She is thiccer than Mei and that is absolutely not right. Mei should be the thiccest, period.

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