Think about it for a sec. I’m not saying it’s concrete but it is very likely that this is the reason for the skin. I have some friends that cut their hair like this, not this style but like it. And they also have the same thing in common as Tracer and Ellen DeGeneres. Maybe this skin is showing off another version/aspect of a huge part of who Tracer is. You may think it’s ugly and have the right to do so but think about what/who else it might represent. I won’t be wearing it ( or playing Tracer ) but I know someone out there likes it and feels more of a connection to it.
Edit: Any other Celeb with the same thing in common could replace Ellen, I just chose her. I’m not saying she’s specifically linked to the skin.
Just because a skin shows a gay character with short blonde hair, it doesn’t mean it has any relation to a gay celebrity with short blonde hair.
Deeper. Think man, think. If anyone deserves a Mohawk, it’s Genji or Junk.
Read the post bud. It’s likely though.
the hair is fine what I dislike is the color pattern of her outfit lol
I read the post, bud. Still no relation lol.
My lesbian sister has the same haircut too. People asked for representation and they got it.
I really doubt that someone on the design team thought, “hey, I should make a skin because I just love the Ellen show!”
It’s just not likely.
at least tracer isnt useless though
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The OP is using Ellen as a metaphor.
This was my thousandth post and it’s absolutely perfect.
Both are jovial lesbians with a similar hairstyle?
But Tracer is all Pixie and no butch.
It’s not a metaphor, it’s just a comparison and OP is treating correlation as causation.
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Should the designers have named the new Tracer skin “lesbian?” Would that be obvious enough?
You seem upset at something, did I set you off somehow? I tried to word my post in a way to not upset people but you seem to be against the skin having anything to do with her sexuality even though it very much may. Like I said, it isn’t concrete but it is likely, Tracer is lesbian.
i dont even understand this title
The OP is using Ellen as a metaphor.