What did Hanzo actually do to Genji?

I know that he tried to kill Genji but how? I mean Genji is missing limbs and everything, how did he hack him up that bad? Do we actually have this part of the story? How did Overwatch find him?

Also I was under the impression that he was told to do it by his family but then the Genji wiki says it was done after their dad died and Hanzo took over, so was it his choice?


“I’m gonna die. Oh and btw, slice up your brother like Christmas turkey. Blargh!” – Hanzo and Genji’s father


he was pressured into it. think of it this way, if hanzo couldn’t control, put genji in line, why would the rest of his subordinates follow hanzo? it was a power struggle. genji’s aloof lifestyle (which was never reprimanded by their father) undermined hanzo’s supposed control


I always imagine that Genji’s body was shredded by the dragon, leaving just his upper left torso, neck, and head. The tapestry in the dojo suggests Genji was struck from behind, as well.

And I’m sure Hanzo was ordered by the family elders to kill Genji, but the act broke his heart and he decided to leave instead.


I think it was a test by the Shimada Zaibatsu council, to see if Hanzo had what it took to be the new leader.


Hanzo used a sword, which is why he promised to never use one again and thus chose his bow and arrow.

That’s Hanzo’s Katana in Hanamura.


Sojiro would never say such a thing. The ones that convinced Hanzo to kill his brother were the other elders, who are also probably the ones that had Sojiro killed.


If that’s how he does the turkey i’m glad i stay home at christmas


Well when you see the arrows hitbox and damages ingame I’m not surprised it could rip off a leg or two.


Hanzo used to be a swordsman, like Genji. He definitely didn’t want to kill Genji at first, which is why there are slashes over his shoulders. Hanzo was probably trying to weaken and wound Genji into submission, rather than killing him. But Genji probably endured, and so Hanzo had no choice but to deal a fatal blow.

At least that’s how I interpreted it from the wounds shown on Genji’s Blackwatch skin.

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Hanzo asking the shimada clan wether he should kill his brother ( 2078 colorised )



I don’t think he was sent to kill him, Not directly atleast… I think it escalated into that.

Killing family members who could be valuable allies is not something families in power used to do unless they actively rebelled. Genji wasn’t exactly a rebel he just didn’t care about the empire so i assume they sent Hanzo to force him into helping the clan and Hanzo’s temper got the better of him.

I wish blizzard would literally tell us what happened and more information about the elders too. Who are they? Shimada grandparents? Uncles?

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From the voice lines in Retribution we learned that Genji wanted to be able to walk again. This means that the injury Genji sustained severed his spine nerves, which is what causes you to become crippled.

We know the fight happened in Hanamura castle from the fact that Hanzo comes to the spot anually (despite the danger) to honor the spot his brother fell.

But if you look closely, you can see the banner has some blood stains and a cut. This strongly implies that Hanzo cut through Genji in order for him to slice the banner as well as his brother.

And in order for Genji’s Blackwatch skin to align, he was cut down from behind. His scars also indicate he received several cuts prior to the fatal blow.

It also explains why Genji had to become a cyborg to survive. Most of his body was most likely lost due to being cut in half.

In Heroes of the Storm, Hanzo also has additional dialogue with other Overwatch characters, saying “His brother betrayed his clan for Overwatch.” Genji had most likely already been recruited to Overwatch before being fatally injured and called for help at the start or during the fight, meaning Overwatch agents arrived just in the nick of time to save him from an otherwise fatal injury.

From the amount of regret and shame Hanzo felt after killing his brother, as well as the remorse Genji felt later on for his brother, it also seems that it was not Hanzo’s wish to kill Genji.

They were part of a criminal organization “The Shimada Clan” and Genji was to inherit his father’s criminal empire, but lived a dishonorable lifestyle as a “flamboyant playboy” which led to the clan wanting to kill him.

Given Hanzo’s large focus on “honor,” it’s most likely he choose to kill Genji himself in order to give his brother an “honorable death” with the chance to defend his own life instead of an assassination by the clan (poisoning/killed in his sleep/etc).

Genji also called Hanzo a coward (and not a traitor), that he choose to let the clan dictate his actions instead of making his own choice (e.g. fighting the clan and/or escaping with his brother).

Genji’s forgiveness of Hanzo comes down to the acceptance that his death was brought upon himself for his carefree choices in a very dangerous life (also reflected in Retribution: Genji comments he has no remorse for taking the life of criminals, likely because his criminal clan was responsible for his death).

It will be exciting to see where their story goes from here. Genji made a clear attempt to bring Hanzo into the fold in the animated cinematic “Dragons” and Hanzo’s “Cyborg” skin does imply that he might join Overwatch, but interactions with members of Talon also imply they have an interest in him (not a mutual one).


I love you, it’s big ol’ thorough nerds like you that get me all juicy

I’m glad this is all taken from context clues and i’m not just missing some really obvious lore. thanks for compiling it all so neatly, very nicely done

That moment gave me chills

This is what made me Hanzo trash; I absolutely love the Shimada lore.

Popular believe is that he simple geometried his butt, but with the rework changing the lore he probably storm bowed his butt.

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Genji wanted to live a life like other kids, when he grew up he refused to become an assasin of the shimada clan. The clan elders ordered Hanzo to kill Genji. Hanzo ended up cutting Genjis vocal cords, along with other inportant pieces of the body. Hanzo also pulled the dragon bois to kill Genji. The dragons burned Genjis skin and all form of hair. But the armor can easily be taken off and the artificial tissue is his “skin”. Rip baby genji

What I want to know is how was Genji rescued in a way that would leave Hanzo surprised that Genji was alive. Did they retrieve him from the castle and Hanzo just didn’t care that his brother’s body had gone missing? Did he just throw him outside?