What counter my ult?

People have been talking a lot recently about abilities countering ults. Meaning their ult becoming useless, dealing no damage because it’s damage are countered totaly or the ult itself is canceled totaly by something.

  • Death is when the hero has to die for the ult to be shut down
  • I precised but in an edit i accidentaly removed it : sleep is a stun in this list.

dVa’s bomb :

  • shields
  • hooked out of map
  • IM field

Orisa’s supercharger :

  • damages (can be destroyed)
  • hack/EMP

Rein’s shatter :

  • shields
  • stun during casting
  • hack during casting

Roadhog’s wholehog

  • stun
  • hack
  • death

Sigma’s gravity flux :

  • stun
  • hack
  • death
  • IM field

WInston’s Primal rage :

  • death

Ball’s mine field :

  • shields

Zarya’s graviton surge :

  • Matrix
  • Kinetic grasp
  • deflect

Ashe’s Bob :

  • Hack
  • damage burst
  • shields
  • boop/hooked out of map

Bastion :

  • death
  • suicide (deflect)

Doomfist’s meteor strike :

  • shields
  • IM field

Echo’s doppleganger :

  • Depends the character she’s copying

Genji’s blade :

  • death
  • deflect
  • boop outside map if dash isn’t up

Hanzo’s dragon arrow :

  • Kinetic grasp during cast
  • matrix during cast
  • deflect during cast
  • IM field

Junk’s tire :

  • damage
  • shield
  • death while casting
  • IM field


  • shield / matrix
  • stun
  • hack
  • death
  • deflect
  • IM field

Mei’s Blizzard :

  • Deflect
  • death during cast
  • stun during cast

Pharah’s rocket barage :

  • Shield (Rein)
  • Stun
  • Hack
  • death
  • suicide (sigma’s shield, Symmetra’s shield, close range deflect)
  • dVa’s matrix

Reaper’s blossom

  • Hack
  • Stun
  • death
  • Shields

Soldier 76’s visor :

  • death
  • shields

Sombra’s EMP :

  • Stun during cast
  • death during cast

Symmetra’s barrier :

  • Stun during cast
  • Death during cast

Torb’s Molten Core :

  • Death
  • deflect (with a lot of luck)
  • matrix

Tracer pulse bomb :

  • the target fade or wrath
  • IM field

Widow’s X-ray :

  • death

Ana’s nano :

  • Death durng casting
  • stun during casting

Baptiste’s matrix :

  • Dunno if it’s canceled upon death

Brigitte’s rally :

  • death

Lucio’s barrier :

  • death during cast
  • stun during cast

Mercy’s Valkyrie :

  • death

Moira’s coalescence :

  • death
  • stun
  • hack

Zen’s transe :

  • Anti-nade
  • shields
  • boop outside map

You can also deplete Photon Barrier’s health, which will remove it. However you will need a very high damage output since it has 4000 HP.

Well you’re only looking at how to completely stop the ult. But there are many other ways to counter an ult.

Like with Genji, if you stop his dash rest you stop his ult getting value as well. Like using mobility when he dashes in, ice block, wraith, or boop him back. He basically becomes a sitting duck.

Or with Sombra, you know he has EMP so you stay back whole playing Zen so you can counter ult.

But adding all that would be a endless list. But without that, your list is just kinda death / hack/ stun.

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Counters to ult not included in the previous list:
Sound barrier

Zen during Trans can destroy the mines


Molten core (Soft counter)
Bob (Soft counter)

Zarya bubble

Kinetic grasp
Defense matrix

Soldier 76


Zarya bubble



Winston’s Bubble
Well-placed hack or stun during casting
Death during casting

Zarya (no combo)



Yeah because a brig whip shot isnt enough to completely shut it down in a lot of cases

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Sleep dart is missing for a lot of these ults.

I used only abilities blocking ults, not ultimates. Because with the recent moira experimental cards, people complained about abilities that should not counter ults.

So i’ll add only add the shields. (widow x-ray are blocked by shields ?)

I specificaly don’t talk about stun + millions of dmg because that stops every one in any condition. Nano-genji can keep slaughtering people after a flashbang and a headshot. Thus the stun never canceled the ult. Only the death of the Genji stops it.

you can also emp it to remove it at one shot, hog ult is the best at solo destroying photon barrier


I precised that i put sleep dart in the stun category (same with hook when not used to boop out of map)

I didn’t add some abilities because they are shorter than the ultimate duration : kinetic grasp and matrix are shorter than blossom duration, thus doesn’t totaly nullify the ult damage output. Meanwhile, hanzo having is dragon arrow absorbed by kinetic grasp destroys the ult totaly.

OP just wanted to let you know hiding is also a good way to dodge most of the ults. If you want echo to not copy someone like your teammate brig whos ult is just game winning, you have to either keep her hidden or ask her/teammate barrier tank to keep their barrier up facing echo so she cant copy.

same goes for sombra’s emp. you can track sombra’s ult. when you know she is gonna emp you can either hide or ask your team to spread out so only a few get hit by it. same goes for grav and in rare cases nanoblade.

bap’s ult is also cancelled deleted with emp even if the matix is up already.

defense matrix eats up snowball (mei’s ult)
and also hack while casting, its a very small window but possible.
and stun while casting.

tracer’s pulse bomb litrealy dissappears in thin air if you stun tracer right when she throws it, in some cases even if the bomb is stuck, it just dissappears if you stun the tracer.

emp destroys lucio shields, and any form of CC while casting beat drop.

sleep dart

fade and wraith

not really countering but just a fair tip. kill baby dva when she uses bomb, stun her right when she is calling mech to cancel it and she has to build call mech after that.

apart from all of these. you can use zarya bubbles to save yourself from any ult pretty much. also fade and wraith abilities.

I understand but i removed personnal escape abilities for what counters totaly an ult and thus saves the whole team. Zarya can only bubble herself and a mate. Moira can fade alone, reaper wrath alone too, meanwhile all the tema can hide behind any shied as long as it’s not destroyed before (or hacked/ EMPed)

Sleep dart is a 5s stun with waking up at the fist dmg. thus genji can survive many sleep dart if he doesn’t receive instant 400dmg, unless he’s left asleep and nano got exhausted.

yeah fair enough, thats why i mentioned it at the end. just in case people arent left wondering

good post tho

That was because people complained about moira’s experimental OP fade (yeah it was fun but op lol) because many seemed to discover that ults could be countered by utilities, while some aren’t.

I added what was missing.

Ashe’s Bob:

  • Sleep dart


  • Hit the mines before they get activated

Genji’s blade:

  • Wholehog
  • SoundBarrier
  • Grav
  • Sleep

Mei’s Blizzard:

  • Stun while casting

Soldier 76’s Visor:

  • Primary fire is better

Symmetra’s barrier:

  • Torb’s Molten Core

Ana’s nano:

  • Noob Genji
  • Lack of good targets

Lucio’s barrier:

  • EMP
  • Death/Stun while casting

Zen’s transcendence:

  • Boop

Hanzo’s dragon arrow:

  • WASD

Doomfist’s meteor strike:

  • Free sleep/kill after landed

Actually there is. Try to stun him right before he lands when doing ult.

Sleep dart just sleep bob for half the duration, not the whole. Most of your suggestions are ults countering ult. The purpose of the post was abilities or simple actions (outside ult) making other ults useless. I’ll add mei’s stun during cast. Doomfist after he landed means he has already donte his dmg. I’ll add boop for zen, stun for lucio. Your ana suggestion made me laugh because i thought about it too xd

Hack hasn’t been suggested for many ults because the casting time is too short compared to hack channeling. If the target has pressed the ult button and the ult isn’t a channeling type, it wont stop the ult.

You didn’t add bubble to the list…
I would put bubble and fortify under the same category to be honest.
I know it’s not blocking an ability for all team members but concidering some abilities are single target focus like pulse bomb , the ability should be concidered a perfect counter for some.

Also I think it’s safe to put kinetic grasp,matrix & deflect under the same category of time based shield.

Another I think can be nice for the list is movement denial- trapping the enemy like putting a trap or a grav on ulting Winston or Genji giving them no value.
I guess you can go for a more general direction and call it range denial.
and by that adding things like pharah’s flying against shatter to the list.

Last thing I didn’t see in the list is support ultimates: trans & beat work really well negating any effects…

For Brig’s rally I believe molten core counts as a denial. Sure you still provide armor but you take much more damage from that… So I don’t know if you really gain value from the armor- to me it sounds like more a punishment than value.

Overall I really liked the list concept. Great job- it’s clear you worked a lot on that.

You often hack before they start casting it (preemptive counter?), so you end up in situations where they got hacked the moment they press Q, losing the ult charge as well. (bad netcode?)

Indeed, Bubble can block Shatter as well.

As a Sombra main

A lot of Sombra’s methods relies on the enemy’s team to overreact when she’s in the match. It’s so bad that you can have an entire team leave a choke and chase you.


Not worth the hack, it’s in the middle of a teamfight and you’ll likely just end up with a 2 second interruption cooldown. You’re better off just shooting and it making it disappear permanently.

More luck than skill. The most you can do is delay it when you see him coming and hopefully get focused when your team sees the ult icon.

Easy enough

Also easy. Usually the chaos from casting his ult is enough to distract and allow you to hack him.

Hacking him disables his ability to jump allowing your team to stay out of reach.

Both times i used emp to diffuse the mines on a crowded point.

Can annoyingly lock on to you first since you’re the closest while you’re trying to hack him.

Bait him by moving away from your team and forcing him to make a choice. Either he ults someone and you hack him. Or he ults you and you teleport away.

They really hate Sombra.

Stand in front of echo and try to get her to copy you. I used to dread being copied, but as it turns out, Sombra is the most useless hero to copy since she’s effectively in the middle of a teamfight with no escape setup, and no midfight mobility. She’s a sitting duck and will be dead before she can charge her EMP.

Even if she does somehow get EMP, she’s unlikely to get value out of it because of how difficult it is to coordinate an EMP and she’ll be forced to use it when she’s not at an optimal position.

Hacking him disables his ability to dash, forcing him to chase everyone while they run away.

Run towards it to bait it and then teleport.

He usually activates his ult before you can finish a hack, you have to use your emp to cancel it reliably.

You can cancel it with emp if you’re fast enough. If not, you can teleport just outside of it and shoot the enemy while they’re distracted by your frozen teammates.

The chaos from the rockets flying everywhere usually allows you to sneak up on her to hack her if you act quickly.

Throw translocator into the air and hack him on your way down.

If enemy has a Sombra, i pick Mei.

Sombra needs a quick follow up, and Mei is good at stalling even when EMPed.



You have a natural indicator when you’re cloaked, you can track when it’s active and can tell your team when it’s safe to move. You can also be in a position where you can get the enemy to go out of their way to chase after you without exposing yourself to enemy fire. Everyone really hates Sombra and very likely to go after her.

EMP, especially if the tank got nanoed because they’re going to push and likely trigger every other ult in the next two seconds. You’re not going to cancel nano, but you’ll be cancelling/stalling everyone else’s ult.

I triggered EMP when i heard genji get nanoed, unfortunately i still wasn’t fast enough :frowning:


Or go Orisa and drop a shield on top of it to keep them from shooting through it.


Hack. Moira is also likely going to focus it at you so move away from your team to get her to waste it.

I only listed normal abilities (plus killing some one) in the shut down ults, because the topic was “ult countered totaly by abilities”. I know what does EMP, but it’s an ult, not a shift or e E.

I agree with some stuff, but if there is a mccree about to ult, i follow him to hack him while he does high noon. Using hack to just cut mobility isn’t enought to shut down completly an ult, winston can still boop people and genji has a 5m slash, there is a possibility he be in some one’s range… Orisa charger is good because it still prevent the damage boost and you have more time to destroy it and your mates have less chances to die.