What constitutes "disruptive gameplay"?

So, I’ve been banned on my alt for the third time, even if I never trolled or played badly intentionally, and GMs seems to be on the “you been reported a lot, so you must have done something bad” without any proof whatsoever
But what I got is a lot of proof of nonsensical players reporting me because I’m a dps main (mainly tracer, genji and sombra)
I usually ignore these players, but after the third ban, it’s just beyond idiotic. (after the second ban I started to take screenshots of players actively trolling me, like Mei walling my sight when I was playing widowmaker, supports ignoring me and forcing me to rely on healthpacks, etc etc)
I know when I have an off game I have to swap, and I do. But when I have a good game (hacking almost 70 enemies in 15 minutes with sombra) and my teammates still blame me, only because I’m playing sombra, it’s just too much.


welcome to overwatch the entire community is toxic

because they hide all info

wanna fix overwatch competitive

Scoreboard simple as that

and if players are made fun of cause they suck then that’s there problem they can mute and avoid just like everyone else


broken and gamed report system

most report and don’t get actioned against cause they have 8 accounts


Per the Blizzard Code-of-Conduct:

If you are ever action on an account for gameplay sabotage/disruptitve gameplay, you MUST file an appeal with Blizzard. Your case will be reviewed by a game master and they will make a decision based on the evidence that was collected. As a friendly reminder, discussion of specific account actions here on the forums is not permitted per the forum Code-of-Conduct.

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what this guy won’t tell u is that

you can be reported for not even typing.
you can be banned for not even typing.

cause the system is currently automated hand’s off where there’s smoke there’s fire system


“Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable”
I NEVER EVER did any of those things. And I have proof.
I already appealed the first 2 bans, but they went basically ignored (they said the “ban is confirmed since they amount of reports”, but not because they actually verified if they were false or not.)
Anyway, this time I got a bunch of screenshots on my side, already sent about 16 screenshots of people griefing me, feeding, trolling, insulting, and actively engaging with the enemy team to get as many reports they can on me so I can get banned.

good luck

they don’t overturn bans though

only if your a popular streamer like fuey500

I created the thread so we can MAYBE have some clarification about DOs and DON’Ts

Based on every case I have seen and information made publicly available by Blizzard, I firmly believe the reporting system does the following things:

  • It does have automatic protocols to collect evidence to confirm reports (such as game play tracking and chat logs).
  • There have been past developer responses that state that all actions are reviewed by Blizzard before they are issued.
  • That actions are not issued based on a fixed number of reports received alone.
  • Everytime there has been a claim of false reporting on the forums that has been responded to by Blizzard, it has been proven the user was in fact in violation of the Blizzard Code of Conduct.

Sorry but believe what you want, however as a long term player, if actions were issued based on reports alone, I myself would have been actioned as I know I have been false reported on many occasions.

Please everyone, Play Nice, Play Fair.


that’s just it

don’t disrupt others gameplay yet

there is zero enforcement of it in most cases
so you must have really gotten the salty ones at your sombra pick that just reported u on the get go

Same for me, sometimes I play DPS and people don’t like it and I’ve been demoted like 10 times from endorsement.

If you are left questioning your behavior you need to take a deep look into it, we as a community can’t provide effective advice to your specific issues. I will say this as personal advice.

Avoid one-tricking. Officially playing your preferred hero is not a violation, but one-tricking is not only is it a poor approach to playing Overwatch (from a gameplay perspective), the behavior of strictly playing a single hero is often a front and an excuse to many players who are hostile and offensive to others. I won’t report a player for their hero choice, but if they are uncooperative, I will use the “Avoid as Teammate” feature and give constructive criticism for their choice of actions. If they are hostile, I will report them for Abusive Chat.

Avoid blaming teammates. This is a trap that is easy for any player of any playstyle to fall into. Remember that you are in control of only your own hero. While you can communicate and try to work together with teammates. You have to make the best possible decision in every moment to try and win the game. If you focus on more on your own gameplay, work to expand your skills, and improve your career averages. Not only will you avoid causing toxic situations, but you will climb the ladder.

Play when you are ready to play. Do not play tired, do not play when you are tilted. The more stress you put on yourself, the more likely you will fail in your matches and push yourself into reaching a disruptive behavior in Overwatch. This goes double for Competitive mode.

ALWAYS be positive. This is a very difficult thing to do in some games, but it is always possible. Remember to praise your teammates for great plays, remember to endorse players for good sportsmanship, remember to focus your team comms for calling out what is going on in the game rather than calling out mistakes and asking for hero swaps of your teammates. I make it work and I know anyone can too.

I hope this gives you a perspective to how I play and perceive Overwatch. I often find that anyone who tries to “work around the rules” more often than not break the rules. This is why the Code of Conduct is specifically worded to guide players on appropriate behaviors rather than list out what is and what is not okay. I hope this information proves useful. Cheers. (^^)v

I’m DPS flexing pretty much all heroes and sometimes people question my decision but I’ve never been banned. :confused:

It’s like 1 every 30 games perhaps I end up in a discussion in which I often come out ahead because if I do poorly with a hero, I’ll swap it off. I usually communicate with my team so if I pick a Sombra/Tracer/Genji I don’t just look for their Ana to abuse and annoy the living hell out of but actually communicate with my team, try to get them engaged in conversation by asking how they want to approach or when they are ready to go in so I can hack X hero (or if I have to change I say so), call out low targets etc. when playing widow and so on so people realize that I actually do stuff and have an impact.

You are probably far more likely to get reported if you 1) don’t communicate 2) your communication is toxic 3) have a private profile 4) Your profile shows that you one-trick a hero that isn’t supposed to be played that much if you want to win games rather than playing for yourself.

So if you want to stack up hours on Sym, Sombra, Mei, Widow or whatever you need to stack up games and distribute the amount played over more heroes… Yes, welcome to the life of being a DPS, even if you’re a main DPS with focus on like widow you still need to be able to play half the rooster or more pretty damn close to as good as your widow because just like in mobas it’s not as much about individual skills as much as it is to having the right counter plays, you can play a hero which your skill level is lower with but get more impact out of due to the circumstances compared to a hero you grind a lot and is generally much better with but is denied value in the current state of the game.

Today I got banned for disruptive gameplay (plat account).

I started playing widow in Anubis defense, and only got 2 kills before dying. We lost the point.

For B I swapped to tracer and did 26 kills as her by the end of the round, for a total 28-2.

On attack I went sombra. My team couldn’t push while I was backcapping and fighting 3 people. I died twice to the soldier and got mad, so I decided to spawncamp him and mercy.

Now my team is 5v4 and will surely cap right?
Nopes. They got mad at me

Ended 36-4, potg, silver damage (our junk outdid me by 3k at 15 total). After the game… Banned for disruptive gameplay.

The game before I got 12 dragonblade kills in a single round (5 blades 1 round)… I mean we pushed almost all the way, it was pretty hard because I had to initiate or noone else would…

If I killed only 2 my team would lose the 5v4, so we pushed only when I killed 3+.

Of course on defense they took DPS from me, and we lost. Somehow it was my fault for not playing with the team and got reported.
I ended that game with 11 deaths and 48 elims…

Man I sure love this game…


The thing is: I don’t want to communicate. I’ve been playing this game since day 1, I’ve got tons of experience (peaked at top30) and I honestly don’t need to communicate with teammates. I know exactly what I’m supposed to so (as my stats show) and what the team is supposed to do. And even when I clearly see that they are playing badly and blaming me for it, I don’t say anything. Why should I? To be toxic? Nah, not my cup of tea. I prefer not join voice chat, sometimes even avoid text chat all together, listen to music and gg

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I assume you play and peaked on another account since the current one you’re using don’t seem to have been active for half a year?

And I think I laid down the reason just fine. I need others to be my eyes and ears if I can unleash the full potential just as I need to be able to give that intel to my teammates. If I see Genji set up for an ultimate behind us I will call it so we just don’t walk in and get slaughtered or try to pick him off before heading to the objective just to give an example. It’s crucial with target focus and you can’t do that if people don’t call target and you share info about enemies health status because if I body shot someone as a widow the tracer can more than likely just jump in and finish that person off in a heartbeat, same goes if I’m the tracer and a hanzo/widow or whatever calls out a target then I know what I need to go for and try to spot an opening before the healers can heal it up. Like you expect Moira to tell people when she have no energy or heals available, when Rein need to re-charge his shield, when mercys have no ress along with things that happen on the battlefield so you and your team can choose the best approach, it’s a team game and if you like sitting and drink tea listening to music then perhaps go QP instead because it’s very triggering playing with people who don’t engage in the conversation.

Again, I respect people who don’t want to talk for various reasons. Maybe the mic is broken, your parents/kids/spouse is sleeping near you and you don’t want to wake them up, you might not know english that good (or at least think you don’t) just to mention a few reasons, like I had this guy a week or two that never spoken before because he was afraid but he noticed we seemed like nice people so he started talking and he was very glad he did so and said he never had that much fun.
There will be douches out, don’t let them ruin the experience for you and your team. Simply mute rude people and carry on…

And like I said, if you are unable to speak at least try to type type something to let people know because I rather play with people who say “Sorry can’t speak but I’ll do my best” rather than playing with people who don’t even mentioning it because the people who don’t at least announce it comes off a bit like you do which is triggering for people because they didn’t sign up for a comp game in order for someone to have a QP experience on their expense.

You had me until “hacking almost 70 enemies in 15 minutes with Sombra.”

I don’t even know if that’s possible – it’d certainly require you NEVER dying – and would mean you’re not shooting anything or hacking key healthpacks for your team, you’re just running around hacking and translocating out – WHICH DOES NOTHING FOR YOUR TEAM.

Maybe that’s why they’re reporting you?

That’s still not grounds for reporting a player.

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Oh and btw I got a reply from a GM:
“The causes are multiple (for the ban) and the majority of them all fall under the definition of “antisportsmanship”, negative behaviour, including trolling, feeding and similar” (all I did was not swapping from Genji, tracer, sombra and widow since I was doing honestly good)
As for my questions about the proof of me trolling or feeding, the answer was “You will not be given any details about that”
They literally have nothing against me for disruptive gameplay, and yet they decided to ban me anyway.
(oh BTW the GM started to talk about a chat ban out of the blue, of which I never appealed since it was justified and even I know that, instead of talking about my ban or the people falsely reporting me and stuff, like me banting with other players was considered “trolling”)


Even if they tell you what exactly is Trolling, and what is not, you will be still experiencing the issue you complain about, unless they make their autoban system also automatically check if the reports you are getting are false positives.

As a 500 hours one trick, I laugh at people who claim they did nothing reportable. Because despite doing something that I know I get constantly false reported for, I’ve yet to ever get banned.

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