What concerns do you have about 5v5?

I genuinely want to hear what the biggest concerns are for you guys about the balance of 5v5. I understand that tanks are getting some changes (whether or not they are sufficient is another discussion entirely), but what I’m still worried that abilities like Discord Orb and Nade are going to make playing tank hell without your other tank to cover you. You could probably nerf those abilities, but how are you going to nerf something like Discord while keeping Zen a reasonable pick?

That might just be me being pessimistic though. What do you guys think?


at the moment not many cause we dont really know what the finished product will look like…i can see it going both ways…

tanks should be stronger in theory so i do wonder how that would play into my favorite game mode (MH) or even something like QPC…but the “normal” game? i dont think anything atm


Balance maybe, almost everyone will need a rework. I hope they rework them right

Yeah … because they did such a great job with reworks in the past :+1:


Ngl I’m somewhat positive about 5v5 as a tank main.

One problem I had with current 6v6 is that some tank synergies are way too good and sometimes even feel mandatory (rein&zarya is a notorious example). Dps and healers do not have that issue at all.

If they manage to make tanks feel fun and autonomous in 5v5, it will be a step in a good direction.


Worst case: it turns into team death match with tanks that are either entirely ineffective at tanking, or way over-powered. The ‘brawler’ name makes them just short-ranged dps, and they lose the last of their tank audience, sending queue times through the roof for the majority of players.


I think tank synergies are really strong because many tanks were designed to not be alone (Zarya being the foremost example). There aren’t many notable DPS/Support synergies I think because many of them were designed to be decent on their own.

I’m holding off any concerns until they actually reveal the full extent of the balance changes they’re gonna make. I see no point in worrying currently.

I just want to terrorize the entire enemy line with my tank buddy.

Really? I am sweating blood every patch.

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I have concerns because I recognize some things may need to be changed in the wake of other changes. That’s part of the process of balance I think, having foresight to identify things that could be problems.

Yeah, that’s why I believe most people don’t like tanking. Feeling the need to find a 2nd tank with high teamwork spirit takes enjoyment away from a player.

With some good tank redesigns, 5v5 might become an improvement. I don’t have much faith in the redesigns though. :roll_eyes:

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well a big on is objectives, especially payloads. It’s already painful to have to sit on a payload to move it forward while your team fights. With a group of 5 it vastly limits your ability to do so. But given how the contest system works you won’t get far very fast if you are forced to fight around the payload.

Other than that it’s mostly flanking and how easy it will be to just ignore the tank while killing the rest of the team. While we haven’t played 5v5 yet, many of us have experience in single tank game play either before role Q or the T ripple DPS experimental.

When there is but a single tank it’s very easy for the enemy team to simply ignore them and go for their team.

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Yikes. Might wanna get that checked out eh :smile:

Well I respect your viewpoint. To elaborate on the reason I am not personally concerned at the moment, it’s because I am not the one in charge of balance. That responsibility falls on the devs, who have indicated that they will be making sweeping changes across the board. I just don’t see any point in worrying for the next however long it takes them to reveal all of the changes together.

3 dps 1 tank, 2 supp was more fun back in the days, it’s stronger than 2,2,2.

now with 5 players, it might be less explosive

I really think its a player issue if they go “Oh man, I bought this TEAM based game, where you need to play as a TEAM and now I have to find someone to be my TEAMMATE! That shouldn’t be!”

Same. The weirdest part is how people don’t understand why I, as a tank main, don’t trust Blizzard’s tank design. Especially after they showed off 5 v 5 and blatantly showed the tanks being garbage besides the explicitly DPS/gun heavy characters like Zarya and Hog.

Reinhardt will never be that since, you know, if you give Rein a gun he’s no longer Rein.


To be honest, I’ll probably just play the PvE and leave comp alone.

My worry is that currently, tanks are an issue.

In 5 vs 5 I believe that supports will be the new bottleneck. Nobody will want to play support in a 5 vs 5 TDM brawl game.

With only one tank you can’t really have a front line strategy, you need two tanks for a tank strategy to function with any purpose. I think they want more of a TDM game by the looks of things.

What about Sigma and Orisa?
Also why are they so worried about “healing another tank” when you still have two DPS and the other support (even though self regen is going to be a thing)?

The worst role to play against is going to be support - one less tank for protection, DPS you can’t run away, CC nerfs…