Which character has the best flex game in the game? Who has the bling and the p-zing?
I would say Ashe. Those cowgirl outfits don’t come cheap, and I bet she buys designer with all that Deadlock money.
Ummmm no offense OP but doom out here in a full formal attire killing people.
Ashe doesn’t have anything to flex, she can only flex her dads money.
Symmetra’s base skin dress has gold on it
Torbjörn owns a secret mining operation in Sweden where he digs to the outer core where he extracts it’s liquids for Molten Core
Reins armor is made of pure Rhodium.
The dude is fighting in armor made of pure bling.
but where does Reaper get his infinite Gold Plated Shotguns from?
Tracer. She has access to all money through time and space.
Considering she was born into a rich family plus she has a pretty successful gang she leads I’m betting she has quite a bit of cash just laying around.
No she deserves it
Anyways OP it’s junkrat and Roadhog–the junktertown payload is theirs after all