What changes would you make to revive the tank role

tank went from strong and meta dictating to theorycrafting in spawn simulator, i want to hear some takes on how to fix the role because im just curious

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more self sustain, less group sustain

that’s it.

I’d go with 300hp/8sec shield renew (basically roadhog self heal) + hp/armor modifications as needed - and even damage

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They wanna make the tank role more FPS-y, but they won’t be able to if some of the tanks remain on their current designs, instead they will just release new FPS-y tanks in OW2 and leave the tanks that don’t fit suboptimal…


Nerf half the roster.


Nerf Zen discord. It’s literally a permanent 30% HP debuff to tanks. Make it 25%

Dva - 12m DM buff

Rein - Revert damage buff, buff barrier to 1800 or 2000

Orisa- Buff shield to 900 HP, nerf fortify

Sigma- push him more towards off or main tank, accentuate his weaknessess but let his strengths feel fluid

Nerf Echo. Nerf Hanzo. Revert Tracer falloff buff. Might need to nerf other DPS but I just woke up and my brain can’t function.

Look at nerfing Bap in some way

Revert Lucio’s GOATs nerfs if necessary

I think all of those changes would make tanking more enjoyable overall and the probs the entire game as well

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buff lucio speed

raise zaryas skill floor but reward being good with it.

make orisa play more aggressively and not just beta bastion from aliexpress.

powershift sigmas power to his succ

buff dva defense matrix range and width (a bit)

nerf zen discord (i said it)

nerf echo tide pods, hanzo fan the quiver, mccree fth

Maybe half is hyperbole, but at least 12.

I thought you meant half the tank roster and I thought you were trolling.

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Even though I’ve been against nerfing things for a long time I think this would be a good patch.

Bap should go down to 55 heal per shot maybe since you were wondering. I think his damage is fine (imo). Maybe make window only give 90% dmg boost.

For orisa you’d probably need to give her 400 base hp if you were giving her 900hp shield.

I’m not sure about buffing reins barrier hp tho…

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Properly nerfing the rest of the roster.

One that a lot of people don’t consider: map overhaul. Rework most of the maps to provide (more/less) angles, cover, and better health pack placement.

Not only would this lay the groundwork to see where each Tanks struggles in, it also gives them options for survival as they are being fixed: more cover (less choke points) means that if their barrier breaks, they can duck behind cover as it recharges.

Additionally, it would also benefit the other roles:

  • Damage now has a second source of healing at their fingertips (better health pack placement) and additional flank routes.
  • Supports have less stress (due to better health pack placement), cover to take a breather, and more opportunities to duel.

Remove Sigma. Return tanks to the state that they were in before his addition, except for Winston and Ball who have gone through very good and useful changes for the heroes. That’s it. Maybe keep some Zarya changes too as she was one of the worse tanks back then too

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Buff self mitigation abilities.

  • Orisa’s Fortify is now on a resource. Same active and recharge times but with more player control (like Defense Matrix)
  • Sigma’s Grasp is also on a resource. When cancelled you store whatever energy you absorbed before canceling.
  • D.va is able to boost away (if available) when her Mekka HP reaches zero. This way she can eject in relative safety if she is able to find safer ground.
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Bastion rework to punish tanks less but be better against DPS heroes:

  • Sentry gun damage nerfed to 10 (was 15) so down to 300dps
  • Sentry spread reduced to 1 degree of deflection
  • Sentry damage falloff removed
  • Ironclad passive removed
  • New passive: Sentry gun damage isn’t reduced by armour (no net change in damage vs armour)
  • Hit Points now 350HP (250 armour 100 base health)
  • Self-repair delay reduced from 0.5sec to 0 sec
  • Self-repair resource duration increased by 0.5sec

Other changes:

  • Dva gets 2 charges on her boosters
  • Orisa’s Fortify back to 50% damage resistance
  • Winston’s jump landing damage increased to 75
  • Hammond’s hit points changed to 200 armour, 400 base health
  • Echo’s sticky nades changed to 10 impact, 20 explosive damage
  • Hanzo 125m/s arrows but only 3 storm arrows
  • Genji’s ammo reduced to 24
  • Junkrat 1.0sec recovery time on throwing a mine
  • Sombra’s EMP is blocked by barriers but still destroys any barrier hit
  • Tracer’s pulse bomb reduced to 300 damage but drops to 200 damage at edge of blast radius.
  • Ana’s sleep dart sleeps for less on longer ranged targets
  • Zen’s orb damage reduced to 40

General changes:

  • Damage over time effects do -30% damage against armour (affects Ana, Moira, Ashe and Hanzo)
  • Large health packs heal 300HP
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Focus on the three anchor tanks. Winston, Reinhardt and Orisa are the three tanks that have no synergy and do not play well together, yet encourages wildly different playstyles just with their presence.

The mistake for the past year, is that Reinhardt and Zarya are the two top tanks. Which also happens to always be paired together, making every other tank obsolete with consant mirror matches. The only way the other off-tanks tanks could compete during that time was when they were individually made powerful rather than with their respective main tanks.

During double-shield, the two top tanks were Orisa and Reinhardt, which almost never gets paired. Meaning that they pulled up the other tanks instead.


Rather than mirror matches, you had Offense vs Defense. All that was needed was for Winston to be brought up to their level and he’ll bring his dive tanks with him.

Of course, the problem was (Atleast in the absolute top), is that Anchor tanks are very powerful both in ability and psychologically. Your team didn’t need active communication to know what the general strategy would be, just see which anchor tank they had and they’d have a good idea on how the team’s going to play. The Anchor tank also acts as the dampener, they absorb a lot of the explosive energy overpowered heroes dish out and gives space for underpowered heroes to do their thing, hence, greatly deminishing the possibility of steamrolls.

They may slow the game down, but it means players outside of GM can keep up with the action. This may sound good, and indeed it is, but because of how the 1% works, tanks are no longer allowed to do this.

Right now it’s total chaos. You either picked Reinhardt or you lose, and if you picked any other tank that isn’t a total throw, there’s no intuitive way of coordinating the team. The three main compositions are Deathball, Bunker and Dive and it’s easier for normal players to adjust their plays to any one than deal with nuances of just a single one. Reinhard/Zarya is obviously deathball, but how is the team supposed to work with a Sigma/Roadhog? Raise the anchor tanks so there’s atleast one encouraged in each team.

It may seem OP, but the fact was, that’s the 1%'s problem. See the picture above, that was taken before the shield nerfs when Doubleshield was supposedly at its strongest. The absolute top may be playing doubleshield, but the rest of the playerbase had options.

Balance those three anchor tanks for the 96% instead of catering to the 1%. Regardless of how you balance the tanks, the absolute top will always have problems, whether or not they’re actually viable for the rest of the playerbase. So make the tanks viable for playerbase, and leave the 1% with their problems.

Right now as any tank you should play corners and covers and peak for like 1 sec. Even DPS and support players can play more agressive and less safe becouse they atleast can dodge bullets and has smaller hitboxes. And heals are far effective on them becouse they can take less damage.

As a soldier player i can make tons of mistakes and be fine.
As a tank player one mistake and i am dead.

If you can fire a shot while the shield is up = paper thin weak shields. or tickle gun that will only kill through healing with focus fire.

If you can only melee, or shield… super strong shield.

If you can shoot, or shield, medium shield (doesn’t exist yet) .

If you’re a supermobile tank with high survivablity, guns should be tickle guns.

I also think some rare abilities that are class specific,( ex. Speed boast, or hack) be added to a tank role in the future. Not reworks necessarily of existing tanks, but as new tanks come in.

But who am I, and this is top of the head type stuff, I’m sure someone will say I’m dumb.

Rein as a main shield tank. His shield needs to be active. Recharge needs to be quicker. If it breaks, cool down maybe. But make it once he drops it, it charges back up