Hello I got suspended a couple of days ago for a day out of nowhere while I was playing some 3v3 elimination.
A few days prior to this suspension I had recieved a warning in game saying people are reporting me for griefing or afking. I continued playing the way I was although more cautiously.
Anyway I still ended up recieving a day suspension. I still haven’t played again out of fear of more suspensions, because I dont think anything is being done to verify the reports being submitted.
My stats can be found here on Overbuff https ://www.overbuff.com/players/pc/Ava-21214. I always try each game. I don’t troll or afk. I mostly play support / fill.
Maybe I shouldn’t be so skeptical, but I’m sure you must have received reports and a suspension for some reason.
strange that everyone that is ever suspended or silenced is always completely innocent
This. Reports are reviewed, and I don’t believe you’re telling the full story. Not once has someone ever been true about a false suspension that they “couldn’t explain.”
Idk maybe people got mad at me for the heroes I picked?
I haven’t played competitive all week either since I broke into masters and I’ve just been chilling in qp and arcade playing Mercy / Reaper mostly.
Be advised that the discussion of account actions is prohibited on the forums. Details of why you were suspended should be found in the e-mail and if you believe it is incorrect, you must appeal to Blizzard directly.
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Ignore them because they won’t do anything unless you deserve it.
Some people take to the forums because they believe they haven’t been heard, which I understand. Usually though, they do end up actually having done something wrong.
Im not discussing the actions. I’m discussing how it feels like the report system seems easy to abuse with no repercussions.
To me, it feels like you’re trying to repair a reputation in a public place or garner sympathy from your fellow players.
I would think that most of us believe you are probably in the wrong here. Why would Blizzard want to throw away a potential business vector? Sorry, but I don’t understand why anyone believes that Blizzard would be “out to get them”.
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Of course everyone thinks im in the wrong. It’s guilty until proven innocent with this community and Blizzard
Only streamers with all their games recorded get any sympathy.
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keep your head on straight, because while this is true, you shouldn’t endanger your own reputation. It’ll be dealt with!
You were already proven guilty by both your peers who reported you and Blizzard…
The reports were false though. You have seen people suspended falsely in the past yes? Why do you think this is impossible for non-famous people?
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You’ve clearly never been suspended. If you had, you’d know that those “appeals directly to Blizzard” get nothing but a generic, cookie-cutter repsonse
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Good luck. I’m not going to waste my time. My educated guess suggests that you’re probably in the wrong. Come post again when your account is no longer suspended and Blizzard admits they are in the wrong.
Until then, you were already proven guilty multiple times with no financial benefit for Blizzard to suspend your account.
My account isnt suspended anymore. Did you read my orginal post. I got a suspension for 1 day and havent played since even after it expired.
This is a QQ post about a day suspension?
Good god. Have a nice day.
Why are you being such a jerk? I am posting my concerns about a report system I believe is faulty.
Let me get this straight.
If its a day suspension then I am a cry baby QQer who should get over it.
But if its a week suspension then im a toxic player who needs to realise I need to change since i keep getting suspended?
Is there any winning at all with you?
You can spam reports and get people banned for nothing because no one reads reports.