What can Legacy Comp Points do and how is it used?

Hello Blizzard Team! How do we use the Legacy Competitive points? I am asking this is because some of us have collected quite a number of it already and have not been able to use it ever since the game released.

When will we be able to use them and what will it be used for?

legacy are only for golden guns but you can also buy gold with the new comp points. At the end of the year all comp points get converted into legacy points btw


Unless they change their mind they’ve also confirmed that really is all legacy points will be useful for

They should add a way to use current and legacy points combined for gold weapons, just kinda weird to have points locked for a year at a time you can’t do anything with. My OCD :sob:

Now it‘s 2025 but my legacy points were not converted yet. Why?

Because they do not convert just because it’s a new year. This is the last season until a new wep type is coming out, so they will convert at the end of the season. So like 6.5 weeks from now.