What can be done about unfair bans?

Been seeing A LOT of unfair ban complaints on this forum.
Most of them end with “…and then a bot at Blizzard sent me a link to the TOC, which I didn’t even violate in the first place”.

What can you even do about it?
I have a feeling that a lot of people are just gonna get banned, and then stop playing.


Just…quit swearing in chat. Not that hard.


The only thing I do know is you gotta keep submitting tickets and EVENTUALLY someone will either permanently disable your entire Battlenet account… or they’ll actually respond with non form letters.

Not a whole lot of positive there though.


Pray your gods or the god of rng to be lucky and not becoming the target of a hate group or salty players.
They just can report you, and the chinese bots will punish you then send the ToC again and again to whatever you try to say.
Good luck.

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don’t communicate at all, ever, forever.
thats the goal of overwatch if you wanna stay safe. my recommendation.

also don’t play to many matches in the same mode, mix it up and play more games. ideally not to much comp. add some arcade and qp and if you wanna be 100% sure bend the knee in some games and be the servant of your team.


Turn off all forms of communication.

It’s sad that a once social game is now actively discouraging you from being social.

But, if you want to keep all the skins you earned without the risk of being banned forever because someone got angry at you and wants to abuse the report button, then its more safe to just disable it entirely.


There is nothing you can do. Blizz doesn’t care about their community anymore.


Absolutely nothing, used to be able to repeal to a actual human being it was super useful. But would’ve thought once you get rid of that the system is used PRIMARILY to abuse


Turn off all the chats. Don’t communicate or interact in any way with your team. That’s what the devs want in this wannabe e-sports game.


Fact that they don’t think they violayed CoC is not relevant.

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Blizz doesn’t doll unfair bans. Iv never been banned. I bet u were XIM user and didn’t read how they cracked down on it hard and season 11 itle get worse for them and they will get pinned against PC people after getting caught but as of now they collected data and u must have been reported enough for a justified ban

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play something else, behavior will change when less people are playing… What i do when i am annoyed

Nothing. The system is automated. If your ticket is about a ban, no human even looks at it, they use a bot to respond. If you open too many tickets about it they blacklist your account and don’t look at anymore tickets at all for anything.

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Nice fanfiction lmao

It’s an interesting topic. Code of Conduct must be written… yet all situations of penalty are unique. There’s context. Blizzard has empowered the community to report their peers; a responsibility which they’ve 1000% proven incapable of and actively abuse. Blizzard has empowered a bot to handle most of the preliminary weeding of sanctions against accounts to slap an initial “warning and silence” action; a responsibility which an AI cannot possibly fulfill accurately. And finally, Blizzard has empowered Customer Support agents to review appeals and account sanctions for accuracy, overriding or letting stand the punishments given; a responsibility that, in recent news, has absolutely not been handled well by Blizzard CS.

So you’ve got players, robots, and support agents all doing this balancing act of weeding out who deserves to not play this game. And it’s a mess.

There’s likely already a lot of resources devoted to this process. You could call for more, but those resources have to come from somewhere. I don’t know Aaron Keller or the teams’ thoughts, but I think one interview they’ve stated, paraphrasing, “we could do better with the defense matrix” and “it is not working to the capacity that’d we’d like”. So they know it is a flawed system they’d love to revisit, and it seems like it is on their radar now.

I’d say the Microsoft restructuring and firing of 1000s of employees doesn’t help, obviously. I’d say they need to vet agents that handle these complaints better, and redevelop their training for them (more resources).

But at the end of the day (and I’m someone whose been silenced 3 times in-game), I feel like a lot of people who do get actions against them are done justly. There’s some DISGUSTING, GARBAGE people who play OW and beyond. It is NEVER ok to call someone the n-word, f-slur, attack someone’s anything maliciously, threaten, tell them to off themselves, wish harm upon people/pets/etc. Like… at what point is it just basic “don’t say this on the internet”. It starts with Blizzard realizing the report system has issues and the community realizing a lot of humans online are despicable.

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Stop playing the game. Then go on some other forum and find other people banned for actual unfair reasons. Hire a lawyer and sue, class action as they take your money and then lock you out without providing any actual review.


Stop playing games with automated report systems.

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i was suspended. I have VC turned off, and keep my chat PG which is even a stretch. I am always a top performer in the lobby. Blizzard does not vet reports its 100% automated and abused.


everything about this is wrong… morally


i can assure you i did not violate the terms of service… i play only tank and people got mad and mass reported me