Gameplay, storyline, personality, what are your predictions for Captain Diggydiggy?
I’m personally expecting venture to be one of those erratic, passionate, disorganised geniuses who is both a complete mess of a person and a master at what they do. Just a serious love for breaking new ground, finding troves of treasure and knowledge, spilling the 8th cup of coffee this morning. All in all, a very lovable character idea and so I hope I am correct here
As for story, I dunno what we do or don’t know, or if Venture will be a main OW story hero, but my personal hope is they stumble across Junkrat’s treasure and we get a fun worldbuilding plotline with some Wile. E. Coyote and Roadrunner shenanigans between the Junkers and Venture. I don’t care if it will never happen, it’s a fantastic idea.
As for gameplay we saw… a hole diggy that’s functionally like Reaper wraith I think, a dash that makes you just a tasteful amount more thicc, and splash midrange projectiles. I assume youre supposed to be like a brawl hero, but with a slower bulk increasing Genji dash? Still pretty confused on how this kit is gonna play in game but if someone has ideas of the kind of hero this might be I’d love to hear em
I think Lifeweaver was both a perfect character to make pansexual and isn’t constantly in your face about it. He’s just Lifeweaver, dude loves life. Of course he could love anyone.
Ig my point is I trust them to make Venture as natural as they have in the past. People will likely be more focused on who Venture is, rather than “what”
I was imagining creating a sinkhole that can be temporarily used for environmental kills but… That’s way too easy to grief with, intentionally or not lmao
I remember before i ever played OW, my brother showed me the ‘tale of 2 dragons’ video, briefly detailing the dynamic between Hanzo and Genji. It made me feel something in my feelies and i knew i HAD to play this game. Go back and watch it (again), its amazing what they captured in a few minutes. Same thing with Mei’s origin story and all of the early vids they made… they were all very well written and really drew you in.
These days theyre just mildly entertaining and mostly not even worth watching. No more tingles in the tinglies. It seems along with all the other talent they fired/ lost over the years, the writing/ hero development team has been long gone for a while; now its just monkeys on typewriters.
It would be an AoE attack with moderate amount of dmg but constantly knock the enemies in random directions. So unless they have a movement ability, they will have a hard time getting out because their control over regular movement is very limited. Would be a crowd control Ult. I know devs said no CC on dps heroes, but i think when its an ultimate, its an exception. Mei still has full freeze on blizzard.
They look like they will have a mix of Moira and Lifeweaver’s personalities.
I feel like they are this inventor like Mei but they would have Moira’s passion and pure thrill for their work combined with the quirkiness, compassion, and friendliness towards others like Lifeweaver has.
The gun looks neat, will also be nice to have an explosive hero that actually requires aim
I don’t get why some people are so worried about the invincibility thing, reaper has a similar ability and is one of the most consistently low-tier heroes in the game
Just glad dps is finally getting something interesting after how generic sojourn was