What are your thoughts on dva?

Needs buffs or fine? You don’t see her as much since her first set of nerfs. I would personally love if they removed her movement penalty when shooting like they did with orisa. Her weapons are only good up close and she’s already a huge target.


She needs a slight buff, she wasnt even that strong before her nerf.


DM has felt too short for years since they nerfed it


Ehhhh… I mean, I feel like she’s another one of those cases where she definitely needs something, but I have no idea what, especially because I don’t play as her.

For what it’s worth, she’s kind of a free kill against most of the tanks I play. Kinda just exists to add a liiiiiiiiiiiittle pressure. Great off-tank in open queue.


its too easy to land criticals on her


You’re crazy. She is 100% good. She’s actually very good, if played correctly.


Why comment if you don’t play her? She’s actually one of the stronger tanks atm.

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Just sharing a thought or two. Nothing major, but nothing irrelevant.
Why comment if you aren’t going to share any thoughts? :hushed:

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Definitely one of the worst tanks, sometimes a little better than junkerqueen, but only sometimes


That’s your opinion… which I don’t really care about. She’s insanely strong - except against Zarya.

Lol nope. And ironically zarya is one of the few tanks she can burst down now if she counts bubbles.

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That’s less of an opinion and more of a statement based on experience. :thinking: Perspective would be a better word, I suppose.


you still haven’t made any valid contributions to the thread. :confused:


I dont think she needs anything. She’s fine. As is Zarya, Rein and Ball. The game isn’t meant to have every hero be equally easy to play, some heroes require more skill and timing and DVA is certainly one of those heroes.

If she feels weak, it’s probably because Orisa walks all over her. Orisa needs a much bigger nerf.

All in all, I think there definitely should be heroes that are harder to play, but there should NEVER be heroes that just win by existing like Orisa.

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She isnt Orisa or anything like that but in terms of fun she’s still an absolute chore to play against. Cant say I ever enjoy any match she’s in even if we are winning.


She’s really cute and very funny.

I think she’s honestly always gonna have huge issues in 5v5. That doesn’t mean she can’t be strong, but right now Dva’s main problems are problems from her actions core identity.

She has an incredibly large hitbox and is really easy to headshot. Also she’s helpless against beam and melee attacks. Not to mention staggering Dva can be brutal.


I see her being picked often but she is not fun to play.

It is also mostly comes down to which team gets better healers because without heal, you can’t do anything. Having to go passive doesn’t help anyone.

probably should nerf the overperforming tanks first then see what happens. starting with orisa. i dont really want them to buff rein but they are planning too heh

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For a D.Va main, D.Va is playable yet easily pushed around, her actions seemingly controlled by her enemies. She is easily outright countered and worse, rendered practically useless when paired with non-synergizing teammate hero picks. Within the tank lineup, she definitely sits a few tiers down. Not quite the throw pick that Hog and Ball are (and maybe Doom, too), but still rather mediocre IMO. For a non-D.Va tank main, I definitely wouldn’t recommend picking her, except in situations where going a Dive comp would be appropriate and your team is already playing good synergizing Dive partners.

Compared to playing the various tanks I now main, yet am nowhere near as comfortable on (10-100 hours each) compared to D.Va (3500+ hours), I can’t help but notice that she simply takes more effort, more intense hand and eye coordination, and punishes bad positioning and plays on my part more so than current better tank picks, like Winston, Sigma, and even Rein (who isn’t nearly as bad as people like to make him out to be).

D.Va is far more team dependent to get value out of, considering she needs teammates to both keep up with her and to keep her up too; making her a far cry from her near universal usefulness to just about any team people tried using her with in older versions of the game.

I tried a couple games as Junker Queen, honestly had no idea what I was doing (and in result, never really cared for her play style), but my flailing around seemed to be somewhat effective, even when I died repeatedly. I want to say D.Va “cross-contests” Reinhardt and Junker Queen. However, I have experienced what seemed like a rather inordinate number of “good” Junker Queens and Reinhardts that just dominated me on D.Va when I couldn’t get the high ground and/or I lacked support. Same can be said of Zarya (who does still tend to prompt a required switch off D.Va, especially for non-D.Va mains), and Doomfist, though such cases are definitely more rare. Hog doesn’t concern me on D.Va at all now, and so long as my team stays focused, Hammond tends to be a nonissue as well. Overall, this would be my tier list if I had to rate D.Va among the rest of the tanks:

S: Orisa, Ramattra
A: Sigma, Winston
B: Rein, Junker Queen
C: D.Va, Zarya, Doomfist
D: Hog, Ball

You pick from S and A to win. Picking from B on down it just to prioritize your own fun over winning.

I read somewhere that D.Va is supposedly meant to counter Orisa and Ramattra. I play her against them because I’m stubborn, not because she’s good against them. Orisa simply gets to push D.Va around more often than D.Va gets to bully her around, and that’s despite D.Va regularly eating Orisa’s shots and Javelins. Oh, “go around Orisa” and attack her teammates instead? Orisa will be for sure on your butt, pushing your out of your supports’ LOS, and into her teammates, who will happily CC you and kill you. Ramattra likes to perform attacks that bypass D.Va’s Defense Matrix. He can easily survive being bombed and have a mech dropped on him afterwards, just by blocking. And while I feel D.Va is encouraged to stand her ground and shoot him while he ults, he tends to have the upper hand and wins that matchup.

I think she is fine. Maybe a revert to her old weapon spread before the nerf would be enough. Dva is currently one of the most balanced heroes in the game in my book.

Yeah, dva is pretty awful right now.

Pistol needs more damage. Only slightly.
The hurt box on the wing slats of the mech need to just not be there.

DM needs a range increase of just 1 meter.
The maximum damage portion of her ult needs an additional 100 hp damage buff.

If you’re in that range with no barrier or wall, or protection, you should die. period.

add an extra 4 pellets to her fusion cannons on each arm.

If she is outside of the mech for 25 seconds, give her a free call mech.