What Are Your Most Wanted Balance Changes?

Annoying ≠ OP. If anything he needs a buff right now to at least make him actually playable.

Me saying make him less annoying wasn’t me saying he needs a nerf. That’s why I just said him and his twinkle toes are dang annoying

Genji has no shield break and relies on getting his ult of course he’s not played rn

beam kept live / no ptr change
Turrets doubled to six
Turret dmg only 5 dps

Widow 150 health

Sombra- ugh. removed or reverted to launch. I’m over her

Horizontal flight and down mobility added
Airtime buffed 5%

storm arrow no longer hits headshots


Amor reverted

Zarya -aoe dmg reverted

Dva- micro missles removed, hs multiplier increased 5%. Dm uptime increased to 3 seconds

spin nerfed in speed by 10%
Body shot nerfed 15%
Hs multiplier buffed 10%

Ult is now ironcladish- he rages but health down not increase. Instead, he takes 60% less dmg and resets his health bar to full hp

My changes, let’s review each hero:

  • Ana: nerf, the nade now does -50% healing on ennemies instead of -100%.
  • Bastion: rework so he would be more viable and not only in his actual specific niche.
  • Brigitte: buff her dmg potential so she can be a threat to flankers again. Also rework her ultimate so it can be a good alternative to Zen or Lucio.
  • Doomfist: nerf, his cooldown needs to be higher and he has to generate less shield. Right now, he can destroy a backline too easily.
  • Hanzo: nerf, I think he shouldn’t be able to be as good in long and short range, two choices:
    1- his arrow headshots are now 120 max (like Cree)
    2- his storm arrows can’t headshots
  • Lucio: buff his speed movement, he’s kinda slow right now.
  • McCree: nerf his firerate
  • Mei: nerf, can’t freeze multiple ennemies at the same time, nerf her wall hp
  • Mercy: buff, revert her dmg boost beam so it can now buff projectile already launch
  • Orisa: nerf else her speed while using fortify else her fortify cooldown
  • Pharah: nerf her firerate but buff her splash dmg
  • Reaper: nerf his life stealing
  • Sigma: remove his defense matrix, nerf his ultimate so it does not immoblize you at the end of it and it should be cancellable if Sigma is stun or killed during it.
  • Sombra: remove infinite Stealth to a resource Stealth and add a new effect on hack target (like a little dmg buff for Sombra)
  • Symmetra: rework her ultimate to an useful dmg ult (similar to Mei) but which is not a shield.
  • Widowmaker: nerf her HP to 150 to compensate her 300 HS dmg.

And for the others:

  • Ashe, Bapt, D.va, Genji, Junkrat, Moira, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Soldier, Torbjorn, Tracer, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Zarya, Zenyatta: nothing

And in the general settings:

  • Add Diminishing returns so full CC teams won’t be that annoying


Shield removed from base play
5 sec bash
Bash triggers 30 hp burst for allies in melee range, 20 for her
Bash does 50 dmg; stun time reverted
1 armor pack every 8 seconds for 75 armor including while antid
Whipshot- triggers 50 burst for allies, 30 for her. 75 dmg
4 armor packs
Repairs on fly- brig regens health when out of combat for 2 seconds at 10 hps
Rally- ignores barriers; she gains her shield akin to her highlight intro; armor cap upped to 250

Lucio - speed and wallriding reverted
Zen- reverted to 30 disc
Ana- nano hp nerfed to 75

40 hps beam
Dmg boost now performance boost and gives 5% speed
Rez removed
1 sec ga
Has halo- bubble that protects for 150 dmg or pop, gives ally 15% speed boost, no cleanse on a 12 sec cooldown
New ult- invilnerability aoe: mercy swings and slams her staff down to gives allies invilnerability. Aoe goes to skybox and lasts 5 seconds
Mercy can be stunned while casting- cast is 1.75 sec

I mean nerfing dragonblade and buffing the rest of his kit might be a good idea, he’s pretty much an ult bot right now.

His ult is too important in his kit in my opinion.

This. At the very least, fix it so direct hits don’t have a chance to phase right through.

Yeah, and the general ultimate cost made him already worse than he is because of how much of an ult bot he is

Brigitte buff.
Doomfist nerf.

That’s all.

And tbh his ult is not even good on its own, Ana makes it good with nano.

  1. Add a passive to Orisa which debuffs all other barriers on her team. I actually don’t know what the nerf here is but double barrier, especially Orisa, needs to either be nerfed or reworked.

  2. Doomfist, Reaper, and Mei nerfs (in that order). I’m thinking Doomfist needs less passive, or they just need to clean up his hit registry as I get constant noreg on him. Reaper revert shadow step to an out of combat ability. It was never supposed to be an in combat ability and only became one because of whiny Reaper mains. Mei, have breaking one section of wall do significant damage to the surrounding sections.

I’m not sure these are the changes, I’m not an expert, only saying because you asked.

Remove all one shot mechanics.
Diminishing return of CC

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Which would completely alienate people like me from being able to heal comfortably. That’s three support heroes just gone. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Soldier 76:

  • Weapon spread reduced by 50%

  • Ammo increased from 25 to 40

  • Can reload while sprinting

  • Primary fire damage increased by 30% during tactical visor

  • Passive: Primary fire deals 30% more damage against barriers

visor doesnt need more damage, its just horrible against shields and kinda in general

Personally I think amount of shield hp should be lowered across the board (or shield damage increased). The amount of shields and spam and stuff cause many dps heroes to not be viable in current environment.

Brigitte is weak in current form (cant believe Im saying this), maybe increase the length of the inspire Heal over time since she has such difficulty triggering it and dies easily.

Lucio: Speed boost nerf reverted

This change was primarily made to buff Bunker and nerf GOATs, and in the 2-2-2 meta neither of those things are desirable anymore.

Sigma: Shield Health recovers 25-50% slower

One thing Blizzard has repeatedly said is that they want shooting shields to feel rewarding, though in most cases simply going around the shields is always a better strategy. Sigma has the most versatile shield in the game and can also mitigate damage through Kinetic Grasp, so it would be a fairly logical weakness for his shield to take longer to recharge after taking damage.

It’s my fault they made those 3 supports the way they did.

Well I didn’t start playing support until they added ones I could play well. Getting rid of them is pretty short-sighted imo. It ensures that support play would only be really feasible at higher ranks.

then don’t remove them. Just make them weaker so that they are strong in low ranks but weak in higher ranks