What Are Your Most Wanted Balance Changes?

My personal greatest wishes are a Bastion rework that makes him more independent and impossible to babysit to a broken extent, a Widow nerf that makes her more consistent to counter, like 150HP.

What are yours? Who could use some change?


Still waiting for a new invis where it doesn’t feel like I’m walking through quicksand


McCree no fall off, they can revert the fire rate change.

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A Winston buff, he’s the most irrelevant tank, and has been for a long time besides Dive Comps.
He can barely kill a Hanzo now.

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That, imo, speaks more to the necessity of nerfs to other heroes rather than buffs for weaker ones. This game needs to slow way the hell down imo.


Junkrat’s projectile size buff.


A revert the infinite Stealth and Translocator changes and revert Hack back to .8s and properly functioning LoS.

That way Sombra would be in a much healthier position to be buffed from and at least her game-play would flow properly again.

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I’d say speed boost for Primal. It feels clunky and easy to punish.

Junkrat grenade size to 0.3


Solo queue only game mode.

primal rage already gives movement speed boost, by about 30%

Some kind of compensation change for sym? 0.25 or 0.5 faster tp deployment maybe? once double shield meta is gone, sym is likely gone too after her nerf.

Revert Doomfist shield gain, dunno what else to do for him that won’t kill him.

Some sort of Winston buff, maybe 100 more health on bubble? or lower cd?

Brig changes so she has an easier time getting inspire up…or 250/300 health on her shield

Increase defense matrix distance

Lucio speed revert

Bastion rework so he can be a little more independent

Am I missing anything?

Mercy 60 HPS healing back
She need it right now…


Orisa’s shield.

Shield up to 1200 HP
3-sec cooldown once shield is deployed.
Can recall shield once cooldown is finished.
However, if redeployed, it returns at the same percentage it was at.
Once shield is destroyed, it goes on a 15 sec cooldown

Looking at this hindsight after writing it^… it feels and looks all too much like Sigma /: I’m gonna post it anyway x) feel free to share ideas

Yeah tbh Orisa seems to be the root of the double shield meta for the time being. She needs to be changed or straight up nerfed- might save doomfist from getting gutted too hard

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  1. Shield health globally reduced by 20 to 33%
  2. DPS that deal insane damage should be made more glassy ie. Compare Mcree to Widow and Hanzo for example.
  • Soldier 76 gets a 30% damage buff when shooting barrier shields
  • Enemies do not gain ultimate charge when shooting Roadhog during his take a breather
  • Widowmaker grapple increased by 2 seconds

Remove FTH, makes the rest of us look bad
Buff Mccrees mobility
and reduce his unbelievable hitbox

Widow 150HP so heroes like Winston can actually start to counter again

Genji’s blade nerfed, shurikens buffed

Some heroes reworked

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Winston/D.Va works well against Sigma/Orisa.
The latter suffers heavily against Dive and more often than not they’re accompanied by snipers if not Reaper/Mei.

I’m worried of a Doomfist nerf. I’m pretty sure he’ll experience the same fate of Brigitte’s shield bash (can’t penetrate shields). They should so focus on Orisa, but with OWL closing out soon, they need to do something fast. So, I sadly think that they might implement something like that :man_shrugging:

And for Orisa, I just want to punish her shield cooldown. Maybe bring it up at 1000HP, only goes on 9 sec cooldown once destroyed, if recalled it goes on a 12 sec cooldown and is redeployed at the same percentage it was at before?