What are your dream patch notes?


  • all bugs fixed

i mean its never going to happened but i still have some hope

Buff the crap out of reaper

                     patch note not available 

I really don’t know.

Here the ultimate balance patch:

  • Can heal through barriers again.
  • Shield bash cooldown inreased to 8.
  • Shield health reduced to 400.
  • Rally gives 150 armor again but decays after her ultimate finishes in 10 seconds.
  • Her passive healing for allies increased.
  • Her healing reverted to 60.
  • Resurrect removed from her kit and replaced with an ability called “Angel’s gift” which provides to a single target overheal at max of 100 for a 5 seconds.
  • No longer hack is on a cooldown when get damaged.
  • All her bugs fixed.
  • All his bugs fixed
  • Shadow step reworked. Now it works like Doomfist’s ultimate. You vanish to a smoke after pressing E and gain your form when you select a location.
  • His spread on his hellfire shotguns fixed now its not rng.
  • Death blossom’s damage and range increased.
  • Now he have a new ability on mouse2 called “shadow grenades” that does damage over time like Widow’s mine.
  • Her gun’s bullets now travel faster.
  • His bomb’s hitbox reverted.
  • His ultimate charge requirement increased.
  • Now riptire gets destroyed when Junkrat is dead.
  • Sentry mod now have a timer on use so you cant stay forever on sentry.
  • His self repair removed.
  • Hammer removed from his kit. Turrets can now be deployed anywhere like Symmetra’s old version and starts at level 2.
  • Scraps removed from his kit. Now armor packs have a 12 seconds cooldown.
  • His ultimate no longer ugrade his turret to level 3 but he gains infinite ammo during ultimate.
  • Now his weapon works like a projectile goes in a straight line.
  • Now he have a passive called “thick skin” which reduces the damage to him.
  • Hook cooldown reduced to 6 and all bugs fixed on hook.
  • His spread on his fire now fixed and no longer its rng.
  • His secondary fire nerf reverted.
    *Wrecking Ball
  • His ammo capacity increased to 100.
  • His ultimate “mine field” now deploys faster.

“Hey guys this is jeff from the Overwatch team we are now removing Briggite and mei”


I didnt see this when i was making mine sigh

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Symmetra gets her old teleporter ultimate back.

Or sym 2.0 back im not complaining want old photon back hand animation AHHHHH i love IT

I’m an idiot, I don’t know why I didn’t read properly.

  1. Fix all the Mei’s bugs and introduce partial cryofreeze reload.
  2. Reintroduce headshots for Bastion but with multiplier 1.5. Introduce bloom for his machine gun, but reduce a bit damage output
  3. Nerf a bit Doomfist’s mobility
  4. All the projectile ultimate don’t get interrupted
  5. Something to make Mercy fun, useful but not OP nor useless. Introduce something to raise a bit more her skill floor.
  6. Introduced a new hero, but it’s dubbed by Pino Insegno
  7. Allow McCree to move less slowly during high noon
  8. Increase a bit Tracer’s head hitbox
  9. Unlock settings for other FoVs and aspect ratios (true 21:9, 4:3, 5:4, ecc)
  10. Balance Junkrat to make his damage consistent without favoring the Spamrat problem in both ways (being OP or UP). Making his mines arch and roll instead of bouncing?

I have some long ones In the works tha I want to write in a more formal. Fashion so here’s a TL;DR version of those

  1. Mercy reworked for 2 .6 second cast time single target rezes attached to Valk which now has 120 HPS on a single beam, new E that provides cleanse and CC immunity for anywhere from 1 to 2 seconds
  2. Sym Rework that takes her back to base form with her 2.0 state and then gives her some new buffs to allow her to be a kind of “Tank Spport” helping her subsidize tanks such as shield regen turrets and the ability to stop her photon barrier.
  3. Reaper gets minor changes his Shadowstep now funcitons like Meteor strike rather then a teleport we have now and he gets a moderately powerful alt fire to increase his range just a tiny bit.
  4. Bastion gets a new ltimate a zoning tool that covers the gorund in 50 DPS fire (the area would be similar to a mei blizzard) He now has a watered down tank mode on a long cooldown E abilities and Turret mode also now functions with a kind of duration to it (while also getting some compensation buffs not sure what yet.)
  5. Doomfist reworked, not sure how yet but he’s going to be reworked and it’s going to hit hard to make him less reliant and also less riddled with abilities that remove control from his victims.
  6. Brigitte, a slight rework that turns shield bash into a slow and Whip Shot into a stun (removing the knock back) her health is also broght down to 200 (50 is still armour but it adds up to 200 rather then 250)
  7. A few dozen minor buff’s and nerfs that border on QoL changes like making some of pharah’s health armour, increasing soldier’s fall off range and increasing fan the hammer on McCree to 55 per shot.
  8. A slight Ana rework that gives Nano boost 3 different effects based on the role of the target. Healers gain a 50% boost to all their utility and healing Tanks gain a damage resistance and immnity to CC (or something to this nature point is it boosts their “tankiness”) and DPS no longer gain the bonus damage resistance but instead the speed boost

R=revert, full or some aspect.
B= buff ; N=Nerf

R=Roadhog, Mercy, Bastion, Hanzo.
B=Junk, Reaper, Symm, S76, Moira, Wiston, Hammond, Phara, Torb, Mei.
N=No one.
Brigg should be buffed and nerfed on some aspects, but i would like to keep her ability to be frightening.

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Part of the update is now the servers can handle big updates.

My dream patchnotes are the upcoming ones about fixing Rein and Brig’s 360 spin

•Now has 150hp

Developer notes: with Junkrat’s incredibly high DPS (which he can pump out without exposing himself to any risk), good mobility and powerful ult we have a hard time justifying why he has 200hp when a hero like Tracer only has 150



  • Arcade Brawls have returned, taking up one slot in the Arcade. Does not include CTF.
  • No Limits mode has been added to the arcade in a permanent slot alongside Mystery Heroes. (Mostly because this can be a place for people to run as many stack-comps as they want to)
  • Lootbox rewards for endorsement level has been increased to a weekly rate. It calculates your rewards based on the endorsement level maintained for the longest period of time. (Meaning even if you drop from 4, if you held 4 longer than 3, you’d still get lvl 4 rewards.)
  • Event cosmetics are now purchasable outside of event times for an increased coin cost.

Hero Specific


  1. Mass Resurrect has been returned to her ultimate with the following changes:
  • No longer grants invulnerability upon use, has been replaced with a 50% damage reduction.
  • Resurrect timer reduced from 10 seconds to 8.
  • Resurrect radius remains at 15m.
  • Resurrect has a 1 second cast time, and resurrected allies are unable to move for 2 seconds.
  • Mercy can now be stunned, killed, or hacked during the resurrect animation. If resurrect is interrupted, Mercy’s Resurrect fails and ultimate charge is reset to 0%.
  • Movement reduction during resurrect has been removed.
  • GA resets upon use of Resurrect.
  • Mercy’s healing beam has been increased from 50 hps to 60 hps.
  1. We will be experimenting with different variations of an E ability for Mercy, including some suggestions from the community. We will test all changes thoroughly on the PTR before pushing them through to live.


  1. We have fixed all of his bugs.
  • Earthshatter will now actually hit the targets it should.
  • Charges will work as intended.
  • Firestrike will now not vanish into the ether.
  • Reinhardt can no longer be stunned through his shield. Melee stuns/flashbang will have to drop his shield or aim past it. (McCree’s over the top flashbang would still work, but not getting bashed by a Brig with his shield up.)
  • We will test all changes thoroughly on the PTR before pushing them through to live.


  1. Ana is now in a good place and we have decided not to touch her ever again.

Symmetra, Bastion, Sombra, Torbjorn:

  1. All of these heroes deserve attention/reworks but we will actually consult the community that plays these heroes to help determine how we might fix them appropriately. (Sorry I don’t play them enough to speak on them.)
  • We will test all changes thoroughly on the PTR before pushing them through to live.

Doomfist, Brig:

  • The over abundance of CC is causing an increasing amount of frustration amongs players. We will be looking at both these heroes to determine what changes can be made to reduce the frustration of playing against them while keeping them viable.
  • We will test all changes in the PTR thoroughly before pushing through to live.

Most importantly:

  • Any and all balance changes will be tested thoroughly on the PTR before pushing them through to live, especially in the case of major reworks to a character’s kit to minimize the possibility of unintended effects of pushing a change through before we know how it will affect the game at large.

Tracer, Widow and Hanzo removed from the game

*Brigittie movement speed decreased (x,xx m/sec) while mace swing animation is active

*Brigitte shield dash cooldown time increased from 7 to 10

*Ana now has faster reload time

*Fixed a bug that caused moira to send annoying, unneccessary dmg balls in stead of healing balls

*Fixed a bug that allowed moira to ult every 10 sec

*Fixed a bug that caused resurrection to exist in this game

*Dva no longer has infinite lives

*Widowmaker zoomed in charge time increased x,xx sec

*Rework of symmetras turret ability into something thats not braindead

  • Made Uprising permanent
  • Reverted Junkrat’s grenades to normal. Nerfed his tire ult charge.
  • Made Hanzo real. Let me marry him.

Brigitte deleted, Hanzo reverted, Ana damage boost to 80. Tracer 250hp, Quickscope for Widow, Headshots for Bastion. You can now carry or put Torbs turret while ulted on someone’s back. Mercy 1.0. And what’s a Doomfist?