What Are You Most Worrried About?

Read the title. Some things you’re worried about in Overwtach /The Forums? As always, you can name multiple things, do whatever you want, your ideas eyeyeyeyeye.
I’m quite worried about testing the patience of the Mods here. I can imagine the Mods keeping an eye on me everytime I post.

I recommend reading the Code Of Conduct multiple times.


Worried the devs will screw up 5v5 balance in some irredeemable way.

As such, I’m slowly tinkering away at how I would do it.


LOL Don’t worry, they will.

im worried about the awful UI/HUD redesign for Mercy’s beams in ow2…

The changes look really good for Zenyatta, but its counterintuitive for Mercy’s kit.


No Worries.

The worry is all on them.
They have all the pressure to get it right.

After Jeff left, I have a feeling they may be going in the wrong direction.

Dying alone.

Oh, just in Overwatch? Erm, I’m worried that OW2 is going to strip all of the personality out of the game and making all the characters we know and love unrecognisable.

Worry: everything they’ve shown of OW2 so far is literally all the good parts.


i am worried about Blizzard have no more money to give to OW and we will get very low quality game called OW2

You should be on the OW dev/balance team

If ow related. State of tanks in 5v5, finding a way to play with my tank duos, no new content until ow2 which doesn’t look like it’s coming remotely soon.

I’m worried about upsetting the squirrels because then I’ll have to move to another reality.

“We originally had 6 tanks and supports for OW2, but we made them all DPS for fun reasons.”

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Worried that OW2 will be the same mess as OW1 and the pve will wear off too fast.

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about overwatch? the way the balance is currently going. OW2 does not help it either. I get it, making a good game takes time. But if they are gonna cut content from OW1 and not at least giving an exact release date is really worrying (also the mei nerf they are going with in OW2).
The other issue is they prefer competitive over fun.

about forums? worried if we’re ever gonna see a topic that hasn’t been overdone like 100 times.

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I’m worried we’ll never be able to escape McCree being the most-picked DPS in every rank because they refuse to adjust the thing they identified made him too strong.

I’m worried that the devs will continue to ignore the majority of the community on both platforms, in all ranks, because they don’t want to sacrifice the unhealthy abilities/gimmicks they’ve introduced in the game.

I’m worried that this game is just not going to hold up while we wait for OW2, which we still don’t even have an estimated release date for, not even a year.

I’m worried about how much I’m growing tired of the game, the community, the balance/developer team, and what my lack of excitement for OW2 means for me.

Are you feeding the squirrels acorns?

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I’ve already said too much.

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What is this other reality u speak of? Hmm is it the Iris???

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On the newest map they showed, (race track/casino) it lacked props and there was a part where you could see unfinished area glitching.

I don’t think they have many pve missions made rn either.

I’m worried because I have zero confidence in the devs ability to balance the game for 5v5. Zero. I’m predicting the dps roster being ridiculously imbalanced on release with many heroes being outright unplayable in higher ranks.