What are you expecting out of the battlepass?

I never played a game as long as I did play OW. So I would value the skins more in the game I played for over 2k hours. I also pay more for music streaming in a year. So meh.

I have no idea why people think they will completely change the game. Most likely they will introduce OW into the battle pass with some currency every month and an exclusive skin. Not more than that.

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I suspect whatever stuff you need to upgrade the Mythic skins will be in the battle pass. The idea being they make it seem like you have a free upgrade waiting so one is more tempted to buy the skin.

as for the BP… 100+ level of stuff to grind for, the bulk of it locked behind a paywall. Then a whole lot of seething from the player base that basically free players get next to nothing.

I also fully expect Blizzard to add in daily goals, but screw it up some how. Like either it’s too easy to get for certain roles and too hard for others. Maybe it’s just something the player base feels impacts game play too much. Picture a goal like “Use 20 ults”

We were both unironically and sadly right.

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I was expecting the following, and nailed it, b/c Blizzard has a rather predictable track record which is fairly damning of them.