You had an entire season to fix the characters core problems and the best you could do was some irrelevant, frankly incomprehensibly nonsensical number changes. None of these changes fix the issues with the hero nor make him feel any better to play
Petal size reduced
His Back Petal size is only part of his size issue. Even without the petals he is as tall and as wide as many of the tank characters. He needs a complete model reduction like bastion had going into ow2. Take his entire character model and start by shrinking it by 10% then you might actually get somewhere. Shrinking his back petals does virtually nothing he is still the size of a tank
Heal increased
It was already confirmed by all metrics and data, even by the developers themselves, his healing was not the issue. He already had the highest healing numbers in the game by far. The stupid charge mechanic is still the issue.
If You heal a teammate and then swap to damage and your teammate then drops low you have no way to immediately heal them. You have to swap back and then charge up the heals first. This is why the only viable way to play him since launch has just been to stand charging heals all game so if someone does take damage you have it ready to go. You have no time to damage because his healing is too clunky and punishing to ever swap off of it
thorn volley buffs
Non changes. See above. You will still never get kills with this hero unless that is the only thing you intend to do. It is physically impossible with the way his kit interacts to be able to flow between damage and heals.
Heroes like kiri and bap have a rhythm where they can heal and between each round of heals they can damage. LW cannot do this at all. You either swap damage and say screw your teammates because you are never going to be able to swap back and charge a heal fast enough, or you never swap off heals which has been the best way to play him
Petal changes
Still doesnt stop people waking on your platform and wasting it. Still doesnt help your team all coordinate to get on it together with no communication. Still doesnt provide lifeweaver any agency over his OWN ABILITIES
speaking of lack of agency
life grip
You actually reduced the cd to already one of the most troll abilities in the game and ooh it heals 50 health
great. It still gets cancelled because your mccree decided to roll at the same time. It still gets blocked and cancelled by cars and walls. Its still a garbage design ability for both lifeweaver, cus it never works, and the person he pulls
You nerfed by far the worst support ult, good job. It already did nothing, people still died through it. It never saves anyone or feels impactful. The only saving grace of it was you got it super fast.
What tf have you been doing? You had 2 whole months to rework him and the best you come up with is some small number tweaks. Bruhhhhhhhh!!!
This hero needs a full rework. A Complete redesign. He is the most low impact passive handhold hero ever released. It’s embarrassing. Whoever designed his kit is garbage at hero design. End of story. Guess its another 2 months with no new support to play. Season 6 support will be playable before lifeweaver enters the game