What are requirements for Trust Level 3?

What are they and what’s the best way to get it?
I heard something about 200 likes and last 50 days visiting.
I’m super confused.

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I have Lv3, got it not so long ago so you might figure out what you miss compared to my stats.

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reading 20k posts
50 days visiting the forums

and give/get some likes, make some topics… usual stuff.

just go to some megathread and scroll through it

also keep in mind that you have to do this every 50 days… so you are close to trust3… after 50 days you will need the double amount… its exhausting tbh

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how do you know if you are trust level what


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you have 49 days… but only 3k post read. you need to go to the megapost and scroll through it if you want to have it fast. some people made autoscroll function.

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Hold the down arrow on a megathread for several hours.

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