What are Mercy mains thinking?

Blizzard literally said that Mercy’s rez was removed because it was ‘frustrating to play against’, so yes, that is what happened.

Already covered that myth so I’m not going to write a novel again, sorry. Just because Jeff is politically correct in the dev update, doesn’t mean that is the case. Mass rez was removed because it was an unhealthy mechanic that caused an unintended use like hide&rez. The community, the devs and pros agreed on it. And consequently, mass rez is gone.

Even if this was true, it doesn’t require a rework to fix it.

Yes, it does. Inb4 I get linked Titanium’s thread.

Give Mercy an E that allows her that encourages her to get value and be out more coughValkyriecough. Make Rez LoS, 0.8s cast time and damage reduction or make rez preemptive rez like Zilean does from LoL.

There, hide and rez is gone and we didnt even need some major rework to begin with.

She doesn’t require mechanical skill. But when she has a single beam only she relies on her OWN SKILLS OUTSIDE ON MECHANICAL SKILL.
Contrary to people who have a skill fetish, there is more to skill then just aiming.

The skills outside of mechanical skill, is what Valkyrie takes away from.

Yes, only to have Valkyrie rip it from her clutches and baby sit her.

It is more than just holding M1+M2 on her base kit.
Considering people have zero grasp on how to prioritize and beam juggle effectively. It is a skill that comes from learning her OUTSIDE OF mechanical skill.

Ever seen a Mercy who sticks their beam on a tank all game and you can beg them for healing and most of the time you will only get it when Valkyrie happens to be active.

And then you get Mercy’s who you practically never have to hit the “I need healing” button on, because WOAH IT SEEMS THAT THESE PEOPLE HAVE AWARENESS AND GAME SENSE AND HAVE A BETTER GRIP ON HER BASE KIT.

A mechanically easy hero can still have other IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY SKILLS stripped from them. Valkyrie does this.

50hps is lower than Winston’s Tesla gun. That means Valkyrie currently cannot beat Winston’s base damage. 60hps was a break even point where it was even between the two.

People who had decent aim could easily deal more damage than 60hps could heal, so Valkyrie being an ultimate that is weak in terms of healing and causes people to group up results in a perfect opportunity to ult a team and without a defensive ult, that team is dead.

  1. Stopping the Mercy from earning ult by keeping her in spawn all game.
  2. Making sure to be aware of her movements to kill her as you wipe the enemy team.
  3. Even if Rez succeeds, wiping that team again because Mercy made a bad call.

They could literally be aimed up by Mcree before they could even move and by the time they could, they were dead.
D.va bomb could do the same.
A team who could not coordinate themselves after the rez, died pretty much exactly where they just died.

A good Mercy kept track of enemy ults to make sure she didn’t end up rezzing into failure or just used it as tempo. There were unique choices and people actually learned ult economy which no one gives a flying damn about nowadays as they throw 3 ults at the same time in an engagement and don’t even kill the whole team. Those bad players deserve consequences.

And the requests for bringing back mass rez aren’t just revert as it was, people want Blizzard to actually bothering to balance it properly, like it never was.

As I covered, Mercy requires no mechanical skill but required other skills.
The idea is that the entry level heroes are designed to require next to none or low mechanical skill but still are allowed to get some value because they take skill to play outside of the mechanical.

Rein is considered entry level. Anyone can pick him up, but not everyone can master him. I can stand there and hold a shield, but melee is not one of my strengths. Along with that, my shield management and understanding on best ways and times to use and combos his ability are not great. In fact, I often am a detriment to my team by playing him. This results in me switching to Orisa because I have a much easier time playing her when the team wants a shield tank or Rein.
He is supposed to be easy but still has a lot to master about him.

If you don’t think that Mercy had her own challenges that came from best managing her weaknesses, etc. Than you clearly don’t understand much about Mercy.

Just because there were few buttons involved, didn’t make her take no skill. As I have said, there is more to the game than just mechanical skill.
If you are here purely because of mechanical skill, then I think you are playing the wrong game. This game was marketed towards casual players and that includes players who don’t enjoy things that are mechanically intensive but still desire to be challenged in some way. Older iterations of Mercy provided this, while Valkyrie takes it away.

I mean realistically, soldier is pressing M1, maybe M2 most of the match and pressing shift. Just with a little more aim, but you can shoot Mercy’s pistol with aim so aim is a factor on Mercy anyway.
I mean, considering doing damage earns you faster ult charge than healing does at this point, people may as well battle Mercy all the time because shooting in Valk often provides more value. Or you can just play Support Soldier, better gun and you can still heal team mates. I mean, that is where I am at now.

So, how would LoS checks and maybe a cast time not prevent hide and rez?

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Didn’t you know?
Ducking behind cover for safety is considered hiding instead of self-preservation, even though other characters in the game do such things.

But Mercy just jumps out and presses Q!
Woah really? Gee, I guess we should nerf like all DPS ultimates in the game to stop them taking cover and jumping out for ults.

But it’s different because you need to surprise the enemy to get kills
Well gee whiz, LOS rez would be the exact same thing but for life and you’d still be able to kill everyone all over again because coming back from a rez is a harder fight that many players are not prepared for.

But I killed them and now it reverses my kills
I mean, they were still counted in your elims. The effect was just nullified because you didn’t prepare properly. If you can take time to take down the shield then maybe also prepare for other enemies on the team so you aren’t messed over. I mean, for example if you don’t want to get sleep darted during ult then either kill Ana first or make sure she wastes the dart first. Make sure Mercy dies or you damn well keep your eyes open in case one does come. You are a team, if you want to succeed, work like it. It’s one character who is weak on her own, if ya’ll can’t handle her alone then gee whiz how do you cope when she is with her team. Not well I would imagine.

So what are you talking about then? You literally just contradicted yourself.

What does that even mean?

I never said aiming is the only skill in the game. I said Mercy requires no mechanical skill whatsoever.

Valkyrie requires positioning and situational awareness. Mercy’s overall kit requires positioning and situational awareness. So Valkyrie doesn’t take anything away.

Uhmmm, no? It requires the same skills basically.

That isn’t rocket science. My 12 year old sister can do it.

That’s just a bad Mercy and doesn’t mean that Mercy itself is bad. I think you are confusing player skill with the state of Mercy.

You don’t need to shout at me. I’m only debating, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings and this is going to be my last post. I don’t want to get accused again of being toxic or dismissive and get silenced for merely having an opinion. This is what always happens so I’m going to back out of this argument after this post since clearly you people get emotional over it.

Again, she is not mechanically easy - there’s no mechanical skill involved whatsoever. Mercy does not require any mechanical skill.


I guess you missed the Hide&Rez strategy.

We are not talking about Rein, we are talking about Mercy. And comparing a support to a tank is not a sound analogy.

I’m in the top 10% according to Blizzard own’s data. So I would wager I understand the game pretty well, Mercy is the easiest character to understand and play so I’m fairly positive I understand her well. I also play since beta and have seen every iteration of Mercy.

Never said there isn’t.

Never said I am.

Soldier requires mechanical skill to work, positioning and situational awareness. Mercy requires only two of those things.

And I’m out of this thread, I don’t want to get silenced again for having a different opinion and you are clearly emotional about it. Sorry, not my intention to aggravate or hurt anyone.

I respect your opinion and you are entitled to it but the reality is unfortunately different.

Have fun peeps. Time for me to actually play some Overwatch.

EDIT: Not to mention how dishonest it is for you to edit your entire post to where it doesn’t even resemble your original post after the fact in order to try to make me look crazy. Nice editing skills, glad I dodged this one.

First off, in science and psychology you are not primarily developing leisure products that people are supposed to have fun with.
Second off, thank you very much, but I’ve been designing and balancing games for 10 years on a professional level, so you don’t need to tell me how balancing is done. You’re avoiding the question of why it is done.

What assumption, exactly?

It’s obviously harder, so they must have a good reason to do it, right?

I never claimed they are the same thing, I claimed one is done to achieve the other.

I disagree. Also, what “scale”?

And how do you determine the “state of the game”?

Exactly, because if both parties can’t be pleased at the same time, the fun of the majority is prioritized over the fun of the minority in order to satisfy the needs of as many as possible - and these “needs” are, in one way or another, to have fun with the game.
And not having fun would still be a perfectly valid concern for every person in said minority.

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Chain beams > counters her being a single target healer and having to manage a single beam among her whole team.
Takes away from her skill ceiling.

I think you don’t see that Valkyrie allows people to look better than they actually are because if they can’t play her base kit, Valkyrie sure can do it for them.

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  • Holding LMB (or RMB) = max potential reached. And this in particular is a problem.

i wonder about this

maybe mercy could get like a new mechanic

her initial heal is good (60 hps or maybe even more) but the longer you dont disconnect the beam and heal other heroes,the lower the healing gets,so juggling is encouraged,and maybe you get extra ult charge off that,for breaking of the heal beam in time

or inversely that you get a zarya style counter,that you can increase the healing the more you juggle between heroes and then this can decay again when no healing or boosting is done.

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And this, ladies & gentlemen, is why we as the community brand the Mercy mains as entitled.

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According to social identity theory, intergroup conflict starts with a process of comparison between individuals in one group (the ingroup) to those of another group (the outgroup). This comparison process is not unbiased and objective. Instead, it is a mechanism for enhancing one’s self-esteem. In the process of such comparisons, an individual tends to:

  • favour the ingroup over the outgroup
  • exaggerate and overgeneralize the differences between the ingroup and the outgroup (to enhance group distinctiveness)
  • minimize the perception of differences between ingroup members
  • remember more detailed and positive information about the ingroup, and more negative information about the outgroup
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I think you might have miss spoken? Anecdotal evidence is based of heavily on personal experience. So why would your story be “my part” when you are the specifically sharing that experience? The vast majority dropped Mercy like a bad habit from all excessive nerfs by almost by half. There’s solid proof of that(source overbuff):

Last 6 months Mercy in support category comps:
Pick rate: 26.00%
Win rate: 50.11%

Last month Mercy in support category comps after another set of nerfs:
Pick rate: 14.44%
Win rate: 49.37%

Why is that SR abuse? Mercy saved up for mass resurrection for extra points, no different than DPS or saving up for mass team wipes for extra points. No double standards.

If fun is subjective isn’t OP abilities subjective? You can kill a player much easier in game than save them.

Why is that broken OP to mass all res or two res only. When ULTS can teamkill or wipe. It’s the only hardcounter to be fair. Paper, rock, scissors. No hypocritical double standard please. That is not in everybody best intrest. If Blizzard is going to nerf healing or resurrection hard, then it will be only fair to nerf damage/offense ults in turn. Balance isn’t mutual exclusive. There’s wall hacks, auto aim, arrows that can wipe half your team, or mass explosions that can clear a room. That’s OP too, dps objective has the home team advantage. Two quick resurrection, or slow ones , or low healing simply can’t keep up. That’s why Mercy has low pick/win rate and is considering throwing or feeding even by Bronze players. A bulk of Top 500 GM Mercy players drop to masters or lower, and force to switch regardless of skill.

Yup. Arcade and different game modes in Overwatch can still provide relevant data for over all balance or enjoyment of players. No need to cherry pick or be elitist when those modes. Arcade also show cases comp modes as well.

Back to my previous point, you said you wanted Mercy to be balance. Well she doesn’t do well in offense/defense/ or support any more. If you take her to deathmatch she also does horrible. While other support have decent offense abilities and support both in comps and offensive modes. See the big picture, it’s about utility and what a character and bring to a team. You feel you are doing well with Mercy in Diamonds as anecdotal evidence, but what about everybody else or the majority?

Sure it offers a higher risk at gamble of Mercy’s life, teammates bleeding out to death while Mercy stand still for a free kill. If you are resurrecting after the battle it makes little to no impact as everybody walking back from spawn regardless. While Mercy is resurrecting in that 2-3 seconds, that’s 150-200 heals off the table and dps/tanks are falling back from position or already dead.

If Mercy so much looks over her shoulder or enemy farts on her, the resurrection gets canceled or she dies. You’ll get more value, impact, and less risk with Ana who can just grenade or pseudo resurrection with nano with more damage and defense. Giving Mercy back her base 60 hp heals isn’t going to take away from that.

No hypocritical double standards. Imagine if ULTS were hard capped at only two max kills or their primary skill delayed for two seconds and force to become a sitting duck for free enemy kills. They too would be crying foul or calling it unfun.

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Mass Rez removed and Junkrat nerfed due to frustration from the community, because they thought it wasn’t fun.

You said

So you literally said they made a balance change because of fun…based on their past changes I would say that fun is most definitely a factor in balance, but a factor not the only reason.

You claim that balance and fun are to different issues. I gave an example of a hero being nerfed because of frustration. Junkrat was no where near broken when he got that projectile size nerf. But because people hated his character, they nerfed him. Clear example of fun affecting balance.

It’s not at all. Again, Mercy has to heal me for 8 seconds should I be at 100 health until I am full. Ana can do the same thing at in half the time not even factoring in if she uses her grenade. Moira outheals Mercy in every aspect, heal ball + her normal spray means I have a way higher chance than with a Mercy healing me. I would be fine if these 2 were out-healing her if Mercy had some sort of utility to help get the attackers away from me, but she doesn’t. Unless she whips out her pistol to fend them off, at which point just go any other off-support as they will do it much better.

Overwatch is a game of seconds. Waiting 8 seconds as a Tank to get healed to full will get me killed. Especially since nearly everyone can out damage Mercy healing.

What else could I possibly want from a Mercy? Her healing is poor for a main healer, Rez is almost always used at the beginning of a fight on a DPS that got picked, so I almost am never on the recieving end of it (as it’s just common sense that I have a decent chance of living should she rez).

Before you quote and say that “You said you were dying while she rezzed!”, I did, because I am dying, but I can’t rely on Mercy to save me because if I become low while she is rezzing, she has 0 burst heal or high enough healing to save me. It’s too easy to out damage. It’s why if I have a Mercy on my team I prefer to have another strong healer that can keep me alive should Mercy be rezzing.

Mid-Plat. Maybe it’s a rank thing, not entirely sure, but I’ve seen so many Mercy’s Valk then die soon after.

I don’t see many Mercy’s get value out of the mobility of Valyrie. It’s mainly used as a “HaHa I’m at the skybox and you literally can’t touch me”.

Again. maybe it’s different a higher ranks, I can only speak from my experience.

I’m just going to skip the other 2 as just because it’s a personal issue doesn’t negate my criticism.

Since I play at a lower rank, asking this of my tanks is really hard. I can’t force people to do what I want, no matter what I want.

And the higher ranks you go, the more easy it is for enemies to punish a Rez.

Also, if this was meant to be a jab at my level of play as a Tank, I’m going to ignore it. Same with your other quote.

Also, you keep repeating “It’s a personal issue” like it detracts from my point. It doesn’t. Your opinion holds no more water than mine. You aren’t being objective either, so don’t try to act like it.

Oh come on, don’t act like it’s easy to get people to do what you want in competitive. I’ll admit, I am incredibly shy when it comes to voice comes. I prefer to just stay silent and listen to comms. It’s not an issue of speaking the same language, some might not be in TC.

LFG is almost always “MIc required” either that or it devolves into toxicity. I focus only on what I can do.

A hero that has to rely on other heroes to be effective is a bad hero. Bastion is a clear example of this. Sure he’s strong when baby-sitted, but on his own he is bad.

Which is why people have suggested a cast time to fix that and LoS to prevent hiding, so Mercy would not be able to come back from spawn and rez because it would be easier to punish. Like any criticism on Mass Rez there is there is an equal counter point to it.

I’m not saying we have to go back to Mass Rez, but everyone against it never suggests anything else.

Everyone has that one character they like above everyone else, even if they don’t admit it. Everyone has some sort of bias towards a character. No matter what.

If we went by every thing “objectively”, then Ana is in need of a nerf and quick, because she’s approaching a 16% in GM according to Overbuff (Yes, I know it’s unreliable, but it’s all we have). And so does Reinhardt as well

Where in the world did I say I want Mercy OP again?

I think you’re misunderstanding “Middle-Ground” for “Mass Rez”. It could even be something as simple as making the main beam of Valkyrie heal more and the chains heal less, so target priority matters.

I’m not saying she has to have Rez as an ultimate, I just feel she needs to be more engaging (and have a little more healing as well).

Also, keep in mind the last time they said “We have no plans for Mercy to be changed”, She got nerfed. The Devs words can change rather fast.

I rarely do, since I MAINLY, NOT ONLY play tanks. Sometimes, I fill healer. Sometimes I pick Mercy so we can run Pharmercy. I never said that I have never played Mercy, I just don’t often.

Still gives a pretty good indication that it’s a popular idea, since no other post can come close to it on these forums. The only other post I have ever seen with that many is the one showcasing how broken Genji’s deflect was, which was changed. So by your logic, Genji’s deflect should have stayed it’s original size because 1000 people are not enough to indicate it being a popular idea.

Can you prove this? Did you search through every single on of those upvoters post history? This is a rather bold claim to make.

I said it was a popular idea (which it is), never preached it saying “this is the only solution!”.

Not to mention it has drawbacks as well (cast time, LoS requirement etc.)

At least attempt to reach some sort of compromise, because it is quite obvious a large amount of players don’t like her currently.

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Last post in this thread.

Not debating with person that edits their entire posts after the fact to where it doesn’t even resemble the original post. Will be ignoring you from now on since you’ve proven to be a dishonest individual.

Has nothing to do with what I said.

Are we bringing real life credentials into this debate that can’t be verified :rofl: Apparently, I do need to tell you how it’s done since you don’t seem to have a clear idea on it. Which question am I avoiding? Balancing is done so the playing field is even out and one player doesn’t have inherent and unfair advantage over another.

What does that even mean? Obviously, balancing things out is good.

So balance is done so people have fun. Well, evidently you don’t understand the concept of balance then. People don’t have fun when balancing is poor but that’s an after effect and not the source.

Through a multi-varied analysis of the data you have.

So you basically agree with me. Cool, that was easy.

No, I was perfectly clear. I’m able to make Mercy work just fine so what you are saying is purely anecdotal and not inherent to Mercy’s state but rather to your skill as a player or that of Mercy players you’ve met.

I dunno where you are getting those numbers from but they are clearly wrong.


Simple search shows very different numbers which contextually and in comparison to other supports make sense.

What are you talking about? Maybe you should familiarize yourself about the topic first because based on your comment, you clearly have no clue about the Mercy SR abuse that was back in the day before Valkyrie was ever introduced. Which led to a massive number of OTP Mercies in masters and above. It was so bad it even became a meme.

What? You make absolutely no sense. Valkyrie 1.0 Mercy was so broken it led to near 100% pickrate in OWL and made Mercy an absolute must pick the likes of which no other hero in the game has seen. Rest of your paragraph is just a tangent, no offense.

Factually incorrect and you are now flat out making things up as you go. :rofl:

I’m sure total mayhem is an amazing balance indicator. :rofl:

Hahahahahahaha now you are just amusing me.

Sorry, I respect your opinion and you are entitled to it but in all honesty and with good intentions, you have no idea what I’m talking about. Not even at all, not even a little bit. I’m not trying to insult you and I’m not trying to belittle you. It’s just we are clearly not on the same page, so I will leave it at that.

Not even remotely close. Junkrat was nerfed because he was over-tuned. Mass Rez was removed because it was an unhealthy mechanic, which is well-documented.

Maybe you need to read my sentences closer. I said that mass rez isn’t gone because it was not fun to play against, it’s gone because it was an unhealthy mechanic.

Junkrat was nerfed because he was over-tuned.

Ana requires mechanical skill to be effective. Moira has a resource. Mercy requires no mechanical skill whatsoever, doesn’t run out of resource, can heal everyone like Moira or damage boost everyone like Ana and can bring back people from the death which neither of the other two can do.

Nearly everyone can out damage any support’s healing. It’s called burst damage. It’s why Hanzo and Widowmaker are so popular.

That doesn’t mean anything. Also rez isn’t only used in the beginning of a fight.

This sounds like an issue with your positioning. I dunno which tank you are playing but this is clearly an issue with your playing and not with Mercy.

I have yet to see a Mercy die during Valkyrie without ultimate. The only time I’ve ever ever died in Valkyrie since it was introduced was due to a nano-boosted Mcree once. And I wish I was making that up, that’s how hard is to kill Mercy during Valkyrie. You must be playing with abysmally bad Mercy players, which is again not an issue with Mercy’s state.

So basically you admit that the issue is lack of player skill.

Your criticism is towards Mercy’s state. You mistake her state for lack of player skill.

I absolutely have no problem at my rank to do Rez.

Clearly the devs support my opinion because mass rez is gone. It’s not in the game anymore. It does detract from your point because a bad player does not mean a bad hero.

There-in lies the issue my friend. You pretty much even admit to it. It is fairly easy for me to get people to do what I want in competitive. As a matter of fact, people always do what I tell them to do because I’m the shot caller in my team - I tell people what to focus, what to switch to and what composition to run. And I’m able to do this as 6-stack with my team or do it as a duo with random strangers. Maybe I’m more assertive than you are or more dominant. Never have a single game in comp where somebody is missing from voice chat.

You cannot afford to be silent in comms if you play a tank. Generally speaking, tank players are the shot callers in the game. Especially if you are playing Rein or dive. You can’t do dive without communicating.

Every hero has to rely on other heroes to do the job properly. Some heroes have more opportunistic or self-sufficient kit than others, but that doesn’t take away form the previous statement.

They are clearly buffing Valkyrie so I would say it’s pretty good. Mercy is already fine and she will now be even better. Mass rez was bad for the game for a number of reasons.

I don’t. I can play literally any character in the game at this point. There are certain characters that suit my play style more, that’s for sure but I don’t particularly hold favor over any character. Which is why you would see my top 2 being Symmetra and Genji, two polar opposites.

A hero that requires intense mechanical skill to be effective. What’s wrong with that? And balance should never be based on pick rate alone.

Mercy doesn’t require mechanical skill to play. Ana requires very high mechanical skill to be effective.

You cannot have a hero that requires no mechanical skill whatsoever have the same (or actually higher) output as a hero that requires quite a lot of mechanical skill. That is poor balancing, the latest changes address that and in the right direction.

What would be the point to pick up a hard mechanically skillful hero when you have a character that does the same or better with no mechanical skill whatsoever?

This is an irrefutable argument.

Well the incoming buff should help you with that.

They said they have no plans to change Mercy back to mass rez. She was nerfed because she was still over-tuned and OP compared to the other supports.

Unsurprisingly because a large number of people on the forum are OTP Mercy players or Mercy mains. Regardless, even if the whole forums unified in one vision , it would still be such a small sample size, barely negligible. 1000 people is literally nothing in terms of population. Run that idea in Reddit and see how fast it gets shut down since people there are not OTP Mercy mains. No offense to OTP Mercy players, they simply are not objective and super biased.

Look it up yourself and you will see what I mean. Take a look at the up-votes and check and see how many people have 0 posts on the forum and are brown borders one star or below. You will see a pattern fairly quick.

The compromise is already here, it exists. And it recently got buffed.

And with that post I’m outta here for real this time. Have fun peeps, don’t mean to offend anyone, enjoy, long live and prosper etc.

Nope, you don’t know what you are talking about and even move the goal post after people pointed out your glaring mistake.

“Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.”

I’m not you. You said. “I’m making Mercy work against diamond and master players so I will take that as anecdotal evidence on your part. I don’t have problems making Mercy work none whatsoever.”

How is your experience from diamond “my” anecdotal evidence when it’s literal your personal testimony you shared? It’s like you are trying to hard to sound smart when you are not in this instance. While the fact the majority player who played Mercy in last 6 month pick rate drop from 25.98% pick rate for support to 14.44%.

Why does your single experience of anecdotal evidence trump thousands of other people data? Why does Overwatch have to revolve around comps/quick when majority also enjoy the game not always pandering to esports or top 1% player. Yet you laugh and mock people for pointing that out. If you are going to complain about anecdotal evidence, then don’t be the one to bring specific anecdotal evidence with personal testimony. It’s really hypocrital and contradicting yourself…

The irony is you made stuff up and contradict yourself. You snub people why the excessive nerfs on Mercy aren’t fun for others and say it’s “subjective” then when people say your opinion about why mercy isn’t OP anymore is subjective, you insist your opinion is fact. It just proves the point how you arbitrarily dismiss people and you can’t even be held to same standard you impose on others.

That’s cool you like your Mercy in diamond, however the majority don’t like the current state of Mercy on the forums, or stats shown on overbuff. titanium has nice thread why Mercy is failing and has better solutions to address Mercy, it’s one of the highest upvoted thread +1,200 votes. Irony it got censored by Blizzard because it go against their narrative that mercy changes were “successful.”

Certainly if other characters were nerfed as hard as Mercy had their ult capped to two max kills or force stand still for two seconds to use their primary skill, the majority would be calling foul and unfun. Their pickrates would also tank because their character will start to be useless.


Fun is subjective, that doesn’t mean its ok for an unfun ability to remain if 70% of the people that play Mercy dislike it. The entire reason Mass resurrect was removed was because a high volume of people thought it was anti fun, same thing applies for Valkeryie, except now its the Mercy’s themselves that hate it.



It has everything to do with what you said. You were comparing game balancing with science and psychology. Yes, I find that hard to believe myself, but you did.

I don’t care whether you believe me or not. I just think you should reconsider lecturing people based on how you imagine games are being designed.

And why is that a problem? Exactly, because players who are at a disadvantage will have less fun and are more likely to churn.

…Because balanced games tend to be more fun. To me, that is obvious indeed.

Woah. So let me get this straight…
I wrote balancing is done to make games more fun, and you stated that people don’t have fun if the balancing is poor. And in the same sentence you are trying to tell me that one has nothing to do with the other…?

So now we’re agreeing that these kinds of changes are indeed being made in order to allow more people to have fun? Okay then, that was my point all along.