What an interesting hypothesis: Creator Experimental Card and Creator Cup

So all of the threads on these forums asking for the ExC from people wanting ExC cards exactly like this do not count in your eyes? Or is this a case where because it wasn’t what you want that you assume no one else did.

We did see some changes from the April Fools patch actually come through in some form. So I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that some of the more serious changes could end up in the game in some way.

Letting Soldier reload while sprinting would be pretty nice, for example.

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ML7 for sure! Incredibly educational, very skilled mechanically and with gamesense, and an awfully positive member of the Top500 community.


It’s more a case of if you want to make something FUN, then add FUN changes.

Most of it is boring numbers changes. Some heroes didn’t even get changes at all.

This is similar to the first “pro” ExC where you had certain heroes that got actually fun changes and then you had the likes of Junkrat getting 5 damage to his trap, and some getting dumpstered. Flats himself even said directly in one of his streams that his intent wasn’t to make Orisa fun, it was to “dumpster” her.

Not to mention that if you didn’t follow these particular streamers, you might not have been aware that this ExC was coming, and yet they claim it was public and open> As AndyB said:

It certainly wasn’t advertised.


Two things: all they could do is change numbers because it’s an experimental card and second those number changes created wacky results with Zarya being an interesting one and all the DPS ones as well just became interesting by tweaking some numbers.

By the way if you are wondering how I knew that point it’s because this ExC was talked about openly for weeks.

Once again…”lets have fun and destroy all the supports”. If anything here makes it to OW2 it will be this support patch. But it does prove one thing… Content creators have no business in development of a game LOL. They need to get on YouTube and look pretty and stop having “ideas”.


You’re literally posting this on a thread made to advertise the ExCard?

ehh… i mean, it’s fun and all, but this was there chance to do some serious changes and get OW where we wanted it to be.

It’s something i guess. Definitely think this should have been made into a brand new card instead of experimental though.

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It does the job, but it could be significantly better
ensuring every hero gets something and that that something is actually fun should be priority.

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Just a suggestion: get a fourth creator involved and have them take half the damage roster. Looks like all of the damage roster didn’t get touched this time, probably due to its size.

And as far as creators to use for a future one: ProlikeChro. :smile:


Whole Hog

  • Now lifts Roadhog while using it if he is pointed downward


P.S. Can anyone get ahold of Yourself and tell him about the Zarya knockback changes?

Particle Cannon (Primary Fire)

  • Primary fire minimum damage increased from 75 to 85 damage per second

Particle Cannon (Secondary Fire)

  • Alt fire explosions no longer hurt yourself
  • Alt fire knockback increased by 150%

Particle Barrier

  • Health increased from 200 to 250
  • Size increased by 50%

Projected Barrier

  • Health increased from 200 to 250
  • Size increased by 50%

Anyway, thanks for this Exp, devs!

I’m sorry, what was said on this forum by the devs before the announcement?

Where is the dislike button .


I just played for an hour and I can say with certainty that Flats did the best job. He made the tank role hella fun and innovative. I enjoyed myself the most on DVA, but all the tanks got something positive to make them more engaging.

The support changes were an utter disaster, especially Brig’s. It’s completely the opposite of what I expected from…you know…a top Brig main. She’s not fun and the changes make her infinitely worse. I’m not sure what was meant to be accomplished here. Lucio is the only really fun support now.

As for the DPS, Ashe and Reaper are straight up busted. Ashe can just drain all movement cooldowns with double coach gun and you’ll have to run Sombra AND Tracer to keep her in check, and you can’t escape Reaper on the ground without a movement ability. I’ll put Somjuu’s changes firmly in the middle because there’s nothing just straight up awful here. In conclusion, Flats wins by a landslide.

Right, but that doesn’t mean it was secret or private. We’ve known another creator exc was coming for a while now.

Well, I have made in the past a bunch of reworks towards Symmetra, and would like to see if something can be done with her or not…She’s not in the nicest spot right now…

Already under consideration for the next one.

Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:


good to know that ability of tanks to play the game is low priority for both the devs and dps players

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so is this supposed to be a substitute for getting a balanced patch in comp?