What about that forced 50% win rate?

I wonder when that kicks in…

imgur image code: /a/YCtfYKr

Yeah, because one person taking an opportunistic screenshot negates 10’s of thousands of other people experiencing said phenomena.


Opportunistic? It’s a sample size of nearly 100 games. I’m mocking the notion that 50% is forced. It stems from a developer quote taken out of context/twisted. The devs said that the matchmaker “DOES ITS BEST” to match games with 50/50 outcome. This doesn’t mean it forces your win rate to be 50%. It means that when you’re at the rank you belong, you’ll naturally drift towards a 50% win rate.

Now this is hilarious, this isnt ow1 where per 10 min stats were taken into account. Its now based purely on wins and losses but everyone of every rank is in the middle of the curve. Its now just RNG

I do agree its not forced at all and climbing is doable. Now though skill is not reflected so its more so a grind. Even more of a grind if you have high mmr

I dont get how people still make this argument against forced 50/50. If your winrate is above 60% or below 40% simply means you are playing nowhere near your proper rank. If its 80% then you are probably like a Gm playing in bronze or something.

Which is actually sad that they still can lose 20% of the time while smurfing 6 tiers below their rank. The argument of forced 50/50 is simply that the escape velocity is too much that even if you are within 1000 sr of your true rank your winrate will still be close to 50%, despite the skill diff being massive. Things like mmr handicapping, eomm, and recency bias make it much harder than it should be to climb.

It’s not forced in the way that the game actively looks at someones games and decides “you have to lose now”.
It only sees people’s mmr when setting up lobbies, and knows nothing if someone has been winning more than losing recently, etc.

What people even mean with forced 50 varies quite a bit here, though. But quite often people say it means the game makes sure someone loses now if they’ve won “too much”.