What about a Tank Hero with No Ult

But as access to Blink, Defense Matrix, Reflect and can Knockback.

(Melee style tank)

Aka has a really strong Neutral game but no Ult.

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With a kit like that not only he doesn’t need one but he also would definitely be a must pick in higher ranks.

That sound more like a boss than an playable hero. XD


Got the idea from the new league of legends hero

i these concepts are so freaking awesome and fun but you know since the design of OW is kinda centered around counters (recently they focusing more in hard counters than anything else tho) we are kinda limited in the type of heroes we can get. I’ve always thought about a hero that uses the same technology as Sym that could create a solid replica of an enemy character and copy their ultimates (as an ultimate) which i also took the idea from a character in LoL.

The hero I am thinking is completely different from LOL Version but the ability to switch between abilities is amusing

I fail to understand. Does it mean this hero has the ability to all of that?

Or are you suggesting for the new hero to become like Symm 2.0? Where her ult is more like an ability?

It is indeed. Paladins have been going through some character with really complex kits that change their playstyle totally. Also, forgot to mention the Sym tech character that you’d be the one to control the replica as a “playable” character just like Junkrat controls his tire.

I was more think Hero is able to switch between three versions during a fight, one has access to blink with its own combos, another access to defense Matrix, Primary Attack moving differently then the ones before and last one has access to reflect, the cycle repeats.

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Man i can’t help but think a hero like that would be dope if OW was a more balanced game…

So, like if I push 1 I have the ability to blink, when I push button 2 I can use DM, at 3 I can reflect?

I would prefer if E is reflect, shift is blink and ult is DM in a scale of Mei’s blizzard and can last as long as Symm’s photon barrier. It will be much more simpler in design for me.

Nah its simple enough as he stated. Switching styles is a pretty easy concept.

Think of more like switching between an axe, a sword and a hammer mid battle. (But your only wielding one at a time and you have to follow a certain order.) For example if you using the sword, the next mode will always be Hammer and then after that axe, then back to sword. (And you swinging each of those differently.)

I think I got it. The concept itself is very unique and very diverse. It will do good for this game who needs diversity.

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Now imagine switching between Main Tank role, to Off Tank, To Support Tank.

(Current Version above this is more DPS… but I am sure making a Tank Version is Doable.)