What a lie (Overwatch' endorsements reduced toxic behavior by 40 percent)

Today i started my game like usual. And guess what? People starts yelling at each other over voicechat… 2nd match also 3rd and so on… my first matches must always start badly.

And then I find this article, in which a Blizzard employee told that the toxicity has decreased due to the endorsement system?

www.engadget. com/2019/03/23/overwatch-toxicity-dropped-40-percent/

People stopped giving endorsements a long time ago. What is the use of this? “Earn a loot box after a while if you keep the same endorsement level?”
Why don’t you ensure that the matchmaker makes a match with all endorsement level 1 players so they can play against each other. So the toxic players can play against each other instead of ruining the experience for players who just want to win and enjoy the game?

Normally I never come to the forum to complain, but what I have experienced the last seasons makes me want to quit Overwatch. Almost all my friends have left Overwatch and am the only one still playing it. I’m just stupid enough to stay here.


That is not fair, I see toxic players with higher endorsement levels all the time and on top of that, they are typically queued with someone then pit the team against you while you’re the one carrying. They just report abusive chat even if you didn’t say anything and you get muted, suspended, banned, whatever. Then you lose your endorsement level and are stuck at the bottom, that is not fair. Believe it or not, a vast majority of players don’t know how to play the game so you just need 2 people to convince your team that you’re throwing when you’re the one actually doing what you are supposed to, I have seen it happen multiple times.


That wouldn’t work because people who are level 5 endorsement would have a very hard time finding a match.

Maybe then people will start realize what the endorsement level is for. Currently the Endorsement system has no purpose? What does it do? It is meaningless.

The endorsement system wroked for a very short time and then it has failed.

The endorsement system never worked to begin with, everybody got endorsed because of the extra exp you get by using it.

grabs bucket of popcorn

I think we know where this thread is going to end up…

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I hope this thread attracts the attention at blizzard, if they want to keep their active player base.

Endorsements are a failure. They brought nothing but xp gains which i dont even bother using them for.

The trick to a high-ish endorsement of 3-4.

Play well.
Play support and tank.
Play what is needed.
Don’t say anything.

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Nah, it’s more likely they’ll see this thread and edit the title to be less clickbaity/trolly…

Or lots of people turn this thread into a shouting match and mods are forced to close it down to contain the damage…

Either way, I’m not sure this will end well…if it does, then great, but I rarely see threads like this end well…

Am I the only one who doesn’t even bother opening lootboxes anymore? I have like 20 stacked up to go through and it feels like such a chore now.

Endorsements stopped mattering like three weeks after they came out, they have literally zero impact* on a game. I’ve never once been like ‘Oh, that person only has a level 1 endorsement, they must be a real jerk!’ - I always just assume they haven’t played for a while because THE DECAY IS FREAKIN’ STUPID.

edit: a word, wow I need some coffee.

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I don’t think you understand my message in this thread.

I’ve got my caramel corn, but I don’t think I have enough for everybody. There’s probably regular butter ones around though.

Well that is their answer to a shrinking community.

Endrosements were implemented togethet private profiles.

Private profiles reduced toxicity a lot, but they can make possible another type of toxicity of people lying about their mains. However, this is less frequent that pwople telling you what to play accordint your profile…

Toxicity went down by 40% because 40% of players quit the game

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h ttps://i.imgur.com/hvtCGVJ.png
Story checks out.

I agree with you low endorsement lvls should play with each other, if they are all truly low due to toxicity. However much like the report system, the accuracy is in question with endorsements also.

I wouldn’t say it’s a lie but it is a misinterpretation of the stats. More like, toxicity is down 40% because the playerbase is down 40%.

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Of course they’re liars. This is the company that put loot boxes in Black Ops 4.

I barely encounter really toxic people. Almost never. Probably because i’m not sensitive and nothing actually gets me.