šŸŸ What 1 Ability do you want most for Hero 30?

If a support, was hoping for Rezā€¦

If a tank, was hoping for some AoE Healingā€¦

If DPS, was hoping ability to fire an Overwatch dev for making this DPS Hero exist every time the ability is activated.

edit: But thatā€™s my personal opinion, what do you guys want?

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Mercy has rez
Tank is not a healer
Agree with the DPS part tho


Probably a joke, since res is Mercy, AOE healing tank is Brig, and we know neither of those are very well liked around here.

Itā€™s my personal opinion, what do you guys want?

Something that negates CC OR kills goats.

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Isnā€™t that one of the same? What else would kill Goats?

Play dead. (obligatory chars)

If itā€™s a tank, I really hope we get someone who can provide personal barriers like Zarya, or be damage sponges such as Hammond. I think we should move away from the BarrierWatch approach to having huge choke-sized barriers that Rein has.

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First, I hope itā€™s a healer or a tank, not a DPS.
As an ability, I really want an AoE protection against CCs (like a veil that protects all your allies in a 5meters area of any CCs)

For a tank, I also want a flame thrower as its main weapon, but thatā€™s not an ability Ā°_Ā°

If itā€™s a DPS, I hope itā€™s not, I want a flying hero.

Shield-shredding (in a balanced way of course).

Or tunneling.

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I really would like to have a hero that can trick the enemy with clones.
That would open up some new strategies and ways of thinking.

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Vertical mobility for a sturdy tank.
Or a new single target healing mechanic for a support

Flying Tank would be interestning wrench in cogs.

Ability I want to see is ā€œstoringā€ damage making your attacks more dangerous. So kind of Berserk tank if that makes sense?

If healer someone who can chanel heal wave if team is close together. Like mercy beam jumping form one hero to next, stronger more hero are connected in ark. Or Rescue - dog that fetches healthpacksā€¦


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I think the game relies too much on CC to keep certain things in check.
Imagine something being used alongside Zaryaā€™s bubble to completely remove all counterplay on a Nano blade.

Iā€™ll take whatever ability makes a Genji and Tracerā€™s life hell, like an active cripple. But like everything else itā€™ll be nerfed anyway. Sombra works against them but usually not without your team.

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I want a tank sniper already. Everybody HAS been wanting a tank after all.:joy:

Not many want another sniper though

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w o o s h

I will uninstall if they give another character resurrection. Resurrection on one character causes more then enough problems balance wise.

Meh :man_shrugging:

Edit Yes, I realize thatā€™s theyā€™re opinion and that ^ is my own. Itā€™s okay to have differing opinions. :grin:

The only thing Iā€™ll say is, if Support CC immunity. If tank, I donā€™t really donā€™t know. Just another main tank would be nice. What that is exactly, is a good question. :rofl: