What’s your favorite and least favorite type of damage?

I want to know which forms of damage you like/dislike using or playing against.

For me I really like projectiles and beam forms of damage. The only hitscan I’ve been able to reliably play is soldier because his weapon tracking is very close in feeling to beam tracking (for me at least). Other than that I LOVEEEE the difficulty of prediction it takes to be consistently good with harder forms of projectiles.

Damage forms I dislike are DOT and AoE. Both of these you cannot do anything about really and are sh out of luck if you don’t have healing (AoE is easier to deal with cause you just walk away). I primarily disliked the faster and higher forms of DOT that don’t really require any form of skill to pull of, so virus and dynamite are the two I dislike the most. As for AoE I just don’t like it in general because it’s like this foreign form of damage that is hard to factor into your decision making at times because you don’t know which form of AoE is hitting you and you also don’t know how many forms of it are hitting you. Combined AoE and DOT just feel like a headache when you are trying to find out what is going on and they aren’t as straightforward as just having a hero shoot you with an ability that deals a set number of damage and is easy to ready in team fights.

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I tend to hate lethal kind of damage, but only if it’s applied on my team.


Yeah that’s the worst :confused:

I like damage that kills people on the other team. My least favorite type of damage is damage that kills me.


Hitscan, or preferably faster projectiles like Echo’s or Sojourn’s primary.

I kinda like the aim I work on to be transferable to other games.

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like: earned damage

you aim, shoot, hit

dislike: random damage

getting spammed on, or sharing splash damage bc of an unaware teammate

i love it when people walk into me after being tracer bombed

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I love it when I pull a pulsed ally too early and they fly into me and I kill myself :skull:

Also yeah random lethal level damage was very unfun. So after the big changes to health and damage I’m glad that it kind of died down. Game feels more fun in terms of not being randomly killed.

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I like high burst tracking dmg and precise projectile headshots.

I don’t like dot dmg

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I like beams because they are reliable, easy to code and have cool light effects, unlike those ordinary normie projectiles who usually are orange, red or brown and are actually affected by deflections and all that.
When in doubt, beam into crowd. I like to see Genjis die by beams.


Wait, how did you blur that last part?

unironically point and click. also midrange tracking like Soldier

straight line single “bullet” weapons that can headshot regardless of projectile or hitscan. kiriko kunai, cassidy primary, ashe m1, widow m1, illari

Beams and shotguns are so incredibly boring I fall asleep playing any of them

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I was at work and thought I was seeing things

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Favorite- Tracking. Tracer was the reason I got this game, so I got attached to her weapons before I even started playing other heroes. So specifically hitscan weapons that deal a small amount of damage with a large amount of bullets.

Least favorite- Traditional hitscan. Not even because of hitscan, but because of the people that have this as their favorite

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Favorite: have none.

Hated: unavoidable damage.

quote me in the editor and you will see it

First of all, I hate all those bullets/beams excessively bigger hitbox. A sign of noskill game.

I would have liked projectiles more than hitscans when they had the same size as hitscans.(Ofc they should be on par with hitscans in terms of power by … nerfing hitscan damage.)

Also, I hate hitscans with fast RoF and projectiles with slow RoF. The former is like a beam and too bland, and the latter feels like too much luck-oriented.

low dmg fast RoF projectiles and high dmg slow RoF hitscans like Sojourn weapon is ideal for me, ONLY IF its hitscan bullet had the same size as other hitscans.

Favorite is probably projectile or maybe beam? My most played are projectile heroes but I love Symmetras beam to the point that I’ve developed a catch phrase for when ever I kill someone with it lol.

Least favorite is probably hit scan because it’s kind of straight forward (click on enemy, deal damage) and visually uninteresting. Like with projectiles theres bouncing them off walls, around corners, aiming where you think the enemy will be instead of where they currently are, travel time, etc. that you have to consider. That or DVas bomb. Deals way too much damage in way too big of an area imo.

my favorit to play as are projectile wapons.
What i dont to play against is spam like junk and aoe like diva bomb or hog trap and sojourn slow thing.
Dots are annoying for sure but most of the time you wont die from it on its own.

I am not the fan of hitscan in this game thanks to the instant movment witch makes in very luck based in a way.

Special mention goes to Widdow this hero can delete you and forces an stupid playstyle just from existing.

Playing against beams makes them often feel cheesy since you often are powerless especially if its a charged beam and they run you down. Also using beams is boring and inconsistend since it has the be charged to do anything.