We've gotten to the point where rein is a nuisance

Like… he’s not even immensely broken like dva. But going against a rein now has reached roadhog levels of boring.

Every rein now just spams charge and sits there with their shield completely untouchable. How much more of this dawg? We’ve gotten to the point where rein is also now basically unkillable. What is the goal here?

The hero’s playstyle has literally become “hope to land a corny one shot” and if that doesn’t work “sit there with shield up and never die” like???



XD so true, bastion just wipes him. He’s not a nuisance, your positioning is the nuisance. Shield falls over so fast, or you can just have two people take angles. Not hard at all.

You literally just said it. Though it’s not really a Rein-specific thing.

He’s also one of the more killable tanks all things considered. Also, what one shot are we talking about? I’m not one of those semantics-weirdos who say Hog hooking and killing you isn’t a one-shot, but what does Rein have to do that? Outside of his ult in immediate vicinity?

Edit: Yeah okay I kinda forgot his charge existed, Hieiko :smile:

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I suppose they’re talking about his charge, as it can kill any full health squishy now with it’s 300 damage.

I just feel like reinhardt is the closest to his ow1 playstyle right now than he has been in a long time.

There are still heroes that can melt him and his shield, but if played into a sniper comp he actually can de a shield as he’s supposed to be.

If you don’t swap into a shieldbreak hero against him, that’s on you.
Hanzo, junkrat and bastion are really good at shield break. As a support i always shoot shields when i see them to give my team more play opportunities.
And even echo just melts a cracked shield in a second with her beam.
(Which is a feature that was widely advertised by the devs because of the double shield meta at the time of her release.)


That was the goal. It sounds as if we have achieved it. Mission success!


He is a nuisance when you have a team ignoring his shield only.

Put pressure on his shield like crazy and rein wont bother you.

And no he isnt unkillable at all.

He doesnt have any self sustain like most tanks now.

So if he survives its because his supports arent attacked at all

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current rein is a skill check. rein literally cant do anything if you keep pressure on his shield and supports

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i hate Reinhardt against snipers.
to me he just says: not my job. better diff the widow or we lose.
then complains about sniper diffs…

shield up, nothing dies
shield down, get widow diffed.
Reinhardt flames his dps while holding rmb like a gm.

just my impression :sweat_smile:

because to me widow is a free kill any game as tank. (I don’t play in GM, can understand that it plays different there with 4 peels standing next to widow guarding her.)

When rein player see enemy team swap to bastion and his team want to push in:

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Just get your tank to go rammatra, he is just as if not even more unkillable than rein is, and he doesn’t give a :poop: about a shield in his face.

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Rein has been the best tank for the entirety of OW. You are just few years late.


The goal is to sell his $80 mythic weapon and Transformers skin


Is rammatra really that good? He is chargeable and Rein can smack rammatra around with m1 or earthshatter him.
Aside from shield piercing attack that is not always available, rammatra doesn’t seem that dominant in match-up.

All three are pretty unpopular heroes esp junkrat and bastion.

Like as tracer rein is my favourite tank to go against, always fun to harass good old rein and get him mad.

That said current tanks are interactable for most of the cast.

They are like NPC characters that you shoot down after killing the enemies.

Which is why they could have better q by asking from software to loan all their games bosses from elden ring and replace tanks with it as AI with large hp.

You won’t notice a difference

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What is the most common vulnerable state of Reinhardt.

Dude backing into cover with a shield up with a sliver of hp as ana starts pumping heals.

Now ramattra finishes that rein.

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Well, I guess, but WB for example can roll up and shoot rein in the head, despite rein holding up shield.

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Ya there are quite a few options but rammatra is overall better than ball currently.

My thought lately as well. Why not just replace all Tanks with AI if we are not allowed to kill them in a fair fight anyway.

Even if we gid gud at killing Tanks, they will start complaining and the devs will just up the stats again.

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Exactly they are super strong since ow2 release and they keep buffing instead of solving solo tank format issue.

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