"We're aware of the problem facing supports"

Proceeds to turn Ramattra into a meta support killing machine.

Enjoy your five more bullets, Mercy.


ā€œWeā€™re aware of the problem facing supportsā€

ā€œWeā€™re aware of facing supports being a problem.ā€


She is going to need them.


Just because they are aware of the problems facing supports doesnā€™t mean they have clue one on how to solve those problems.


I think all of us have noticed this ever since OW2 launched


Hah, yeah, pretty much kills everyone.

They established that rewards for playing support were low. Are you implying they do not know how to fix that?

They could take some baby steps beyond adding 5 to Mercyā€™s ghetto blaster.


Yes. Their actions so far indicate they donā€™t know how to address even something as simple as addressing rewards for playing support.

They identified it as a problem last season, but took zero steps to address in season 2. Even a token gesture like increased battle pass xp for playing support would have been something.


I suppose I do not disagree. My thought process was the lack of a token gesture was more about them not genuinely believing there was a problem as opposed to literally not knowing what to do. But you might be correct, perhaps I am giving them too much credit.


Or give a damn about us :frowning:


Pummel pierces enemies, so you canā€™t hide behind your tanks when he uses nemesis mode. I can see how people would construe ā€œcanā€™t hideā€ as ā€œkills supportsā€ when thatā€™s how most people play support.

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Of all the supports Mercy can counter valk to get away. Give team AOE healing for 15sec thru his ult dmg.

Nearly no other unit can sustain a wide open AoE heal for so long. Either you cannot kill rama in 15 sec or people cant get away.

You can even dmg bst to try to kill him quicker. Its a pretty cheap ult to try to counter rama compared to higher value ones.

For some time, you could see that they did not believe there was a support problem. Then queue times slapped them in the face, forcing them to acknowledge there were issues. Note: Queue times are better for many than they were in OW1, but they arenā€™t good for a new ftp model with supposedly 27M players.

Since then, theyā€™ve flailed about trying to understand the core support issues. Which is why we got some bizarre support buffs recently, like 5 Mercy bullets and Ana antiheal duration boost.

Honestly, the support issues are deep enough that they need to change core reward and recognition mechanics, not to mention rework or refocus a few supports. That will take time, of course, but there were several smaller things they could do to address reward and recognition.

BP XP is an easy reward one. Moving players saved to the core scoreboard is an easy recognition one that could have been done with a UI change thatā€™s a few days work tops.


Pummel also has ~10m max range, are you saying most support players are that bad that they play in front of the tank when many supports can heal from range, hell even Lucioā€™s aura is some 13+m, outside of Pummel range.

I see why supports complain now.

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Ding, got it in one. Whole lotta people who think Ana is a brawl DPS that needs to be near or in front of the tank.

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The main issue keeping supports from being more popular is simple. Not many people want to play a role where you have to heal. Doesnā€™t matter how many DPS-like supports you add to the game, you still have to heal at the end of the day. There is no solution to this problem apart from removing their healing abilities and sticking them in the DPS category, which is obviously terrible. There just needs to be greater incentive to play them, like better rewards.

All the other complaints about support, there is literally none of them that canā€™t be solved by simply getting better at the game.


I think the issue is more that not many people want to play a role where your ability to defend yourself is far inferior to everyone else but you are simultaneously target numero uno every fight. 99% of the time, the only solution for supports is to just run away, especially against supercharged tanks.

Supports who can run away canā€™t defend themselves and supports who can defend themselves canā€™t run away. Thereā€™s just not a lot of middle ground, so you end up having to stand your ground and die to a dps levitating around you and a tank with 8000 health or run away a lot.


I think Mercy was a very targeted change, trying to make her more able to fight off flankers in low ranks where she does pull the pistol quite often.

Why does everyone keep saying this. Support is literally the easiest role in the game. (Support main btw)

Not when the MM puts you in a game with higher ranked people. Because the role has low population.

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