(Edit) there were Tornados in Houston (fine now)

(One was forming right over me) (other might be near me.)

My only regret is not pushing harder for Sym.

(I will likely live.)

(Edit: currently watching out flash flooding for next 21 hours… no power and already flooded… so about to see more water.)

(Edit: Day’s later everything is fine… unless you’re Sym.)


Seek shelter and stay safe man.


One is still forming over me (again)

(watching for any flooding outside.)

I wish my country got thunderstorms… instead i am destined in endless years of boring weather

Theres always the occasional rainstorm but thats really it :confused:

(Right now it’s literally just clouds and chilly)

The Houston Tornadoes? I’ve not heard of that team.


Go to the basement or tub. They’re usually secure in the ground.

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There are no basements in Houston.

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Be safe. I’ve never even come close to an encounter with one.

You poor thing not having to worry about the weather destroying your home and everything in it.


Is it too much to ask which part? Like North South, etc?

I’ve got family in Houston and this worries me.

Come live in the Northeast. We only get a tropical storm every 10 years or so, and they are usually weak this far up.

Just watchin purple area of the weather map, getting closer and closer… hoping not to see white.

(not promising weatherman keeps focusing nearer and nearer to my house.)

Nope. Instead I get to worry about blizzards and ice storms :smiley:


How are those things boring? They make driving so much more interesting.


Starting to see flooding weather,… might disconnect soon.

Thunderstorms are way more interesting its like a firework show

Eventually you get used to driving in blizzards and snow and its always cold outside too

At least grab all your important things like deeds to your house and SS cards.

If that stuff gets damaged, it’s a pain to replace

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…yep looks like one is headed to me…


Your off to see the wizard, The wonderful wizard of Oz
We hear he is a wiz of a wiz if ever a wiz there was, if ever oh ever a wiz there was the wizard of Oz, is one because, because, because, because, because because! Because of the wonderful things he does!

Your off to see the Wizard,
The wonderful Wizard of Ozzzzzzz!!!

Stay safe :slight_smile:


Good luck man. Hope to see you in a few hours.