Finally overwatch 2 will be overwatch 1.5 because they will bring back mode ow1 features and relase 1/3 of ow2 content they promised, and no single mention of the story and lore, as usual aaron with his empty promises says he is thinking what to do, after 6 years of ow2 developement and 4 years fully knowing pve will be cancelled he is finally thinking what to do with the lore, think about it, lore is death, but he would want a series, just will never do it of course. remember he promised a lot of comics last year and we only got a christmass comic that completely ignored the main story
We actually got more than a christmas comic in 2024. It’s more like 15 media related to the lore in 2024.
We got a full book (Overwatch Declassified, which is HUGE)
There was all the short stories from Heroes : Ascendant, the Max short story as well, and comics for the 3 new heroes - even if they got rid of the origin stories in the process, the comics have the same purpose.
And the few cimenatics for Hazard, Venture’s adventure, and Juno, and a few blog article as well, with Oasis mails and Numani’s tablet.
We all dream about an animated serie,s but let’s be honest, it won’t happen, it’ll cost way too much, and it probably won’t bring them more playerbase, it will only appeal to people who care about the lore.
For the christmas story, I agree : there is a time gap that need to be adressed/filled with more lore (i.e Why Soldier is in Runasapi while Sombra directed him toward Oasis in the first place? Or what happen to Zen when was surrounded by Talon?)
People still care about the lore, we just don’t show up on this forum very often and are more active on Discord servers or Reddit tbh.
backstory of characters, more backstory, not moving the plot forward, and is a book you have to buy and not single mention of it is in the game
plot points that go to nowhere instead of keep with the story missions, and the book is was promised in 2023 maybe written in 2022
backstory and origins of the characters that will never be developed, why venture is an archeologist and why fight talon? no mention of it, whats illari goal? more factions introduced and nothing will happen of it, instead of showing us more of the old characters they play it safe with expanding the lore sideways instead of forward, zenyatta is waiting to be killed since 2013 and the christmass comic completely skipped that
wow 30 seconds of venture doing, nothing of value, juno is her origins story, why she is contacting overwatch and mei? hazard short was crap, even animation was bad, nothing was told to us
you have to be freaking kidding me? a low rez tablet hidding on a map is the way to tell the story? wasnt orisa and juno recruitment worth a single comic or short story?
will never be adresssed, never
we care of course, but there is nothing to talk about, lore is death, we are worst than ow1 times, at least some characters got a cinematic back then, plot wasnt moving but was more interesting than a tablet on a map.
isnt sad the most the plot moved forward in 9 years was the ow2 cinematic and the new blood comics, ow got together finally, thast it, even the pve missions didnt show much, just 3 random fights across the world
Your emotions and feelings about the lore are valid.
But instead saying that it’s dead and they should close the forum, maybe you could give some constructive criticism, even if it’ll probably land on deaf ears (of the execs & shareholders)
They did deliver some lore in 2024. It is not the one that you wanted/expected, but it is there, either you like it or not, either the quality is up to your standards or not.
They should move the story foward and not sideways like you said. The story is still stuck at the Invasion, and we want it to move foward. It’s moving at snail pace (and the snail is probably faster).
The quality of the animated shorts are far form the one we had in the past, that’s for sure.
I agree, Overwatch finding Juno, and Efi and Orisa joining them at Gibraltar should be told, and it is sad that it’s the fan writing fanfiction that will probably write it instead of the narrative team (who got almost all fired last year btw)
They don’t tease their next heroes with tweets and article like they did before - and that’s a shame. Their schedule and how/when they deliver the lore is pitiful.
they ignore everything, they dont care
more plot points that will never ever be developed and we will see not a single conclusion of any of them, plus only expanding lore sideways, new characters have nothing to do with old lore and characters
the problem is that literally isnt moving at all
I like the lore we get
literally the “mmm crumbles” meme