Well seems like I've hit my breaking point

smurfs everywhere and can’t do anything about it, I just keep getting faced against smurfs just literally a level 30 in bronze and I cannot climb because there’s too many down here, it was literally a 6v5 game and we still lost because the smurf of the 5, and I was solo healing of course because no one wants to heal

officially going toxic and throwing games as because Blizzard doesn’t care about their players and the system is being exploited in the sense smurfs and alts are allowed to throw games freely and ruin us at the bottom to be able to climb, sure you say counter but when your team doesn’t want to work together either you just can’t do everything by yourself, it’s a team based game but it’s played for 1-2 great players while everyone plays freaking casually


I completely understand your frustration, I posted a freaking monologue about this just yesterday in its own thread. But I don’t think the solution is to completely ruin the game for yourself and everyone else. Don’t become one of those people, you know how awful they are.

On the upside, apparently ~2 months ago Jeff said that there’s an in-house team at Blizzard working on these issues. I haven’t heard any new news since then, but hopefully Papa Jeff will deliver and the games won’t be so frustrating to play.

There’s also the possibility that more people are playing and trolling right now during the halloween event. It may die down again after. Trolls/throwers have always been an issue, but I’ve noticed it’s particularly abundant this month.


You need to get better at the game. Simple as that.

If you cant beat a smurf who plays at a higher rank, do you deserve to play at a higher rank?


That’s an absurd question. A bronze player shouldn’t be expected to play at GM level. Otherwise they wouldn’t be in bronze. They need to play at least at a Silver level to progress. Improvement comes slowly, not overnight.

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hes playing in his own rank doe??? forehead


I’m going to repost this.

Now @lologenkins had a good point that this is technically against the rules, but, honestly, I think it is for the best for people to do this.

The quick guide to get out of bronze in less than 24 hours.

Step one, find a smurf. This is NOT hard in bronze as I am sure you know.

Step two, ask them “how many hours did you put in to get so damn good?”

Step three, once they have answered, ask if you can ask them some questions, since you want to get better. Tell them you can support for them.

Step four, now you are on the team with the smurf on his way up before he starts to throw (they are usually polite and won’t throw while you are teamed up with them, since they have an audience to show how damn good they are). Try to run support for them, do ask them questions about the hero they are running - hell, you may learn a thing or two.

Once they are done with playing, find your next smurf.

Soon you will end up in high silver, where the number of smurfs / throwers / trolls drop DRASTICALLY.

Play your best, You will finally get fair games, and learn a lot quickly. You will either sink or swim.

If you sink, repeat the process.

This gives you the chance to get the fair games you need to get better.

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yet all that is doing is supporting alt/smurfs which I don’t agree with, so in general it’s a negative form and not very rewarding, they shouldn’t be there in the first place since they don’t belong there and it’s ruining the SR system at least at the bottom where it’s really easy to get to just by playing horribly on an alt to get placed there when they don’t actually belong there

It’s so strange. I don’t have these smurf issues. I see one maybe every 3 - 4 games and match maker typically puts a similarly skilled player on our team to compensate. I see a lot of people on my teams accusing opposing players of being smurfs, but to my perspective that supposed smurf is just a good player.

There are a ton of casuals in the game right now. I’ve played steady since S1, I know how to play the game and I can see a smurf for a smurf. Seriously guys, most of these “smurfs” are just serious players that play a lot. They are good, they do well, but they only look like smurfs in comparison to the casual masses currently in the competitive mode.

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Most of the smurfs in bronze are plats.


They shouldn’t be there, but this way you don’t have to be there with them.

It’s broken, you can either work with the brokenness, or wait till blizzard to fix it.

One can be done this year…


If the person sinks back to where they are, it just showed they probably belong there.

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And the they can get out try again, and learn while playing against people of roughly the same level of ability. Mid silver is easier than bronze for sure.

They are not going to learn anything good fighting Smurfs a day.

You ever tried to maintain a smurf? I haven’t, but I’ve started out several new accounts and so I’m familiar with the climbing potential.

With PBSR a smurf gains 2x the SR (30) that is lost for a loss (15). A true smurf has to spend twice as much time purposely losing as winning to stay in smurf range. Any real smurf you see is typically just passing through, and quickly at that.

I don’t believe smurfing is nearly as game-breaking as the 1000SR allowable spread to group. When I play in silver I feel like a God, yet I’m capable of grouping with silver players. THAT can easily create the perception of a smurf.

in latam the player base is shrinking very fast. And bronce silver and lower gold are unplayable at certain hours.
is the same people over and over and over again.
The same players whit the same character killing everybody and then playing awful and trolling to loose.

Game after game of trolls, leavers, derankers, smurfs and aim bot.
The same people over and over.

I report them all the time…some go away i guess banned.
Some stay and made your life impossible.

The level of toxicity is high a ever, frustration, anger.
Im still having fun but since i fell from gold (that cost me 2 seasons to get to) i just have fun…i come and go from mid silver to high bronce. Just enjoy the game, improve if you cant…if not, leave it behind.


There are far more smurfs in bronze than actual bronze. Bronze matchmaking is the biggest problem blizzard has in the game.


We got an enemy team 2 times with a GM who deranked. It wasn’t even a smurf, just normal decay. WTF?

You expect bronzes to beat GM smurfs? GM smurfs rock diamond games.


Sorry, that statement is really quite stupid.

I’ve been doing martial arts for 20+ years. At one end we have newbie white belts that have never punched in their lives. At the other end we have black belts that have World Champion medals.

Do you really think it would be a good idea if in the first week of training we got a white belt to fight a black belt full on? Aside from the white belt getting broken bones and the cost of cleaning the blood off the fixtures, would it really be that beneficial for anyone?

According to your philosophy it would be great training for the white belt. After all, how else would we expect them to get better if not being brutalised by a far superior opponent?

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I’ve said this a million times already. It’s just a game. “Moving up” in this game wont give you satisfaction. Having fun in this game will. Stop worrying about rank and sr and just have fun. If you find yourself mad just stop playing.

Take a break from the game. I’ve been gone for about 2 months now and I don’t think I will ever come back due too how fun bo4 blackout is.

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I’d like to see a Dev play in bronze for say 100-200 games and see how many smurfs are down there assuming they can determine what a smurf is and how it affects our game, most come in the form of duos/trios/quads that also have one person leaving mid game waits for the penalty to disappear and the rest leave making it impossible to win, also the private profile basically protects smurfs in this sense to hide their previous SR values although if it wasn’t the case seeing some that have their profile public for some reason state master/diamond/platinum and plummet into bronze on purpose, even more cases I’ve seen some who have made platinum multiple seasons and bronze in the same season meaning they’re deliberately throwing games to be down low ruining our climb yet again…this is clear evidence yet they exist and allowed to keep doing this