Well rip brigitte, you will be missed

Oh believe me, I’ve tried in countless other threads before I’ve seen how useless it is. I have tips and my own experience killing Brig and yet nothing.

Yet on this one in wich so far (at least from my part) a decent conversation was going down, you decided to do such thing.

Like I just said, there’s no point of no one tries to listen. Also the nerf is already happening so that won’t change.

You can’t tell me this is wrong

Brig has been controversial since the start in March

Yes, we are capable of running around her. But as soon as we try to get close enough to actually do damage stun whip smack dead. You just sit behind your shield and wait because we can’t kill you if you’re even slightly intelligent.

Of course it is a 6v6 every fight and nothing else happens. Nearly every dive hero has to 1v1 a couple times a match. And when everyone is dead except Brig and Reinhardt who will win? The support because skill i guess

1…2…3…4…5000 dang. Her healing isn’t amazing I know. But I am saying that the instant lifesaver that doesn’t require skill to use it op and makes other healers look like a joke. Also, the heal over time thing makes a big difference in team fights and when Brig is about to die.

Shoot the shield and click the head 5head. Ok i am just gonna sit here and shoot the shield a bunch until it goes down yes there we go. Welp she is waiting for her shield to recharge. Aaaand it is back. Unlike Rein she doesn’t need to protect her team with it, so she can recharge it easily. If I go in to kill her then she only needs her shield at 1 health to be able to stun and kill me. Its like I say “I can’t kill Orisa her shield is on a low cd and has a lot of health” and you say “Shoot it” Ah right i was planning on standing here and waiting for her to leave the game

35+70+50=155 thats the combo right? one or two more swings and any nontank is dead. Keep in mind you don’t need to aim for this. And it whip can hit multiple enemies. and you have a thing called a team.

It seems to be that uncounded is not a word but ok. I believe they do hold merit however, as they have been proven many times.

And I woulf stop sending the same argument when you actually debunk it and not give trashy Brig responses like “shoot the shield 4head” and “Nobody cares about 1v1s” and “Count the numbers”

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Lol no she won’t be missed.


Even the pros say this is not true, that Brigitte counters Tracer as a whole.

In theory there’s room for change still, do I believe in it? Taking from past actions, not really, but then again if enough feedback is given about these changes, maybe something can be done.

Now as far as my opinions go: do I think some sort of change (note I did not say nerf) should happen to Brig’s current CC kit? Yes.

The way her CC works makes close quarter combat annoying to say the least, but in my expirience that’s not even the main issue, the problem is what comes after, she enables way too many things with a non ultimate ability on quite a short CD.

Hell just look at the main GOATS combo: Bash + Shatter, likely the main reason the nerf from a few days ago happened in the first place. Her stun is the catalyst for a potential team wipe and it’s not even all that hard to pull off.

Now for the damage nerf, I can kinda see where they are coming from with that. With Tracer pretty much out of the meta and GOATS being so popular, Brig became more of a dps in most comps than an actual support. Do I think this will bring Tracer back into the meta? Unless we’re talking really high ranks and pro play, not really and even then that might not be true.

In theory Brig was also the catalyst for the whole sniper one hit kill meta. No Dive means snipers free and even if they counter Brig to some extent, she still has the shield for protection.

But then again, only time will tell how all of this will play out.

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Yeah I agree, all we can do is wait.

I actually don’t mind Brig nerfs but nerfs done because of whining alone shouldn’t happen. I really liked the barrier stun nerf but this new one really makes me question how protective she will be, but I haven’t played it so I can’t say I truly know.

Again all I can do is wait I suppose.

“You will be missed”.

Said no one ever. :joy::ok_hand:

And still this whole thing could’ve been solved with a different change: turn the stun either into a snare (Grav) or a slow (Symmetra’s turrets), the snare being likely the most viable. Non mobile heroes would still be affected, but not as much and the main matchup (Brig vs Tracer) would remain the same.

When they announced the shield thing I was thinking it would go on that direction tbh.

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Once her shield is down, you dive her, thats how you take down a brigitte, but again, i proposed changes to make this interaction much better

From personal experience i have seen it, it can be done
Is it optimal? No of course not, just like its not optimal to run doomfist vs sombra or winston into bastion

All heroes were controversial, problem is flanker players got used to running free arround the map, and because their balanced heroes, despite beeing problematic as they are, nerfing them isnt an option, so there came brig

From watching good tracers fight me vs brigitte i can see a following pattern

They farm pulse bomb in my backline, and stick me as brig kill me and continue

Some even manage me to poke me to low hp or shoot me from behind to make me turn and get sniped by widows or smth

Actually in the situation you said rein would win, he does more damage has more health and as long as the brig doesnt out space him he wins

But still, the 1v1 thing is meh, vs brig its a space battle, you can keep range and you win, for close range heroes, keep her in range of your attacks so she doesnt heal up like crazy

Sure its brusty overall but its pretty meh in the long run, lets do a healing race!

B = brig
A = ana
M = mercy
Mo = moira

(Note: didnt include lucio because i dont know his healing numbers or amp duration)

B = 150 - 166 - 184 - 190 - 206
Mo= 80 - 160 - 240 - 360 - 480
Ana= 70 - 140 - 210 - 280 - etc
M= 50 - 100 - 150 - 200 - 250

Still a win for all of them by a long shot, and honestly the “it takes no skill to use it” its literally the same thing as a discord orb, or any healing what sowever, maybe except for ana, but still, same thing

I mean sure? But literally any hero has a combo like this maybe even some supports

But still if we were to do a dps race we would see brig is pure brust, 0 sustain

Ill miss having a tracer counter

But then:

Oh… I know how to solve that!
Buff torb and leave the brig.

So? thats not even a 1v1 situation, it can happen even during a 6v6

Maybe? I doubt she’ll be meta defining.

Didn’t you just claim Tracer meta was coming back? Tracer is not part of Goats and is really bad against goats.

Aand wrong again. The only reason sniper meta was because of Brigitte and snipers being the only ones able to actually kill anything.

Not according to any statistics.

Now that’s irony.

If that was true they’d have reverted Mercy :joy:

I do think the nerfs are a bit much though…


Tracer is STILL the 3rd most used DPS in all of the game even in this meta…

Well the reason they nerfed brig was to kill goats wasnt it? this is not reducing the effectivenes of goats, its just removng counterplay to dive,

Sniper meta wasnt because of brigitte, Sniper meta was because of heroes that do a lot of healing like Moira or ana, that heroes who do sustained damage cannot stop

If you take time to see why stats like winrate are skewed, and compare them with pickrate, you´ll see its true,

Well i mean if the hero is nerfed repetedly by people constantly complaining, yet refusing to acknoledge any kind of possible counterplay, then yes, its just inmaturity,

E.g deletebrig movement

Lets not get into this because this couldnt be more wrong

I’m hoping this nerf be ‘tis but a scratch.

Pretty sure Brigitte’s primary melee weapon can deal damage just from swings. Yeah the damage is reduced to bash, but the whip can still do a lot of damage.
Maybe it could be a great opportunity to learn how to aim whips more effectively
Just my opinion on how I look at this nerf

I feel like this nerfs are completly catering towards the whining tho.
there are a lot of other changes, kkind of like the doomfists air control thing, that could be changed, inestead of this…

yea its a problem when you can have three tanky character and heals that can output enough damage to make regular dps that are squishy useless

either nerf damage output from tanks healers or lock the roles so no more than 2 heals or tanks can queue???