Well I was right

SO while kudos for actually nerfing heros this time, you left out the major players who would break this meta.

My theory: These changes won’t shake up the meta. It’ll just reduce the overall power of it.

I mean, they did nothing to address the power creep that has ruined the balance in the first place. Damage, healing, barrier health, and CC is all too high still.

Of course they didn’t nerf Hanzo, or buff Bastion, or buff Junkrat, or buff Brigitte, and of course they nerfed some unnecessary things like Symmetra or Doomfist, etc. The devs are so out of touch with this game it’s unreal.

Battle for Neighborville is looking all that much better as an alternative until and if we get anything good done here.

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Kind of…

They toned down the barrier spam, which was a result of the power creep.

They nerfed DF because he was overtuned (CD buffs plus his passive buff made it impossible to kill him while he could get in, get a kill, and escape).

Sym, while I don’t agree with it, was also a result in the barrier meta and so her ult is now reasonable. Fun fact: Bastion can only do 4500 damage with 1 clip, and it takes 12 seconds to unload a clip. Thus he couldn’t even break her barrier to begin with. The only counter to it was EMP, and Sombra is still trash. As a Sym player, this won’t hurt her, as her power is in her ability to counter double shield with her gun, and her tele.

Then much needed support changes like Bap’s field HP being nerfed, Lucio being reverted, and the Moira self-heal nerf. I never had a problem with her, but the next support on the nerf block should be Ana with her anti-heal.

Meanwhile the power creep has been furthered by the Tracer, Winston, and Hog buffs.

Yeh it actually looks pretty good.

Honestly, I think just less overall barrier health would help, because then it would help tone down damage, as well, which needs to go down.

I never had too much trouble killing ol’ Doomy if I was playing someone who could kill. McCree in particular. He’s a pest when you’re a support, though, if no one will help you out. Used to be able to disrupt him with Brig, but that’s laughable now.

I don’t think the ult changes really matter much, but it’s more the rather significant nerf to her turrets, which were already easily dealt with. They’re taking too much away and not giving enough.

I like Ana, but I’d be okay with that. Low-key probably the single most potent basic ability in the game.

I have zero problems playing with, as, or against Moira, though. She’s definitely easier to post results with than most healers but she wasn’t OP.

And the one support who was actually built to do anything to protect beleaguered backlines is dumpstered.

Yo if you get it and want to play, let me know. I’m gonna download it tonight.