Well hope for balance is gone out the window

For months i have been waiting and waiting for a fix to meis curving range shot, waiting for something done to scatter, (which is happening still…i hope) and Zaryas range (just a little) and they are going to try and nerf genjis deflect? Im a mccree main and i think this is stupid. Deflect is one of the easiest things to counter…just dont shoot at him. “But but but it has no counter play” how about sym, zarya, mei, moria ,sombra, winston, even brigitte or NOT SHOOTING HIM.

This new cry for a genji deflect nerf came out of nowhere, and kinda proves that the overwatch community will plead for nerfs to something they cant scatter. Whats next for a nerf? Mccrees flashbang? tracers blink? ohh how about anas sleep dart?

How about the next time you have a problem with an ability learn to counter it, instead of crying for a nerf.


No where does any Dev say that they are nerfing deflect.


Yeah they did. Shrinking the hitbox slightly, which is a slight nerf. Also making the VFX clearer

Link? I saw Jeff post that VFX. He said nothing about making it smaller in that post.


People hated on deflect since day one, it’s nothing new, and it’s about time the size got a fix, because it’s hitbox is gigantic, while the animation to it is deceivingly small.
And actually, you can die to deflect, even though you fired when Genji wasn’t deflecting due to latency issues.
And Genji can fire frame perfectly after deflect ends, so he can kill you even if you kill him on the frame he becomes vulnerable, meaning you have no counter play.


What’s wrong with meis shot and zarya’s range??

They never said they were nerfing the hitbox to my knowledge just making the animation match the hitbox which could mean they are making an entirely new animation to show his hitbox better when deflecting for all we know. About his counters, Symmetra is considered outright throwing if you pick her, even if you explain why, Mei is frowned upon but depending on the team she won’t be considered throwing but again depending on the team other teams might consider it throwing, Moira if you’re focusing on the Genji is considered throwing because dps Moira and if you have a team where she doesn’t work well that’s even worse, Brigitte only applies in quickplay for now and depending on the nerfs she gets (which she will get for sure) not even a good counter, Zarya is fine, Sombra has been recently nerfed while yes she has a faster hack time that obviously does not help her win rate as she still has less then 50% win rate so while she may not be considered a throw pick she might not be the best option but overall she is a fine counter, Winston like Zarya is fine.

Let’s review out of those 7 counters you provided to deflect
1 is a throw pick by the community
2 can be seen as throw pick 1 if you focus the genji the other depending on the team
1 isn’t even an option for competitive and depending on the nerfs might not even be a good option for that
3 can work but 1 is iffy

So out of that list of counters only 2 will be a good or accepted counter 100% of the time


That’s what I want to know too yes it bends but that’s more because of it’s hitbox size and having to insert into the enemy where it registers, Zarya’s range I have no idea it’s like anything thats a beam even if you have to aim those beams like hitscan and projectile are only allowed to be short in the community’s eyes

Meis shot can literally curve (tried to link you to a video about it but i couldn’t.) And in my opinion Zaryas range is just a little to long.

Deflect is being “fixed” not nerfed.

Lol. Zarya is currently the most underperforming tank atm. She doesnt need a nerf.

Mei just has a big hitbox for her icicle.

Genji meanwhile wont be affected too much by this change, he still cant be hit by shots fired at him, just that shots that are deliberately aimed away from him wont get deflected anymore. Its not like he can still be damaged by shots aimed away from him.

You complain that they are changing deflect and that it’s the easiest thing to counter but you are complaining about F-tier heroes being OP? Like really?

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His delfect hit box is his hit box. Latency isnt deflects fault, and dont stand in front of him when hes deflecting if you both know he can instant kill you. Just because you have no idea how to counter play it, doesnt mean it doesnt have one.

Fixing Genji’s deflect and you’re angry about that and then the argument of comparisons like “What’s next? Removing Tracer’s blink?” How do you logic. They’re fixing the animation, possibly reducing the giant hitbox… how is that remotely comparable.

Sound like those people that go “Gay marriage? What’s next? People can marry their dogs?!”

Im not begging for a change, just something i hope happens. And if it doesnt oh well, while people are complaining about deflect having “no counter play”.

Zarya is more in a bad place due to dive and having no mobility herself to keep up. As the meta shifts or in off meta comps she does better. I personally would rather see her beam left alone and see changes to either her bubbles or her charge rate/sustain.

yeah it won’t happen because none of the heroes you said need changes.
Some of them even need big buffs and the devs are looking at them

Ok if hitboxes are the issue everyone is having JUST DONT SHOOT AT HIM. Its literally that simple.

them adding los to hogs hook was a fix. did it ruin hogs ability to hook behind a mountain? yes. did he need the ability to do so? no.

This is a fix. not a nerf.

The deflect complain does not come out of nowhere. There are videos adressing this issue which are like 1.5 years old and we had a thread on the old forums with multiple clips proving how broken it is with 1700+ upvotes.