Welcome to the new forums!

I’m not feeling literally any of the changes. Just my opinion

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Excited about the new forums :smile:

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I’ll believe that when I see an orange post in the Mercy megathread addressing her fans’ issues.

And, why remove the dislike button? Can no one have a dissenting opinion anymore?

Was I the only one playing where’s waldo with jeff kaplan’s face on that picture?

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congrats on making the forum experience smoother ! It’s gonna take me some time to get used to it, just like any changes to Youtube or Facebook have me confused for ages.

I love the new forum and I love the team working behind this amazing game!

Nifty! This’l take some getting used to. But, having more functionality is nice :slight_smile:

you can’t downvote? hmmm, okay.

It’s nice feature you can pin the thread you want, instead seen only this pinned by mods. It’s a nice feature.

But somehow it doesn’t work all the time. I refreshed the second tab with forums by accident (on which I still didn’t pin the thread) and after that, the thread was suddenly unpinned.

And again: I made a post in my pinned thread. After sent, the thread was unpinned.

How do I quote posts? D:

Highlight the text you want to quote and click “Reply”


The quote bubble at the top-left of the Comment Editor

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Not a problem, and if you want to know more about some of the newer features in this forum, check out this post I made:

Isn’t that hypocritical, irrational, and one sided? You want praise to be shown in upvotes while people who disagree/downvote are hidden. That’s an echo chamber and thought policing. Yet you tout “Equality” You hate people being silenced but that’s exactly that new forums are discreetly designed to do.

Imagine a review site for restaurants that only permitted upvoting with no downvoting. It would give distorted view how many people actually like it compared to those who don’t. Yes you can spend hours reading all the comments but the point of a legitimate review metric is to gauge both negative/positive feedback.

I wanted to post this in the original thread and it was locked instantly. Because people couldn’t downvote and people started to refute it. Where did the other posts go?

Topic (You can’t even link back to Blizzard on forums, rofl…so bad)

"Something has gone wrong. Perhaps this topic was closed or deleted while you were looking at it? "

Thought Police much?

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Man, this looks so much better to be honest. :smiley:

Squad pic.


Overly cluttered and ugly. No downvotes. No links without “trust”, so no meaningful bug reports from new users. No explanation of what “trust” is. No explanation on how to earn “trust”. No way to measure “trust” gained.


Thanks for the report! We will address this. :slight_smile:

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New forums seem fine, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to put people on ignore now.

Are we still able to, or are we going to be forced for eternity to have to read every post by every reoccurring troll or idiot?

Thanks Jeff & team, looks good.