Welcome to the new forums!

PWA - nice job

Share you experience while building in a thread please ! Super interesting trend for mobile application ✓

Yeah it didn’t show up until I made a post.

But why we can’t post any links, when forums are ready for it?

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Wow! I love the look of the new forums! It looks clean, stylish, and just amazing! I can’t There’s only one problem though.

I can’t sign my posts anymore ;-;
If I do, they’ll look like this:


  • PyroPanda

See what I mean?

Do you think you can fix this pls?


I love what you guys did with the forum! It’s got a kind of “message board”-ish vibe to it, with how it portrays it’s activity and all that.

Also, no one can say no to linking videos and pictures.


lol post must be at least 20 characters and no swearing, can we return the old one?


Are you guys ever going to revisit the topic of adding real 21:9 Support into Overwatch

Love the new forums! I have to agree with what some others have said: Mobile is a little strange! Something feels not-so-smooth while scrolling. It might be faster or less precise? It feels different somehow, is that possible?

Also, I miss being able to speed-scroll to the very bottom of the page to reply, you now have to click reply (which is ok) and it’s way farther up so it’s more scrolling. I know, first world problems. Maybe I just need to get used to it, I dunno.

Also, also. Oh my goodness, the fact that it auto-saves what I type when I reply is amazing… also there’s much better ways to edit text on mobile! And this :hugs:

Finally thanks for removing downvotes but keeping upvotes. I think that’s an elegant solution to keep showing opinions without the negativity aspect!


Yay. my very first post.

You all did an amazing job!!! Thank you all for your hard work and dedication. :slight_smile:

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I hope the new forums auto-lock topics after a week or so with no replies, to stop the constant necroing of threads


Fórums rework ✓
Balance héroes :heavy_multiplication_x:

Jokes aside I suppose this has had a lot of work behind, sure It will be OK, thanks to the people who has been working hard on this project.


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Solid but whats with the 20 char limit?


No more meme responses :frowning:
…and apparently, auto-conversion of emojis. :confused:

And there was still room to be constructive, like “why pick Reaper, who does he even counter?” “Winston.”

TBH I’m expecting a lot of
No . . . . . . . . .
to bypass the character limit.

Don’t get me wrong, overall I think it’s an improvement and I’m intrigued to see it in action. I just anticipate that the people the limit was put in place for aren’t suddenly gonna become better people - they’ll work around it.


HOW do i see my Profile?

Yeah I’m not really a fan. The only improvement is that you get notified when you’re replied to. Everything else is worse.


The look is definitely cleaner and easier to read. Really surprised with the lack of new categories. This would have been the ideal time to add them.

Personally, not looking forward to the linking of video. Reddit is a nightmare to scroll through with all of the “look at my mediocre PotG” posts. Hopefully we can keep that to a minimum.


They missed the opportunity to make them red.

Click your name > A small window popups > View Profile

Btw, they need to enable at least the links to Blizzard pages… and perhaps the link-withoutlink-text that old forums had for non-Blizzard pages.

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But why posting links is forbidden now?