Welcome to the new forums!

I agree. I never liked those bars.


Whatā€™s with the like limit? Probably the dumbest thing about the forum currently IMO. And the 20 characters needed to be able to post a commentā€¦Other than that I like how new posts are real time now and you can get notifications.

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Why you set limit of posts to 10 per day?!


Great work guys! Thanks for the revisions!

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thank you Jeff kaplan

No new categories? This would have been a great time to see some organization around here, with categories like ā€œGameplay/Balanceā€, ā€œLoreā€, ā€œLooking for playersā€, etcā€¦

Not bad, I suppose. But I hope we can see those categories.


guess thatā€™s to reduce the spam . I like it . but where can I read the rules?

Hey! I know a couple of those guys!

Great looking forums! Good job team!

maybe itā€™s just me - but this new design is atrocious from a UI/UX point of view. Itā€™s also very glitchy, with pages jumping allover when clicking thingsā€¦

The layout of each post is also poorly designed - the margins hurt my head. I feel like you guys went from a decent forum, to a poorly coded javascript site by a high-school kid.


Can you make a post explaining how the levels work? Thanks!

I love the new forums. Looks really clean :slightly_smiling_face:

(I like this Emoji addition)


Will take some getting used too. I donā€™t like scrolling all the way down though. Feels weird so far.


I really donā€™t like that the forums just keep scrolling and there arenā€™t pages to look at topics. Itā€™s very modern but tracking down a topic you saw but didnā€™t actually click into is going to be alot harder.


now blue posts are orange posts? PogChamp

These new forums are much better than I expected them to be. We have so much more control now in the way that we view topics and engage. Good job!

There are blue posts and orange posts! :smiley: Orange for the Dev Tracker, blue for other Blizzard reps.


How do I change my profile picture? I didnā€™t like that it kept the one that was for my unused PC trial instead of my main PS4 account

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Looking good and loving your hard works Blizzard team. Cool to see ā€œdislikesā€ have been taken out to just likes; there were wars in the past made from dislikes. Also loving the easy access to code/emotes and other elements.

cool! :slight_smile: