Weekly Challenges are killing the game

for multiple reasons

  1. they are quasi-mandatory because of the abysmal amount of XP you get organically by just playing the game
  2. they force you to play specific game modes that you don’t usually play.
  3. they force you to flex to other roles that you don’t like playing.

Everything that I mentionned above is called anti-fun. People play video games to have fun and feel better about their everyday life.

The average Joe is already “forced” into unwanted things in real life because that’s (unfortunately) how real life works, and this is where video games are supposed to be escapes and moral boosters.

Having to deal with these crappy practices in your “free time” is just awful.

The genius behind this monetization design needs to be fired because if people are not having a great experience, they will gradually get fed up and quit.
And guess what, if people quit the game there will be less revenue and no money for salaries and no further development of the game. (surprised face)

This kind of monetization hurts everyone in the long run (devs included), except the genius person who thought this was a good idea, who will probably get hired by another greedy game owner later.


There are a couple of things they should rework:

  1. “Making Progress”
    This weekly challenge doesn’t give exp, but credits instead, I’m fine with that. BUT, since it counts for the total of weekly challenges, it means if you dont play comp at all, you are FORCED to do it IF you want to complete the 5 challenges needed for all the exp rewards (there are only 6, but with 5 you get all the exp weekly rewards), THE MAIN PROBLEM IS EVERYTIME IS HARDER TO COMPLETE THIS CHALLENGE, EVERYTIME IT REQUIERES MORE AND MORE EXP, and what about when you fully progress all heros, can you complete more times? is there some kind of reset that you can do? And that problem has been since the introduction of that challenge and they havent said anything about it.

  2. “Flex you power”
    This needs to go. Point. Not because I dont like playing other roles, but because at least for me 99.9% of the time I get, you know it, TANK. I’m tired of picking “all roles” just to get tank the majority of times.
    If we are deleting that, then IDK, increase the number of games to complete for “Change of Pace”.


This is one of the main reasons behind the challenges to begin with. Weekly and daily challenges are one of the two main cogs in Blizzard’s approach at reducing queue times in OW2.

I’m actually surprised that they did away with the role specific challenges, especially the ones that encouraged playing tanks. I’ll be watching the queues closely to see how this change affects them.


You don’t need to do weekly challenges anymore after the removal of the coins.
You can normally easily reach the end of the BP by just doing the frequent event challenges.

We never did, to be fair. I used to complete the 80 level grind by the end of week five simply through playing ranked DPS, thus completing, at most, only 5 weekly challenges, with a very modest playtime schedule.

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Yeah. I don’t think I’ve ever opened the challenges tab.
Haven’t had any problem comfortably finishing any of the BPs for the seasons I’ve played.


Yeah, BP XP is honestly generous, at least to clear the basic track of the pass. I can’t remember a time I’ve actively tried to complete challenges, and I’ll straight-up not open the game for days at a time, and I’ll usually still end up with a level in the 120-130s.

But I’m also a true flex player at this point so that’s probably helping out a lot.

It was more mandatory when it granted coins.

Considering how much xp you can get daily and through events, you don’t have to complete EVERY weekly challenge to complete BP.

I haven’t completed all the weekly challenges last season and I still ended far over 80 of BP.

I mean, no one’s holding a gun to my head and forcing me to play comp (ew) or flex (tank) queue, but I understand the frustration of having to do either to get the most out of your weeklies.

The lack of rewards is still a huge turn-off of doing those weeklies I don’t like as well. In OW1, leveling up got you a lootbox with a guaranteed 3 grays and a blue, and if they were duplicates then that’s an easy 30 credits to save towards whatever you wanted (aka, save for Anniversary and go nuts lol). Now we get 80 rewards max (if we bought the battlepass) unless you really grind out the 200 levels for the name cards. And then you get squat for going beyond 200 levels.

The current method of exp gain really doesn’t suit how I game, though, so I continue to be highly biased to OW1’s method. I typically pick up a game for like 3 weeks, play til I’m sick of it, then ignore it exists for like 2 months lol. This worked fine in OW1 since I only missed out on the 3 arcade loot boxes, but in OW2, missing a month’s worth of dailies and weeklies is a big hit to exp gain.

(Thank you, event challenges, for supplementing my lack of playtime lol.)

This is why I think weekly challenges are keeping this game afloat.

There’d be even far less Tank players without it.


I wouldn’t mind this changes if they made battle-passes permanent.

Let’s not forget when people complained about the old challenges that specifically asked you to play in the All Roles queue. Those complaints are why we now have the generic “play x number of matches” challenges. Looks like the tank/support/damage weekly challenges are gone as well for this season.

This game isn’t meant to be fun, it’s meant to be a job or you can swipe the card to get a hit of dopamine once you get fed up with how long it takes.

They don’t care, they’re not going to remove the BP when they should as well as the shop and they won’t make XP better, why do you think PvE was even partly canceled? Because that would be a fun way to get endless XP and finish your BP. They want you to get fed up and just buy to max.

So if you ignore all roles games, and do only comp or qp, you will get 3 lvls. If you do them all you get 5. Are 2 levels a week really that big of a deal? Especially when dailies are a level.

One of the 6 challenges is to do 20 games queued as all roles.

Those challenges used to be more prevalent. Play x matches on all roles, win x matches on all roles, play all roles in competitive, win competitive games on all roles, etc… I very distinctly remember it being an issue that there were too many “all roles” challenges and not enough “play the game” challenges. There’s a challenge now where you just have to emote to your team.

It has the same 20 matches on all roles. Other challenges that generally required specific roles were mitigate 32k dmg (tank) and heal 52k (support) the last one was deal 100k dmg which was easily done on pretty much any role.

And doing 20 all roles games would likely get the 32k mitigated and heals done.

So in the end it is still roughly the same amount of games on roles people might not want to play. But it’s a level or 2, who cares.

Tell Blizzard to stop being greedy and give us lootboxes or the good currency again if we are to torture ourselves joining as tank. I’ll even accept 6 vs. 6 again because of how awful things are.

I had, in the past, suggested something to that effect. :popcorn:

Some personal considerations:

  • I undoubtedly appreciated the type of reorganization of the challenges. I like that there are a little less specific challenges such as healing, damage mitigation, etc. The most unbearable is certainly that of assists, since perhaps at least half of the roster is unable to provide them.
  • I… I CAN understand and accept that overall the EXP is lower through the weekly challenges, the flow of attendance is important to maintain. However, this must not lead to fewer challenges being offered in events. for example Hanaoka was proposed without challenges for the occasion, something that until the previous season was done to encourage testing. However, there must be the same balance that there was previously to be able to complete the season.
  • I didn’t appreciate at all that the challenge of the 8 levels of progression remained, which is what becomes more and more complicated or impossible over time. I’m sorry, but for me it’s already optional not to do comps.
  • I have no specific comments on monetization: the skins are not less expensive than before, but at least it is not a forced labor that you receive weekly for only 60 coins over a prohibitive period of time. it’s just more… “comfortable” the purchasing power you can get. Rather, the monetization continues to be questionable in terms of price, if one day we find ourselves with free skins via twitch drops as is happening now for Roadhog Cicplote or other skins before him;
  • Queuing on all roles is understandably a problem because most of the time it will be tanky. the challenge will perhaps help the game… but it doesn’t help the player’s patience, and we return to the old problem from before.
  • my biggest criticism is in the credits: they continue to be the worst currency in the game, and the shop offers nothing for them to deserve a personal slot in the battle pass today (before they were always accompanied by something else);
  • The prism system is fine… but if I think that some heroes have had mythical skins treated better in terms of customization (see genji cyberdemon) compared to other skins (see Orisa, only many recolors and the spear does not change with the variant of the weapon)… it is very wrong that they all have the same cost with too many differences in things you get in the various purchase lines. in particular the most serious is Tracer: the special effects of the skin reach their peak with the variant of the knight’s helmet. watch it from here, min 23:00 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVF1BcpPngA

I have many ideas that I would gladly implement into the game:

  • it might be useful to adopt a priority system in which in “all roles” after having tanked twice consecutively… the third match will 100% be another of the two non-tank roles. this way I would get much less tired playing tanks all the time.
  • you have to give me at least 3 challenges that I can do without doing on a weekly basis.
  • in my opinion blizzard is deliberately avoiding selling battle passes directly for money because in some countries it is forbidden to sell a product that you then risk not completing. therefore they sell the coins with which to then buy the BP to circumvent this criticism. But in my opinion it won’t be sustainable in the near future: they would be quicker to remove the battle pass limit (so you complete it whenever you want even after the end of the season), sell it directly for $10 and give a little more freedom to the coin market with the shop, between earnings and gameplay.
  • they could use the credits… to purchase the contents of previous battle passes. I mean, if I missed Ramattra Poseidon (available in the season 2 battle pass) I can buy it with credits. in this way the credits would have their own meaning to be included in the premium battle pass circuit.
  • to give greater power to the credits, offer the OW1 content bundles at PRICES IN CREDITS instead of necessarily in coins. gamers don’t appreciate it at all when they sell you old contents with too many precious coins, and seeing it offered in the shop is an insult to their intelligence as buyers.
  • Stop giving specific skins in the twitch drops… but rather “coupons” to unlock a certain content from the gallery. maybe break them down by category: a skin on a tank hero? a skin released from season 4? this way you don’t negatively influence the perception we have with every purchase of a new skin and then regret it in the future. At the same time, they would in no way boycott the current value of coins in their current economy.