Week 15 Overwatch League Hero Pool Draw - Orisa, Mei, Tracer, and Moira removed

So that means this upcoming week with be Brig Zen Winston Dva Echo Sombra dive comps again? ooo

not you posting this after the last hero reveal…you waited

No Tracer? My god I can play Brig finally; no more getting farmed from just outside my range, then getting stickied with extreme prejudice every 90 seconds

wtf how do you only have time on brig

Dedication and a bit of craziness (this isnt the only account I play though, just the one I use for forums lol)

Ana escapes the ban hammer again? :thinking:

She was barely picked at all in OWL the past 2 weeks. Like, at all.

Last week was Brig Zen 90% of the time, this week was Moira Lucio 90% of the time.

You do realize that there are no current hero bans at any rank in Competitive at this time right? (see my starting post for details)

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Because in OWL the last week, Zen, Lucio, Moira, and Baptiste were all used more than Ana

Ana was niche since Reinhardt and Brigitte were banned

I do wish they would keep it this way even in masters+. All I am hearing from other people in GM on Twitter is how NICE this week is with no bans. We all rlly missed freedom :sob:

Just a heads up on spelling, because I struggled with this, too. Cavalry is the word you’re looking for.

Calvary is used in Biblical context. I remember how to distinguish the two by which word the L comes first in, and remember Jesus = Love. So caLvary is the gospel one. (Not trying to bring religion into the topic, so no ban plz. XD Just trying to help you un-confuse the words. lol)

Yeah you are right, sorry trying to type the sentences quickly and I am bound to make mistakes.

By the ways, I am not a moderator… your fate will be decided by others (just kidding)…

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Haha, no prob. Lots of people mix those words up a lot, no big. :slight_smile: Didn’t mean to grammar police you. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for making these threads, though!

:crab: Mei is banned :crab:

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dang I’m good


Gee where have I heard that before :thinking:

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YAYYYYY! MEI IS BANNED! It didn’t take a cat! It’s a miracle!